What do you guys think of jewish sense of humor?

What do you guys think of jewish sense of humor?

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Jews own comedy.

Jerry Seinfeld's pretty funny.

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Larry David's pretty funny.

What about the less tame ones?

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Jews and blacks are great at comedy. White people need to step up.

Can you give any examples? I'm not fond of Jews.

Idk i dont really watch that many comedians
What do whitey have now? Amy schumer?

My point is, they are weird towards kids.

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Literally who the fuck cares about James Gunn
I don't even know who that is
This is your fault for using Twitter user

No you just don't get jokes, whitey.

I don't know man, this is a very odd trend.

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White priests have been molesting kids forever.

That doesn't even prove she's jewish. You got desperate fast

Do you think it's supernatural? Ghosts are making priests molest kids?

No, that's a small portions that perpetrated this sort of thing. And the jewish media makes sure to blow it up the the stratosphere, even though the hollywood pedo problem is several orders of magnitude more serious.
I'm sure it's also a coincidence that hollywood is run by jews.

And by the way, i have a theory that the pedo priests are the socialists that infiltrated the catholic church during the cold war. There are literally thousands of them.

Priests have been molesting kids before the cold war. It's a time honoured tradition.

Like i said it's just a theory. I don't to what extent what you said is true though.
But then again, the hollywood pedo problem is far greater, also the incidence of molestation is greater at public schools than it is at the catholic church.
But in order to attack the problem in the public schools you would have to pick a fight with the socialist teacher's unions, which is something that the jewish media is not interested in.

>That doesn't even prove she's jewish. You got desperate fast
Right, it just means she is ethnicly jewish.

In Canada, priests couldn't stop molesting kids in residential schools. It's history. Your story is based on being an insecure white guy.

I think you are the one taking this personally.
If you have a problem with pedos, why are you excusing jews? Why are you so eager to deflect?

Polfags clearly are overly sensitive about jokes, maybe they need a trigger warning next time.

So you think pedophilia is funny...

so you think a swastika is funny?

Did i say they are?

yeah anything can be funny, I'm not a sensitive faggot. genocide, 9/11, rape, it's all funny because I'm not an autist who is incapable of disassociating irony and sincerity.

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so you're aware jokes are jokes and aren't based in reality, because if they were they probably wouldn't be funny would they?

Or German or Dutch.

You're defending actual pedos and going after jokes.

this is redundant jews own everything

I don't think it's irony when it's acompanied by a systemic pedo problem within the jewish comminity.

Yeah it is pretty funny user

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>You're defending actual pedos and going after jokes.
How so?
I saying there are thousands of jewish pedos in hollywood and they joke about it. How am i defending them?

so I guess when a white person makes a joke about genocide and slavery we should take it sincerely because they have a systemic history of doing both of those things?

Obviously not.

>so I guess when a white person makes a joke about genocide and slavery we should take it sincerely because they have a systemic history of doing both of those things?
Slavery was practiced by literally everyone.
It's even said in the talmud that the goym will be a slave of the jews when their messiah arrives.
Also it was the blacks who created the atlantic slave trade.

And by the way. I'm ok if they make those jokes in israel. I just don't like when they make it in our countries.
If someone makes a joke about slavery or genocide within their own group, i don't see a problem with that. But i would completelly understand if someone received punishment for making a joke about slavery in libera for example.

No you're saying they joke about it so they must be pedos, then ignoring actual pedos.

Tends to either be incredibly self depreciating or totally irreverent but in a weird detached way rather than an openly hostile one, both derive their humour from a pretty bleak outlook on the absurdity of human existence. I honestly think Jews are so inclined towards relativistic post structuralist ideologies becuase their genetic predisposition for mental health issues means a lot of them are deeply depressed and somewhat depersonalized which lends itself to such detached modes of thought. Makes for really good comedy though.

No, there is a systemic pedophilia problem in hollywood. Most of hollywood executives are jews. And when they joke about it and get called on it, the jewish media goes out of their way to defend them, as we can see with the james gunn example.

MIB doesn't even do anything anymore, why are people giving him shit?

I mean you can't even find stella anywhere

>But i would completelly understand if someone received punishment for making a joke about slavery in libera for example.
I don't even know why I bothered honestly. in the world of the polfag, people can be ethically justified in going to jail for making jokes.

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Why would they put up with that?

There are a lot of pedojokes on Jow Forums
Would you say Jow Forums has been compromised at this point?

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why shouldn't they put up with that?

I know there used to be something called pizza wednesday on /b/. Would i excuse those people? No.

I used to think it was funny before Jow Forums injected me with it's neurotic horse shit. Now I can't enjoy anything.

Because it's their country, they should run it accordig to what's best for them. If they find it offensive, they have no reason to put up with it.

