How do we end the gook femanon(pic) problem?

How do we end the gook femanon(pic) problem?

She is going on a tirade making bait threads and aggressively trolling robots.

Sage her threads

Attached: image.jpg (1534x1564, 366K)

dox here, go to the place where she lives at night, and then rape her in her sleep.

Attached: 1531665328268.png (637x717, 419K)

>aggressively trolling robots
I haven't seen her post here and the timestamp is Jow Forums. Are you surprised Jow Forums is easily baited?

shit I fucked up
stupid typo

Sound more like fulfilling her kinks desu.

don't forget to record.

This is her room, she posted this here a few months ago.

What's the address

Attached: image.jpg (2048x1536, 285K)

She is here all the time making incel bait threads.

There are a couple on right now. She then ignores all evidence posted and then tries to make robots angry by insulting them.

She seems like a cali Asian girl perhaps from socal but she seems pretty light so maybe Bay Area?

holy shit she is just a fucking whore.
Every woman that has a room like that is a fucking huge red flag.
Dox her if you can and burn her room down so it will burn in hell.

Attached: 4 - OFEUSbt.gif (480x270, 675K)

Really? I guess I subconsciously scroll past selfies here because I'm on here 10+ hours a day every day.

I tried to tell you asian girls are evil but you wouldn't listen.

gonna try and do a reverse-search to see if she has posted it on facebook or any social media,

Anybody got her name?
lets take this gook back to the napalm co-ordinates

Attached: 1532370323592s.jpg (89x125, 3K)

Oh shit nigga those digits! Trips of truth!!!

youre going to be disappointed at the end, because unlike other Jow Forums fembots, ive never revealed my name nor do I have any social media on me.

>posting picture of yourself
You mean whore

don't worry whore, Jow Forums always gets finds degenerates.

care to explain? looks innocent. some red flags for me are piercings,unnatural hair color and tattoos. also I am sure someone here is autistic enough to dox her. the power of autism is very scary sometimes.

nothing came up for the pic of her bedroom.

Attached: bedroomgook.png (766x462, 61K)

>how do we end the x problem
>Jow Forums

You can't polish a turd OP

thats mean. Ive only gone there for the trolls and baits.
I told you so.

>Ive only gone there for the trolls and baits.
Then why are you complaining about it? (I'm assumign you're opee)