Brooke played you all, she's just an attention seeking, attention deprived, sexual deprived money hungry whore

brooke played you all, she's just an attention seeking, attention deprived, sexual deprived money hungry whore

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People actually give money to people they meet on r9k? What the fuck

implying they met on here

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Fuck anyone that orbits, because I hate to see people become this successful from mindless morons like beta orbiters.

Who (in the literal sense)?

You must hate Twitch then

What does a 14 year old spend 18k on??

You can find a good used car for that much

People are so fucking dumb
>tfw you realize people like this are in the top 90% of humanity because they can operate a computer, putting them at 85+ IQ





Are you kidding? You could buy a new car for that.

Imagine getting tens of thousands of dollars just because you are a female

I would like that gook femanon to explain herself out of this one.

And women here will still doubt just how much better they have it than any male

Do Orbiters have a cuck fetish?

Where do I find this? I'm literally working shit jobs just to pay for school. Where can I be a fucking useless girl and get paid for it? I would love to fucking know.

fuck off whore, we're not gonna hold your hand through the process of you realizing your attention slutting destiny.

The only explaining she has to do is to Chad about HIS new used car/mobile fuckroom, everything else is clear as spring water, you tiny weewee onions cuckolds got played once again

I always said i would never take money from anyone on Jow Forums, and i never have. robots are friends, not pay pigs. stop trying to expose something i already exposed. its lazy and petty.

But you do take money from men for doing absolutely nothing for them,right?

Say this to me off of user mode and we can discuss it brooke#1911

If not idrc what your opinion is just stop being annoying and petty for no reason, u guys r like middle school girls, its pathetic. no wonder so many of you cant get gfs, you act like the gf.

Looking forward to neural network voice generators and performance imitation to completely level this playing field

enjoy your time in the sun roasties, because the men are going to be so much better at this than you are once we can imitate your voices and faces.

have fun with that i dont rly care i will just sue you. ive seen clueless and legally blonde so i know how this stuff works.

Sometimes I wish I was born a vaugely attractive woman
I'd have free range to be a total slut and when I need money I could just come here and say I'm a femcel

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is me taking a photo with my friend slutty? i love him more than life itself he is my best friend.

uh once again never have, never will take money from Jow Forums ppl. if i did it would have been exposed already. i make money on my own and i dont have to get naked or do anything for it. why does that make u so jealous??

Don't reply to me again, please

i find it so funny how you all have so much to say to me but you will never really say it to me. you all hide behind screens. its ok life gets better, you will man up one day.

Please stop. I've heard you can catch "slut" from (you)s

>you all hide behind screens
that's called anonymous imageboard for a reason. Go back to facebook, attention whore

>said she gave most to herself and kept a bit
>most is in her chase account

Still a lying bitch huh

>she's just an attention seeking, attention deprived, sexual deprived money hungry whore
user you just described all women. I have a femanon friend who has guys give her up to 1k for no reason all the time. So long as Brooke isn't lying to people then it's more the men in the wrong for being thirsty enough to send her money. Hell, even if she is lying the men are in the wrong for thinking they have a chance with her and for believing a girl who talks like a retarded valley girl.

do u think all the money in my account is from that check? its from being a hard worker. i only kept 10k.

Fuck off cum dumpster

Here we go again


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not in a rude way, but they all have no life and no real issues so they obsess over me and are effected over my choices which is so weird because... i dont want that.

i want you all to stop being racist/sexist and to get a job and a life etc. but it seems like some of you will never mature. im most likely younger than you and way more mature...

reminder that br**ke transitioned early and you have been fapping to it

im a virgin, a girl can dream tho. maybe one day a guy can love me enough to do that to me. after marriage most likely.

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You're a tranny right? I see no other reason why you'd look like a man.

"oh well i didnt have to work for it lmao"

She'll end up a 35yo washed up thot with nothing but memories of when some idiot gave her 48k

nope sorry to burst ur trap loving bubble

its fine to be gay wango tango make some nooooise

i did work for it... i said hi to people that is hard work.

i am actually on my way to 1M i have a long way to go but i have a plan mapped out with a few people who are going to help me achieve it. Damn it feels good to have goals. It will most likely take 1 and a half to two years which sucks but slow and steady wins the race. I will take the 1M and invest and then open up a business once the time comes. '

Once i am 35 i will be rich enough to have a sugar baby if i wanted, cause men do hit the wall hard at 22.

>nope sorry
I don't believe you. Are you saying you just naturally look like a dude?

sure if that is what u think, this sort of thing does not offend me tho. im fine with random anons not finding me pretty, i never wanted anyone to find me pretty. id rather be known for being kind.

>cause men do hit the wall hard at 22
Lol umm no sweaty

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>id rather be known for being kind.

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>i never wanted anyone to find me pretty
>*takes more carefully posed and angled selfies*
>it's not like i want-
>attention or anything i just
>*post post post*
>want to be known for being

>a business
>Once i am 35 i will be rich enough to have a sugar baby if i wanted, cause men do hit the wall hard at 22.
Bitches hit the wall at 21. Better start selling that gash now

whore did you even read the thread or are you just intentionally ignoring it?

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you can get a brand new car for that...

im rly lucky in the sense that idc about my looks. i used to but i had a moment of euphoria actually, and i realized that does not matter and nothing matters so i need to spend my life doing things i find fun. i think seeing if i can become a millionaire is fun so thats what im going to do. i will update u guys if it works out.

brooke more like broke lole

who is brooke

>Taking advantage of suckers
Oh boy here we go

things dont make me happy. plus is cant rly drive yet.

i have a ways to go then. but no my virginity is for jesus.

