>tfw no summer love edition
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just did a diarrohea poopy shit in my pants
how you feel about this lads?
First for big floppy boobies
about to go and wash the car lids
It really sucks his channel got closed
got more sympathy for nonces than people with foot fetishes desu
any horny boys in.
really need to pop one off at the moment
I think it would be extremely shit to put all that work into getting a six pack and then realise that you've got asymmetrical abs.
I don't have a foot fetish but I wouldn't mind cumming on a milfs feet, then her armpit then her unshaved bush
Good advice but the people who will listen to it are the people who just want to validate their own lazy or shitty lifestyle choices. i.e fat women or lazy nerds
Made it a cheeky webm for you titlod. I apologize if the quality is shit I've never made one before
>Snes controller delivered
>Link To The Past loaded up
just waiting for this heat to pass tonight and I'll be comfy as fuck
It's ok to be white, Iods
is the lad who plays rimworld here? or anyone who plays rimworld? is it worth the money and how hard is it to learn? looks like theres alot of things to keep track of, also how long do they games normally last?
sorry but i dont listen to the opinions of racists
Shlomo Shekelstein SEETHING
Racist scum. KYS
I work in a shitty regional office of a massive PLC and the board are visiting today.
Seeing the way people have been grovelling to them all day, and the extravagant buffet laid on for them when we've just been told the company will no longer pay for our teabags and milk, has turned me into a communist.
really good lad, i love it.
clothed tits are so good.
I mean sure you're not always going to be shredded all year round but putting on that much weight in a day is odd.
leftypol arent gonna like this lad
it's okay not to give a fuck what colour people are lad.
I don't think so lad. It doesn't justify it at all.
I think it means that if you look like the photo on the right, or close to it, then you're fine. You don't need to beat yourself up trying to look like the photo on the left.
It's ok to want to live in an all white community.
>it's another forced "family" gathering that is inevitably going to end in arguments like it always does episode
haha WOAH checkout this facist nazi SHITLORD lmao
>putting on that much weight in a day is odd.
its 11 days lad
time to move out and never do that shit anymore
It is, but if you can't afford it, it doesn't justify genocide.
people like you make me sick tbph
I'm confused at what I'm meant to be reading? Is he saying he's sorry for not having abs all the time? I thought it was common knowledge that the definition of abs fluctuates over time
I have moved out but my mum has me by the balls still. It's complicated to explain but I've explained it here before if anyone remembers.
Also now that I have a gf they want to drag her into their stupid shit as well. Fuck this, I would rather just be alone with my gf than have to take her to see my "family"
Stop paying the bills.
Stop talking to your family.
well fun lad, thought it was shite before but now I absolutely love it, the only game I play now.
muh genocide
oy vey
UGH! Stop being RACIST! omg like I cant even right now
Watching anime in the break room again
I'd like there to be a genocide of the English so you and everyone you love are killed by the government for no reason at all.
>stop paying the bills
And lose my flat and my job
>stop talking to your family
And lose my flat and my job
I told you it's not so simple
You were told to play chrono trigger you bastard
creepy tranny at work is watching some weird cartoons in the break room again
Lads recently I've become more angrier and I'm constantly horny to the point of where I fucked a pillow and I've been eating way more food than I usually do and I'm hungry often, what the fuck is going on?
UH OK! Looks like another libcuck is t-t-t-TRIGGERED! lmao praise kek
Yeah but that lad has tried. How many of the people online supporting him have even been to the gym. People who have doubts about their selfimage or worth should at least give it a serious go before dimissing those thoughts. If after trying your best you think you were happy doing what you wanted then it's only after gaining that experience thar yu can make an informed judgement.
>what the fuck is going on?
you've finally hit puberty
Your period will be over in a week
t Abudulaziz Semtexstani Backpackabad Manchersterarenastani
Should have explained lad.
Just don't it introduce her to them matey.
But I'm 18 lad
quick rundown of why u cant have nothing to do with them / how your mum has you by the balls?
