25+ Thread has already turned to garbage.
Just want some decent people to talk to.
25+ Thread has already turned to garbage.
Just want some decent people to talk to.
>enter thread
>pretend to be 31
I am 33. I don't know if I'm decent to talk to but here I am anyways.
hi oh pee.
32 aspie here.
against my better judgment and the will of my environment, i continue to live.
i have noises to make now.
thank you for the thread.
30th birthday is in a few weeks. What should I expect? (Both jokingly and not-jokingly).
for birthdays to enter the age of irrelevance, save for their being annual reminds that you haven't died yet.
>enter thread
>pretend to be 31
Well in that case, We might as well raid this thread in the name of the robots under the age of 31!
How did that 25+ discord turn out anyway? Other than not shit
>for birthdays to enter the age of irrelevance
I mean, they were always sort of irrelevant since nobody knew my birthday and I remember making a conscious decision not to celebrate them since I knew I had limited pool of friends.
Sup, fag here. I'll be turning 31 later this year.
It's fucking great!
I've been exercising and dieting for 2 years now.
I've been going to therapy. I'm still somewhat socially awkward but I no longer have to repress the urge to run away screaming every time someone talks to me.
I'm pretty broke though><
I want to find me a cute gay robot to be my boyfriend.
I'm thinking about going to college. I can get a grant to pay for most of it.
I kind of want to be a photographer or a historian.
I had a girlfriend for 4 years in HS, but that was so long ago and she asked me out.
I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just a tall faggy fool who reads too much yaoi and crushes on tumblr femboys and blushes when cute guys talk to him.
I'm a goofy spastic fool with no self esteem.
Really, it's just another day.some people asked (half joking) so what's it like to be 30, to which I replied a lot like being 29 except a day later. So don't worry about it.
I don't think it was real, it was just a generic discord with a bunch of teens who were crying about their lives while doing nothing to improve it.
>inb4 what about you
Man, at 30 no one has the patient to wait for you to play catch up. I mean, imagine somehow you get a date and somehow it goes well, but you don't know how to initiate intimate moments or even how to kiss someone?
right but now it won't be
>user is a year older!
it'll be
>user made it another year without any major health issues or death!
your birthdays become a reminder of how much worse things could be and how your journey is coming to a close, not a celebration of your journey beginning.
Not for me. I prefer not to celebrate but people insist. Especially my girlfriend. But it's always a celebration, whether I like it or not. But I almost never think that way. Maybe it's just me, I dunno.
not just you, i don't celebrate my birthday, don't have anyone to celebrate it or remind me of it. i realize it has passed a few days after, most years. last year i didn't realize until a month after it.
>last year i didn't realize until a month after it.
I don't celebrate my birthday but I never lost track of it. You must be really depressed/busy.
>You must be really depressed/busy
i am fairly busy most of the time yeah but no, i just don't pay attention to it, i don't care about it, it's not something i ever think about.
Am I allowed in this thread? There is a saying "It doesn't matter how old you are, but how old you feel"... And I'm feeling really old. While everyone my age is out there I'm here at my 9 to 5 job doing literally the same thing everyday, every week, every month, every year. I have never taken any vacations, because I have no idea what to do with it? Ofc not a single friend as well...
I'm still in uni but haven't bothered to go to it more than a few times in the past 2-3 years...
The purpose of our lives is to attain Samadhi
There are many ways to attain Samadhi, but some
lead to attachment, or lead us to destruction
what is the best way to attain samadhi?
Sounds like buddist shit.
Budda was like the first trustafarian. Fuck him.
I use my birthday to keep track of progress, or lack thereof.
Guessing you're some early 20s bitch. Take vacations and risks, you won't get the same chances again.
>I use my birthday to keep track of progress, or lack thereof.
i just use my progress or lack thereof to track my progress or lack thereof. shit works or it doesn't, i dunno.
>shit works or it doesn't, i dunno.
It's more to do with how low late I am in life compared to everybody my age.
ah yeah. the only real contact with people i have is from here so i don't have much to worry about with comparisons.
that's pretty fucking gay and you type like a 16 year old girl on her blog, but I'm glad for you and you should be happy with yourself senpai
You don't have to be friend with people to compare.
i get that, i mean i don't have personally have people to compare to, no personal frame of reference, because i don't interact with anyone. i can assume that people as old as me have "accomplished more" but so what, ya know?