>i will update u guys if it works out.
You're a degenerate roastie who thinks she is lonely. Just off yourself senpai.

who am i taking advantage of? is a doctor taking advantage of a patient? guys want my attention and they feel good when money is involved. i am helping them.

keep in mind these r not Jow Forums boys, these are grown men who have plenty to go around. unless you understand something stop commenting on it.

>is a doctor taking advantage of a patient?
frequently, yes, idiot.

tfw you were ready to scam Jow Forums but your internet wifu went full nazi

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you deserve so much worse, Tyrone9in

you should never scam Jow Forums people. they have easy lives and still manage to be depressed. they can not handle much.

By "Here we go", I knew you'd spin the narrative, you're as predictable as you are bland

I'm not sure I want to argue with you because it's a waste of effort, but I'm going on record as saying in no capacity of the word do you qualify as kind

she's not 14

you should not qualify me as anything because you know nothing about me and jump to conclusions because ur jaded by women.

im nice asf and i dont take advantage of anyone and i help a lot of people. also im bland and that is a very self aware decision.

how do you rly know tho? lol. ive said too much. ya im not 14 lolol ;)))))))) not even close ;)))))))))

lalalalalala stream sweetener by ariana grande out august 17th!!!!

>im bland and that is a very self aware decision.
so you literally choose to be a basic thot? explain.

lol the fuck I do to deserve worse all I do on here is help a bunch of retarded racist man children

Hmm I'm going to msg u in a minute pls respond for once

that's not brooke you fucking dunce

Just don't languish yourself with all that money, once you start spending it can be hard to stop if you don't have the restraint, if you really wanted to achieve your dreams I would suggest you don't even spend it at all.

>all I do on here is help
>tfw you were ready to scam Jow Forums

well that and you attentionwhore around and shit up the place more

I'll qualify you as whatever the fuck I want and no amount of bitching is going to change that. And you're damn straight I'm jaded by women, when all you have to do is exist and get money thrown at you while I bust my ass 8-12 hours a day in a manufacturing job just trying to survive. It's not jealousy, it's disgust. Disgust at the fact that you have no marketable skills outside of looking like a walking meat hole and disgust that my gender is so fucking pathetic that they'd throw you 48k for being alive. At this point I barely consider women human, only a cut above animals. The fact that any of you even remotely bitch about something like the "patriarchy" makes me sick.

I can finance you desu.

brooke that's you?lookin a little thicc there, lass

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I'll call you a bitch to your face on face cam. post your handle thot.

Lmao ok fair enough friendo

>brooke threads still get all these replies
i thought we were over this shit. you're all a bunch of flaming faggots.

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brooke i am younger than you pls be cake mommy gf

Unironically this post desu.

fuck off man you already have a hot white gf leave brooke alone

ive been trying to thicken up for the summer i hope its working.

i already did u slag. brooke#1911

tl;dr but u seem jealous. i just wanted a a robot bf that i can spoil idc about money i just wanna save and donate and help others.

after i make my first 1M i dont need anything.

i dont make posts about myself tho, others do. if u want to stop seeing my name everywhere talk to ur fellow robots about that one. i get told 'there is a post about you' i look, i respond.

Kek that was an ex and I'm not interested in Brooke in that way this is about money

Sorry your IQ is low double digits.

Nailed it. Nothing more needs to be said.

>i dont make posts about myself tho
did everyone hack into your phone to steal all your selfies? you carefully took them and then posted them somewhere, you fucking vapid attentionwhore.

cause you never said your age and you get banned for being underage :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

so yknow :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>I've been trying to thiccen up for the summer

you still got a long way to go. What's your routine?

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i make rich friends (on accident) who like helping me and guys online enjoy giving me money for me to ignore them. im not a cam girl, i dont sell nudes/take nudes i cant help you.

Stop blaming the thots and blame the retarded cucks that give money to them instead.

If I were a thot you can bet your sweaty scrotum I'd milk those beta faggots for every dime they've got, and so would you. And you know what, they totally deserve getting fucked over, maybe it'll teach them a lesson.

Ciaras bf called you thicc. How does that make you feel?

they r from discord, dumb dumb use ur brain babe.

well id hate to get banned :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

i do ab work outs sometimes? i dont rly work out. idk i just popsicles, and vegetables and bread im rly picky desu.

oh they live streamed the other night they seem like rly nice ppl. it makes me feel good ive been trying to get as thicc as i was a few months ago before i got rly sick.

Did someone really give you 48k? Surely thats a lie.

>they r from discord
explain how posting your selfies on discord isn't attentionwhoring then, dumb dumb

its the truth he gave me it in 4 checks over a week span. it was rly kind of him he is one of my best friends, i might au pair for him and his wife when im done school.

explain how it is? it was in a server with good friends over a years span. we all posted selfies not just me.

>it was rly kind of him
Why the fuck did he give you that?
Look first off let me say I love youre body, you are truly beautiful and id love nothing more than for you to sit on my face. With that being said youre an enormous piece of shit for not immediately giving that money back to him. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Who don't these shitty threads get moved to /soc/ again?

the same reason nothing else that needs done gets done here.

Stop blaming the monkey and blame the faggots that keep throwing food at it.

he has 14M it was nothing for him and i needed it i was living in poverty after being homeless. so no im not giving it back.

he did it for 2 reasons (his words): he loves helping people, and he loves when he can make women smile because the world is too harsh on them.

Don't know what's sadder, people who try to create an identity on this pathetic site or the people who endear them