If robots truly are smarter then normies, why can't we do basic social interactions...

If robots truly are smarter then normies, why can't we do basic social interactions? Why are we too retarded to make friends?

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>If robots truly are smarter then normies
I dont know about that but as for the rest of your question there are different types of intelligence. Someone whos amazing at math could have awful social/emotional intelligence and vice versa

why are athletes so smart at athletics but so dumb with finance?

There are different types of intelligence. There is no ONE intelligence. It's a spectrum.

how do i find out how to be intelligent at something

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Robots are not smarter than normies, they just have more free time to think about life.

There is only one type of intelligence.
What you are talking about is specialized knowledge and or experiance/practice.

>Robots are not smarter than normies, they just have more free time to think about life.
Somehow i keep coming to dumb conclusions. user how do i not be dumb dumb

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I like how robots cope with being losers by pretending theyre smart.

>y-yeah well my iq is really high at least!!
>stay at home neet contributing nothing to society

Even if you look at it this way social skills can just be seen as a result of experience/practice and OPs question is still retarded.

Your intelligence is determined by your IQ not the money you make. Just because someone is a NEET doesn't mean they can't understand organic chemistry, physics, or calculus.

my iq is bad and i cope with being a loser by being nice on the internet. Suck it dumb dumb!

>stay at home neet contributing nothing to society
You act like this is a disqualifier for intelligence. Maybe the neet has simply decided he doesnt care about the society. There is no inherent law of morality that says caring about society is the correct thing to do because morals themselves are subjective. Being a neet isnt necessarily incorrect even if most of us see it as bad thing.

My point was that most robots are stupid and they mistakenly think theyre smart because they lack in other areas. Either way, even if someone is really intelligent it doesnt matter if they dont apply it to anything or havent accomplished anything with it. Its like bragging about having the ability to touch your tongue to your nose, nobody gives a shit

He's not smart because smart people are curious and constantly learning new things. If your entire life consists of animu and vidya you are not smart.

You can learn more things as a NEET reading books in the library or learning online tutorials than someone working many hours a week.

Lmao the strawman you're attacking is getting more and more specific. First hes a neet now you add "literally his entire life is anime and video games".

>Either way, even if someone is really intelligent it doesnt matter if they dont apply it to anything or havent accomplished anything with it.
I agree with this part of your point. Being smart isnt inherently better either especially if you're a miserable fuck.

You will only learn superficial knowledge. A NEET will not even have a fraction of the knowledge of math and science than someone with an actual degree in the subject.

Some NEETs have Autistic special interests where they can't stop until they learn everything about a subject. They end up learning more than the normie who just wants to pass tests.

I don't care about contributing or interacting with society so I don't care if I'm a loser. The only consequences are internet people thinking badly of me. In the outside world they'd think badly of me and I'd be forced to be around them.

When you spend all your time in your head the outside world becomes a very scary place.

Not necessarily. I can only speak for computer science and I cant speak for graduate degrees in the topic but pretty much everything you learn is freely available online/in cheap textbooks. A sufficiently motivatef neet could easily learn as much as someone going to college for it. This isnt just speculation either there are tons of examples of amazing self taught programmers.

False. When has such a NEET ever become a scientific genius who btfo's PhD's? That's right, never. It's just a fantasy of brainlet NEETs.

A sufficiently motivated neet would go to college for it.

Self taught programmers are pure shit 99% of the time.

And if the neet gets a degree then goes back to being a neet after? Does he suddenly become "not smart"? This absolutist argument that neets literally CAN NOT be smart is brainlet teir.

Thomas Edison never went to college. He BTFOed PhDs.

The neet will not get a degree, that's the whole point. He doesn't have the necessary intelligence and diligence to get a PhD.

Edison was more like Steve Jobs. He was a businessman making money off the inventions of others.

He had 1093 patents. At least some of them had to be his own inventions.