> can assume that people as old as me have "accomplished more" but so what, ya know?
I guess.
that's pretty much how i see it.
it's unironically like, whatever, dude.
>it's unironically like, whatever, dude.
Well, I guess that depends on where you are in life. I'm on benefits after I lost my job 7-8 months ago.
i'm in a shitty place and have always been in a shitty place. but my situation is not me. i work to improve my situation the best i can, when i can, and i don't concern myself with what other people are doing or how what they're doing compares to what i'm doing.
I was born in 2000 can I stay
>tfw you're at work and colleagues start talking about settling down with a significant other
>people younger than you have career plans and are putting them in action
>you get asked if you live with your parents still
>if you drive
>pension plans
>if youre single
The worst
>people ask "whats your plan?"
I really want to just go full autism and start replying to these people by "I will probably off myself"
hey. at least this way they'll stop talking to me
>"whats your plan user?"
>still working it out, what's your backup plan?
that has usually worked for me
>tfw remember stressing about not being a teen ever again
>2 years to 30 now
do you actually have any idea of a plan?
mine is to suppress all desires, emotion and everything else become full robot become obsessed with Zen. Ill probably end up in a minimal apartment with barely any furnishings existing on subsistence then when I become completely detached either do something horrible then kill myself or just kill myself.
ive simply had enough. ive never understood the idea of death being sad or anything like that so i dont think i will mind calling it an end when the time comes
>do you actually have any idea of a plan?
i did (and am continuing to do) what you just said your plan is.
i don't really experience much internal negativity anymore. i simply don't have time or energy for it. i have things to do and learn.
of course i can't tell the normals these things, so i just say i'm still working on some things and then ask what their backup plan is.
>work at walmart for 10 years
Could be worse I guess. I wish I had a dream job and/or career goal. Maybe I'll have my shit together at an earlier age in my next life.
life is fucking shit. yesterday i started crying, today i had another shit day at work and felt so anxious i didn't eat until like 7pm. my house needs a plumber, my car needs a mechanic. I am going to die alone and the loneliness is really hitting hard lately. at least i have lots of money and a house to feel miserable with :^)
is there any 30+ year old fembot that wants a bf please god say yes
have you advanced at all or still just doing freight shit. ive been doing it almost 4 years and am frantically trying to get out.
where are you from? im asking for my autistic friend
nice try cia
north east
No one gets promoted. I can count only four or five instances of individuals become department management, but that's it. Positions are being cut annually and the company is restructuring. I'm scared shitless as I have no where else to go and I lack a high school diploma.
What realistically happens if you don't have your shit together by 30?
t. about to be 28, no degree, wishy washy job experience
Even Jordan Peterson goes quiet about this
all ive heard him say is by 30 people start to think/ask "what the hell have you done the past 10 years?"
30 is LITERALLY the cut off point of no hope. if you're not already on the ladder you will never get anywhere. even if you make a small step up at 29 and 11 months you have a chance but 30+ nobody will help you out if you're still rock bottom. i know from experience dude, i went fucking crazy pushing to make a change at 29 and my life when from 0/100 to maybe like 25/100 quality
What is rock bottom though? I have a full time job, benefits, pays rent. Of course I hate it but still. I don't have a degree though, in a time where even most bachelor degrees are used as toilet paper.
thanks for the demoralizing truth. Looks like I need to become a drunk until my passing.
What anime have my fellow 30+ watched lately and what did you think of it?
Just saw the latest episodes of Overlord and Tonegawa here, with some earl grey and "crazy candy frogs". Going to see ep2 of Star Driver when going to sleep.
Disregard that pic pls
>Supposed to write two papers for publication and do stats for another
>Also need to prepare a podium presentation for September
>Have no motivation to do anything, spend all day listening to Junge and Garage and reading manga instead
I actually feel a little bad about it because I'm doing the papers with a really nice guy whose helped me out a bit recently. I keep telling myself I'll do it tomorrow but since there's no deadline I can't find the ability to get off my arse to do it.
Also I might have to go to The Netherlands for this conference and I seriously fucking hate travelling so that won't be fun.
any 30 year old boomers in?
why not get yer GED holmes?
