
Pot Noodle and a packet of Quavers for dinner edition

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come on lad, at least have a can of beans and some bread

user I'm getting worried, please start eating better

where do i find teenage girls who will suck me off in exchange for buying them booze/weed?


quaver butty

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start hanging around the local park

do girls sit around touching their clit absentmindedly then lids?

dm is a nonce

that is all

Bloody students.
Waste of space.
'Oh, i don't do anything all day, but i need more money to do it.

literally any chav council estate, easy pickings

when I'm outside I look at girls and find pretty much all of them attractive and can find good features in them all but do they do the same with guys? like do girls check out guys and do the same?

any gf in

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i'm sure some of them do lod

How come girls don't fail? You never hear of females with no gces or a levels or anything like that, or who are neet even.

I mean, the good students..study. And while a lot of degrees are actually useless, a big number of them are required for certain jobs that we need in society.

But we obviously also require trades/skilled jobs so I don't like how a lot of people just go to uni as a default option

propa britash food, nun of dat forren muck

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they probably do worse than that, women are much more filthy than men when they are alone or in the company of female friends

feel like pure shit lads just want him back x

I'm asking again since the other thread is dead. Recommend me some simulator games lads. Preferably with trains.

what i should just walk up to random girls and ask?

have you never seen Jeremy Kyle with fat bennies claiming oafs

It's ok to be white tbph

>Falling for Finch posting

yeah quite often, I think it's just a thing people do.

2 girls in their early teens passed me once on a cycle path and asked me for fags, then I looked at the floor and said I don't smoke, when they were further behind me after I walked away they shouted "wanker, oiiioiii you wanker"
How did they know I was a wanker within such a short time of meeting me? I was 19 at the time

because they suck dick in exchange for passes

if they fail something they can just give a blowjob for a good grade or something, im sure thats how 99% of them get driving licenses anyway

>no gf
>no gf to ask not to wear deodorant
>no gf's sweaty armpits to sniff
>no gf's sweaty feet to sniff
>no gf's sweaty arsehole to sniff

This life is not worth living.

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love hurts, don't fall for someone

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>It's ok to be white tbph

It's okay to be any colour lad!

Of course lad. In my office I'm the only guy and there's 10-15 women, one day they were literally all talking about this one guy who works here and how fit he is. He's 6'3, long flowing hair a bit like Thor, Jow Forums rugby player, handsome, well dressed and well spoken. It's disgusting how much he has going for him

I wondered then if we changed the genders it'd be reported to HR.

Most of the female members of my family dropped out/failed and just pump out kids

Apart from black you mean?

lad from the other thread again, try open TTD if youd like a management sim and arent arsed about graphics too

too fookin rite gazza

'ate forreners takin the piss of are propa inglish grub

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Any lazy Jow Forums bait man in?

do you lads reckon if he'd bought them fags he could have got one of them to suck his dick?

>I'm the only guy
>they were literally all talking about this one guy who works here

enjoy your harem of bitches

Well you'd probably need an 'in' to get started, they'll probably beat you up assuming you're a nervous /britfeel/ lad

>tfw I can wrap my thumb and forefinger around my wrist and have my thumb overlap my fingernail

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this post sums up quite well why you dont have a gf probably laddo

Thanks for all your responses so far. I'm not too fussed on graphics. I like Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 so I don't mind management sim games.

No lad, it's okay to be black too.

Unironically original desu

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Can do that with my middle finger but not my pointing finger

that's exactly my problem, how do i get my in?
dont want to get my arse kicked by a 16 year old girl

*takes a shit in the urinal at mcdonalds*
can the absolute mad lad darren ever be stopped?

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>no Jow Forums gf to work out with and lick her sweaty armpits

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>Hot weather
>Router thermal throttles

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Wow way to hurt my feelings 'friend'

This lads gets it

I'm so shit at phrasing. He works in a different department

But yeah it genuinely felt like sexual harrassment with how much they were gushing over him. Not the best thing for my ego h-hehe

Open Roller Coaster Tycoon exists too now, finally.

wtf, i can't even imagine that. post photos please

I actually meant my middle finger. I can touch my thumb and forefinger though.