>The neet will not get a degree
I could almost guarantee that there have been neets that have gotten degrees. Its obvious have a very specific type of person in mind when you say "neet" that goes beyond the actual definition of the term.

its obvious you have

Yes, he did have a good understanding of things. But you can't say he was anywhere close to btfo'ing PhD's. Just like Steve Jobs.

>No Education Employment or Training

>NEET with a degree

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The literal definition of NEET means not a uni student. If you fap to animu in the basement all day you will not get a degree ever. If you get a degrew you will have worked hard for it and therefore not a NEET.

Steve jobs was just famous for the iPod and iPhone. It didn't change the world for the better. Also most PhDs don't end up inventing anything so he BTFOed the majority of them.

They're knowledgeable in some areas and completely retarded in others.

Sadly for them, they know all the shit that won't help them be happy.

do I need to say " neets that have gone on to obtain degrees" for you to get it? Obviously they would cease to be a neet when getting a degree. Let me spell this out for you slowly. You said
>The neet will not get a degree
you're definition of a neet is
>No Education Employment or Training
so you're arguing that no one that has, for example sat around for a year just having fun after highschool ends cold possibly get a degree because they must be too dumb. Brainlet teir

>oh you didnt go to college right away after highschool ended and were a neet for 1 semester? Damn bro better not even try now because since you were a neet and neets CAN NOT get degrees as they are too dumb ()
theres no point now

Most PhDs have no patents or inventions at all. Edison had 1093. Of course he BTFOed them.

the most sexually successful iq decade for men is 80-90, as intelligence increases the amount of sex you have decreases.

oops, forgot this pic

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t. Brainlet incel making shit up who can't even spell "decile"

If that were true a brainler like you would have fucked 100 girls by now

never heard that world before desu, but i'm don't make anything up, what do i look like a normie trying to force my world view without any back up but "go outside"?


analysis paralysis and self-fulfilling prophecies, we exaggerate our personal flaws instead of what we're naturally gifted that and become our own worst enemy as a consequence

decade: a set, series, or group of ten, in particular.

decile did seem more accurate though.

>the only reason incels can't get laid is now because we don't know every word

Incels are brainlets and neets. That's why they don't get sex.

I like how you think contributing to a society that hates you (as a robot/incel) is somehow making you better and not a total cuck.

That's from fucking high school you retard. As adults, intelligent men who want sex can get it easily. Women find intelligence attractive, and it's correlated with other attractive traits such as success and looks.

If you are so smart how come you won't fix your life?

Wagecuck on suicide watch in an original way.

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your autism is a spectrum

women objectively don't want any guy they didn't want in high school, if you were the total unlovable loser in high school you have to take that secret with you to grave because it will dry up any pussy the second they learn of it even if you've become king of the world since then. incels also wouldn't ever be able to tell anyone they were incels for their entire lives now, because women shut out all of certain men like a conspiracy, though really they just don't want to be the one who saved the guy.

how come my life being in shambles means i'm not smart. i got a 94 on the asvab, perfect in every physical test like depth perception and crap like that. i'm genetically fit enough that the navy offered me 21k just to sign up but not good enough to get laid apparently.

>high school girls have the same taste as adult girls
This is why you are a virgin, brainlet.

they might want more and better than they did in high school, but trust me they don't suddenly want any guys they didn't want in high school.

>if you are so smart and intelligent how come you dont know how to interact with people and how come you dont just "get over" your mental disabilities you dummy?"

Thats what you sound like brainlet.

>There is only one type of intelligence
>What you are talking about is specialized knowledge and or experiance/practice
That IS the only type of intelligence.

>intelligence=ability to interact with other people

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>tfw too smart to socialize with normies

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You are a high school dropout virgin NEET why do you think you know what women like? Obviously you don't

why do you think you know what women don't like?

But society is fucked anyway, surely being able to rise above it and disconnect from this shit is far more admirable than allowing your life to be dictated by the slace-like conformism and wasteful consumerism of those around you

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We're smarter at being dumber.