all I want is an autistic fembot to talk to. anyone?
All I want is an autistic fembot to talk to. anyone?
why does it have to be a fembot, sexist.
because I get along with them better than guys. I'm not looking for a gf. just friends
yeah sure
[email protected]
send me ur discord!!!
Yeah sure :3
Post your discord [i can't because i'm stalked by bad people].
All the fembots I've talked to from here are clearly autistic I'm not sure why you're having difficulty finding one
>stalked by bad people
what the fuck are you 12
you can send it to me here
[email protected]
You mean you want a young white stacy with mental illnesses or just plain shy
Send me yours too fembot.
What about an autistic femborg?
You're just looking for someone to talk to, right?
I need friends. I just get along with girls better
Throwaway mail?
All I want is an autistic slutty fembot to pump and dump.
I had one of those. She still stalks me.
Dont do it if you value your safety
I'll give her a fake name and number. How did you find her? Just lurking here?
All I want is an autistic fembot to play games and be affectionate with. Not necessarily love or have a relationship with (though that's possible), just affectionate female company.
No, freshmen year in highschool we were both in the retard special ed class and one of the teachers told her that she should talk to me because I looked sad. Then she turned out to be a total weeb that was under 100 pounds so I feel in love and said yes when she asked me out. She did it super cringey in front of my friends so I really wanted to say no there but I wasn't going to let that ruin my only shot.
talk to me user
friendly reminder that G.I.R.L.
do they have to have literal autism? i dont have that mental illness
No but I do like socially awkward/introverted/whatever girls.
autistist arent awkward, they arent aware of their weirdness
>lowkey want a fembot or autistic girl or virgin whatever to talk to
>don't want to ask or make a thread about it cause there's 50 niggas who have done the same thing and i feel like an ultra faglord doing it
anyone know this feel?
You won't find them here
They're all on tumblr, with the nerd ones on leddit
I want an autistic fembot to fall in love with and make mine forever
Thats fine too. I don't mind.
I am mentally ill but not autistic(officially) Does that matter?
Are you a bpd or schizo fembot? I see those way more often than the autist ones. I can only guess the autist ones hang out on tumblr which pushes the other fembots here.
it really doesn't matter that much
See Pls love me
Im a schizo, yes. I wasnt aware there were many female schizos around, I thought they were all bpd.
What is you contact schizo qt
schizo here
lets make schizo babies
What specifically happens to you? Is it life ruining? Does it make it impossible to get a bf?
It is pretty life ruining, although in my case its compounded by the fact that people treated me like garbage because of it.
> Does it make it impossible to get a bf?
Its impossible to do most things, so yes.
Tell more
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Genetically abhorrent scum. Your kind would be the first to be targeted by my eugenics program were I God Emperor
Its not a good idea to do so. I'll just be met with more shitposting.
Do you have a throwaway you can tell me about it with
plz femanon, I'm actually really interested in it. edgy shitposts are just something we have to ignore.
Clingy boi detected
I don't want to date someone with mental issues, as I'm chadlite, but I do like hearing about people's lives.
I do not have a throwaway, so unless you have one then this is where we part ways. Sorry user
Not him but I'm curious. Do you prefer a throwaway email or discord?
I do have one
[email protected]
Are autistic girls okay with boys that have eating disorders?