>mine is to suppress all desires, emotion and everything else become full robot become obsessed with Zen
thats pretty much what ive been longing in life without even knowing it. I was able to obtain that state (samadhi), i became a hermit and shut myself in my parents house. I succeeded in creating a world within my mind which i was contempt with, i was brahman. Had an old as shit laptop which i planned to use till the day I died, i was contempt with it. But the devil and his temptations do their best to creep in to your life. Eventually the whole arrangement (my parents divorced and ran out of money, mom even bought me a new laptop and gaming computer which I really didn't need) fell apart and corruption seeped in, but it also lead me to discover that through history gurus in India and buddhists in asia have developed methods to try and obtain this state of peacefulness called " samadhi" without any belongings whatsoever. And I guess thats where I'm headed, hopefully.
You're going to see a rise in suicides. Who am I kidding, its already skyrocketing with western males. But the millennial are already either 30 or entering their 30's. Its not looking good for a lot (not all).
just try harder. I was in a dead end job earning terrible money and lived with my parents then at 29 I got a 40% pay rise with a new job and moved out and got a (((mortgage))). I'm still unhappy and pray for death but I'm definitely happier and better off then when I was poor as fuck and living with mom and dad
rock bottom is when you want a total change in life I guess. if youre expecting a huge life change after 30 it 99.9% chance wont happen but if youre already doing OK or moving to where you wanna be then you can keep momentum
how about you fuck off idiot
I haven't been in a classroom since the early 2000s. I don't want to end up demoralized further when I fail it again (for the third time). Just taking it would imply I am getting my shit together, which isn't the case.
It's a sad state of affairs.
I wish my parent's didn't end up as NEETs with me supporting them up until five years ago. Fucking roles were reversed it wasn't funny.
meant to say content, fuck
my autistic friend is from the northeast too
>even if you make a small step up at 29 and 11 months you have a chance
What about socially? I'm talking about still being shy about talking to women levels of social skill.
is your autistc friend thicc or thinn
I don't know my social skills got worse and worse from 18+ each year becoming more reclused and socially isolated. outside of work I only talk to my immediate family and online friends. if you have any social skills i'm sure you can continue to improve them though
>a wealthy young person who adopts an alternative lifestyle incorporating elements from non-Western cultures
...technically you're correct
shes a sticc, that might not be your preference
that is exactly my preference
New Hampshire, here!
I'm 34 and just today started living alone (lived with my parents for the ast year). I'm drinking wine and eating some hard boiled eggs and feeling pretty good. Should I walk around naked? Should I scream? The sky's the limit.
Haha, SNES... Those were games, right lads?
29 soon and really no desire to continue living like this. Not suicidal at all but wouldn't mind a turn off button where you can turn off your brain for extended periods of time.
You're damn right they were
Please reply to this post or I'll kill myself.
I just want someone to interact with me
Consider it done. What's up user
leply for (You)
Starting to think that I am stuck in a timeloop. Everyday is the same, identical.
Maybe I'm going insane. Thank you anons.
Momentum is huge, I didn't get the ball rolling until 24. And it took till like 26 to even start moving at a snails pace. I feel like rock bottom would be turning 30 with zero momentum or direction. I don't even have a real direction i just know im moving forward.
First ignore boring fucc bois, user jew haters and other shy scum.
Make 100 push ups every day, i dont care if you die people do 1000 by age 70.
Learn physiks, basic stuff dont skip the atom, elektrisity, and other bitch stuff.
Learn to chemistry, basicly the periodic table and what all the numbers mean.
After basic bitching learn some konstans like the chatge of an elektron.
You now have the knowlege to filter and watch the world around you. Use YT skip trash and please read a book its good shit.
People no longer calling you stupid cause you just fuck em with verbale questions, then hard on numbers, a real explaination with youre own words and finaly mathematicale proves. Learn proves by hard from the internet is the last step.
Biological knowlege, after 10 months, should now be youre second goal. Try to open a book and learn hiw youre basic body works , dont shy you are an adult and should know how a woman knows when sb. tiched her pus. Nerveendings and shit. If a kid asks you about class you should be more then ready to crush and explayn away his lake of knowlege in no time.
Last 100 push ups are nothing.