That's disgusting Jow Forums should be shut down.
The rape of a child is never funny.

so you believe people's rights end where their feelings begin?

Thankfully we have Jow Forums to keep people in check.

Go back to faggot, and go kys while youre at it

amy schumer is jewish, retard

>people's rights
What you talking about?
I mentioned liberia in my example. In their country, liberians are the ones to decided what the rules are.

I thought it was obvious, but I'm assuming you support trigger warnings, safe spaces, political correctness, etc?

No, i don't support any of that.
I support the right of the host population to dictate the rules of their own country.

Then literally who do whitey have?
Chevy Chase?

Reminder to fellow Jow Forumsusers.
Report this vile shit where ever you see it.
At least we can keep Jow Forums free of this filth.

>Defently not a jewish invention

The true state and religion of europe is paganism nigger.

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Obviously you live in a western country, which all institutionally support political correctness, safe spaces, trigger warnings, etc, especially academia, universities, basic TV. Count dankula got in trouble for making a joke about the holocaust based on the law, a decided upon rule.

So, I think you obviously would have to support your own countries legislation on humour?

That simply goes to show that multiculturalism doesn't work.
You have to many conflicting values to say the least.
Certainly those legislations were not all created by my people and many of them do not serve my people's interests.

>No, that's a small portions that perpetrated this sort of thing.
They we're in major churches that's why
>And the jewish media makes sure to blow it up the the stratosphere
It got blown up because the church is important the people who done it are important and the people who hid it were important
>And the jewish media makes sure to blow it up the the stratosphere
This almost tops the lizards are in the Whitehouse and are controlling us shit.

has very little to do with multiculturalism, Bill Clinton who used the term "political correctness" and supported it had a very strong white Democrat support base. Obviously, whites supported him, thus they support making it so offensive humour should be outlawed. And it's also interesting too, the under the last two Tory governments, British people are getting in trouble just for saying offensive things online, and the Tories have an overwhelmingly white major support base.

I'm glad then you agree with the average liberal, people's humour should be regulated and contained, and the sensitivities of others should be respected. The feelings of others is more important than my right to say what I want.

You missed the point.
Pedophilia greater in hollywood and in the public school system than it is in the catholic church. Yet they go after the church. They blow up the proportion of them problem and ignore the same thing when it happens in their own backyard.

If cultural marxism means legal necrophilia sign me the fuck up.

>has very little to do with multiculturalism, Bill Clinton who used the term "political correctness" and supported it had a very strong white Democrat support base. Obviously, whites supported him, thus they support making it so offensive humour should be outlawed. And it's also interesting too, the under the last two Tory governments, British people are getting in trouble just for saying offensive things online, and the Tories have an overwhelmingly white major support base.
It is multiculturalism because this legislations came from foreign lobby groups.
Do you think it was a white person who decide came up with the term islamophobia?? Whose interests do you think that serve?? The interests from whites who position themselves against mass immigration and who try to expose the rampant rape and terrorism perpetrated by muslims or does it serve to draw attention aways from the muslims commiting those things?
Clinton didn't serve the interests of white people. He was caught receiving money from China in exchange for allowing China to obtain sensitive american military technology.
These people serve globalist interests which end up turning the country into multicultural societies.

You should expose it and eradicate it wherever it takes root user

Unless your just using pedophilia as a stick to beat your political opponent?
I hope not.

>You should expose it and eradicate it wherever it takes root user
I agree. I'm seriously thinking about converting to orthodoxy because of the current state of the catholic church.
But the point is that they activelly try to protect the jews who are heavily involved with pedophilia.

But there is like zero proof. Priests actually molested kids.

The Clinton finance controversy had nothing to do with exchanging military technology, and the first person to use the term Islamophobia was a French person who converted to Islam. So when the overwhelmingly white supported Tory government limits free speech and humour, it's actually because of a conspiracy by outside influence to do that and the whites that keep voting for them are just having their hands forced in the ballot box.

You never denied you support limiting the freedom of speech and rights of others because of the sensitivities of others.

>The Clinton finance controversy had nothing to do with exchanging military technology, and the first person to use the term Islamophobia was a French person who converted to Islam
The fact is that it happened regardless of the official reason for his impeachment.
The point i was making about islamophobia is that this is a buzzword to censor whites from defending their people against muslims. And you said yourself, it was created by a muslim.

People don't have to vote for this. But they do. Some of them gebuinely agree with it, others are just stupid and follow propaganda or are riddled woth white guilt. But it doesn't deny the fact that it create a conflict of values system.

>You never denied you support limiting the freedom of speech and rights of others because of the sensitivities of others.
I said i support the host population deciding whats in their best interest and going with that.