Lookin to catch a flight home tomorrow after 2 weeks in Portugal and me mums cracking up like I'm doing something wrong
Basically holding me prisoner here to make her feel good
I paid for 1/3rd of the holiday so it's not like I'm being ungrateful 2 weeks is just my limit
Any advice lads?
Probably loads of them have been to the gym. I don't know anyone who hasn't been to the gym.
I'm a man you nonce, bet you'd like that wouldn't you.
Been chortling to myself about this meme all day lads, it's so fucking stupid but it gets to me
Do your parents have a Villa there or something?
angry depression
>e must be a paki
Unfunny thick virgin with no mates and no money
Ok, who did it? Who upset the perpetually butthurt shitskin poster?
You're in heat. Go outside and start howling and lasses will come running to breed
i lost my virginity to a girl who got tricked by chad into fucking me because he said he'd only fuck her if she fucked me first, trying to reject her because he assumed she wouldnt do it
your mum gets her butt hurt by shitskins lmao
I'm not sad lad
If I put on lynx lad will they be howling for me?
considering becoming a flasher out in the woods, ill move around to different woodlands and different times obviously
Ugh why cant men just say 'no' if they're not interested?
Anyone can dream
based chad??
hmmm, an obscure feel.
t. Abu Bin Qiddi Fuqqin
>the woods
what you're gonna flash badgers or something?
No lad we booked an apartment as a family
I don't see whey they are so bent out of shape
They should have known I might not stay for a whole 19 days
Downloaded Watchdogs. Bored less than ten minutes in, uninstalled.
no im gonna wait until i see some women there and flash them instead
Gotta put your foot down lad. You've had a lovely time but you've been there long enough
Do women wander around the woods?
he was like
>i'll fuck you, but only if you fuck user first hahaha
in front of all of his friends because he thought he was simultaneously mocking me and the girl
yeah i have mixed feelings about it, on the one had i got to lose my virginity, however when i found out it was only so she could try and fuck chad i did feel kinda shitty
You could grow up, but I can'r see it happening.
>you can do mine while your at it hahaha
you seem them jogging and walking dogs here sometimes yea
Whats there to grow up about?
Too late, we all work together so she pretty much knew her already
I've moved out but I'm renting a flat that she bought, that she basically just shoved me into so that I would stop being an eyesore in their house but she could still keep me wrapped around her little finger. I also work at the same place as her because I was a NEET until she got fed up of trying to get me to get a job so she just gave me a job where she works.
So basically she is my boss AND my landlady. She could probably make me homeless anytime
Least you go one in the bag desu. Women have sex for all kinds of stupid reasons dont worry about it
>Mama I want to get back to Blighty so that I can drive my Audi around because I'm a posh jet set cunt.
OK LAD. We get it. You're rich and you can afford exotic holidays. Is that what you want? For all of us to fucking bow down to the lord and master with his fancy Portuguese villa and his Audi?
How do wypipo benefit from diversity, lads?
Oof sounds pretty rough, I hate holidays as it is. One week is bad enough, can't imagine being made to go for two whole weeks or more. Would go mental and have to book my own flight home
Just stop acting like a spoiled child, but it's patent you're not going to so just get on the plane and stop whining about it.
Everyone benefits from diversity.
>user gets arrested
wow lad leftypol wont like this
Muh food, muh better economy, muh enriched culture, muh opportunities to self-flagellate
They get to have their children raped and bullied, lad. Don't forget kebabs and curry
Hardly lad I'm an autist on bennies not rich at all u cunt
Whatever you say lad
It sure is spoiled to go home from somewhere I paid for
yea thats the main thing that worries me, i was thinking about limiting it to one flash a day in one area then either going home or moving on
Semi-finals of the World Cup
Ok. How do white people specifically benefit from ethnic diversity?
OMG stop being so RACIST you evil white males!
>Oh yes when Kate Moss was at my villa in San Tropez I shared my bennies with her
Bennies must be millions now then. When i was on bennies I could barely afford to eat let alone jet set on glamourous locations.
There's a Chinese fella on my street with a really floofy dog that I pet sometimes
just have a wank lad, and you wont want to do it anymore