See girl that looks like pic related at work that has done CrossFit for 5 years

>See girl that looks like pic related at work that has done CrossFit for 5 years
>I’m a 6’2” fatass that’s never lifted and she always talks shit about how much stronger she is than guys
>She challenges us to come to (not in) her “box” to see
>She does a 110 lb clean and jerk, 125 bench , and 185 squat one rep
>I beat all of hers by at least 10 lbs and could probably do more

Am I lucky that I’m a man? I feel like I am wasting my potential by not lifting.

Attached: B7D42AE8-45EE-43B8-8DE7-104AF103942D.jpg (750x1337, 212K)

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I fucking hate women who do crossfit shit because 99% of them think they are hot fire togh shit,women who are alpha and aggressive are disgusting

wait she wants to box you?

She was a fool for thinking she was objectively stronger, but it is very likely she out-lifts you by body weight.

Unrelated but is Clean and Jerk mostly a leg exercise?

I can only OHP 125 so should I do that for Clean and Jerk as well?

>She does a 110 lb clean and jerk, 125 bench , and 185 squat one rep

a 14 y.o high school boy can do that

thats why you dick them into submission

Op here

I agree she is proportionately stronger but proportionate strength is meaningless outside of competitions

That girl was a savage! I want to impregnate her and have a son so powerful he kills me at the age of 13 and succeeds as the patriarch of the family.