If you have learnd to use youre live at this point, do more then 100 push up at some point, skip youre and my lasy bonds you should be better of then the faild chad luser i am and you didnt prevent to become yourself at some point.
Push ups + the atom + understanding + numbers + explaining + knowing the scientific method and comparing it to other stuf + math + biologie + going where others and you didn't + finaly knowing yourself before age grabs you by the nuts.
I realysed all of this early but lost my perfect schooling expiriants to arguing with other about pointles, authistik stuff ajting like an asshole. Not once showing up when girls or eventualy even bois asked me out to cone and fuck. I am not gay. I was an asshole who had ecerything and nothing. I lost my shit to depresion and being a luser on my own behave. Pleas it is only late once you say it is. user
Yeah I know that feeling. Days become years if you don't do new things. My 20s disappeared in a flash. Now I try to do more things like traveling, trying to recipes, new ways to exercise, anything that shakes up my patterns.
Here's a tasty anomaly to break you out. Delicious guacamole. When's the last time you had some? You should go to your nearest grocery store and get the ingredients and make some.
>3 ripe avocados
>1/2 red onion chopped finely
>1 chopped garlic clove
>juice of 1 or 2 limes
>salt to taste
Put it on anything. Chips, scrambled eggs, steak, fish, whatever.
Have some guac user.
Another funny thing about age and life in general is that the mistakes you make in your early 20's you don't really start to pay for until late 20's, 30s, then you pay the full price + interest. In life its pay now or pay (more) later, either way you're paying.
where did you go pls come back
She's with me now sorry user
Imma try that. Thanks guacanon.
hopefully she gives you herpes
Less than 3 months until I'm 31 and 7 months since my first and only gf left me. I'm finally able to make friends at work, butt the issue is they all have wife and kids and can't ever do anything outside work. I have no hobbies the meet women with and I hardly leave my room except for shooting at the range and working. Can't create a dating profile either since I have no interesting pictures of myself. Fuck my life, I'm going to be alone forever I bet. At least I have my newest toy to play with.
I never understood the "momentum" concept with life. Once I'm in motion, I don't tend to stay in motion, I want to return to rest as quickly as possible. Each task in the sequence doesn't make me feel pride at progression, I feel "Is this over yet? When can I stop?"
>tfw the sad and butthurt are seeing a rise in colon cancer and suicide rates
t. 33 and sad
my internet went out for a short while. i'll just take my leave
The powers of the cosmos are within your grasp. You'll have the powers when you turn 30. Stay virgin till the age of 50 and you'll be able to ascend reality. If you choose to do this.. please make the Waifu Age a reality.
wtf no be my gf now
Dope. What trigger? What barrel? And how do you like the ACOG?
What is an appropriate amount of time before you can leave a white collar job?
I'm currently at around 8-9 months in and want out, feel I should probably stick around until I'm comfortably over the 1 year mark however so it doesn't look as shit on my resume to the HR roasties that make my life fucking hell.
It depends, if you're leaving to take another job then whenever is fine. If you're going into unemployment I'd try to hit that one year mark just to look good on your resume.
This build was an attempt to recreate my old M16A4 rifle. Upper is one of the "A2" uppers from some Palmetto sale months ago. Trigger is a Franklin armory binary trigger, so I could pretend it's select fire. I've only tried it slowly at the local fud range, but it works. Eager to get out to the sand pit with some buddies if they're ever able to stop being dads for a single fucking day. Letting loose with that trigger would be so much fun. Acog is an acog. Exactly what you'd expect from dropping 1 grand on an optic. Love this rifle. Wish I could redo my shitty spray paint job on my lower though. Don't have the setup or will to do anodizing myself just yet.
This build was to cheer myself up after the break up. Works when I'm shooting it let me tell you.
Thanks, unfortunately I'll probably be going into unemployment as at the 1 year mark it'll be around December/January when everything closes down for the holiday season.
These HR rules piss me off, let me be reeeeeeeeeeeeee
42 year old boomer checking in
It's over
I was all against drugs and the like but before dying I want to really test them out to check whether it's meme or not.
Not afraid not lose some brain cells anymore.
Demi Lovato get the fuck off it's time for your rehab
>Demi Lovato
Who? Not that I care though
What do you do? You know, when you're not on an Indonesian knitting forum?