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what the fuck lads drink some milk
weak little wrists

what a TUNE lads

Clean it FFS. It's not that warm.

im an eating disorder lad, drinking some milk would hardly solve my problems

I'm just memeing with the armpit thing. I don't really mind the smell of sweat actually, but I'd mostly love to lick sweaty abs.

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it's an ASUS one its an absolute piece of shit, thermal throttles in winter too sometimes

not him but I put a fan near where I'm sitting and even in the high twenties it's fine
clean yo shit user

Then eat some cakes skelly.

What's happening tonight then lid lods

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>he can't wrap his thumb and pinky around his wrist
HOWLING at non-wristlets

Last girl i drunkenly slept with I licked her armpits

probably thought i was a right weirdo.

just remembered the name of the other transport game too - mashinky, its on steam now but i "bought" an earlier version from a different website, worth a play especially if you can get it for free

I don't know if I have an actual eating disorder but I eat just enough to not be starving, I find the act of eating slightly disgusting and it's too much effort

>Then eat some cakes skelly.
you just reminded me i have brownies in the cupboard, thanks lad

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(I know there are more visible signs of her being a thot)

i eat cakes all the time, and all kinds of junkfood
fat armed lads always feel insecure around us, dont they?

>what Tim used to be

fuck's all happening tonight mate, same all shitposting I guess

>Sat waiting for Dr for 90 minutes before leaving, telling the receptionist to cancel my appointment
The absolute STATE of the NHS.

hi ebin how've you been

I used to wear wristbands like that, what's wrong with them?

They probably don't give a shit. I've got long veiny arms too

off to play rimjobworld lads, gonna tame some muff and grow some cotton for winter and build some independent houses for my colonists

oh god its my dad making skyrimjob jokes allover again
alri boomer?

>we need more munneh for are en aych ess

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Wish Pakis would rape and put the little fat bitch downstairs in a kebab, desu

I can do that with every finger.
My wrists are thinner than my dick.
Feels spooky being a skelly.

lad i was asking after you before, is the game easy to learn and how long do the games normally last?


what wrong with that, cant exactly workout your wrists can you

Jokes on you lads, I didn't have that for my dinner

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>see a couple walk past my window
>consider suicide

Just had 2 king Bombay badboy's for dinner

Wish u lads would roll over and die Tbh

I enjoy seeing other people fail their personal goals

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'ate humans
'ate dwarves
'ate elves
'ate gnomes
'ate draenai
'ate worgen
'ate undead
'ate tauren
'ate trolls
'ate goblins
'ate thrall
'ate varian
'ate jaina
'ate vol'jin
'ate baine
'ate cairne

Love garrosh
Love me axe
Love blood and thunder
Simple as

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girls love veiny arms lad. usually on beefier lads tho.
>veiny arms
>arms are only 1 inch thick

depends where you land, I'm in the middle of nowhere with the enemies around and I've been attacked by 1 raider once, winter is about to come so I have no idea if I'm gonna survive but I've got lots of meat so I should be alright

>game duration
I'm on about 5 hours now and it's been alright, dunno how much longer, could be over if winter arrives as I have no clue how harsh it will be

>be chilling at the local pub because ive decided to become chad thundercock
>wearing my black skinny jeans, red converse and matching red hoody, looking stunning with my pint of guiness
>sexy as fuck expensive aftershave from duty free splashed liberally over my face and genitals
>local thot spots me from the far end of the pub
>wobbles over to me in her 8" platform heels and sits on my chad lap
>*snifffff*"mmmm you smell nice, what have you got on?"
>ive got a hard on but i didnt know you could smell it

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not Ebin but I can sort of relate to him, I have some slightly weird eating habits too. He's way more mental though

like I can only eat one of one thing a day
so now I've got a packet of white chocolate cookies, I can only have one a day even if I want two. and I can't eat around other people, and find the sight and sound of others eating, especially when they're not exactly civilised, disgusting

veiny arms freak me out desu

is there a social network specifically for under 18s?
im not under 18 btw, im just curious

*with no enemies around

yes, club penguin and runescape

for fuck sake dm

yea, school

>skinny jeans

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absolute nonce detected

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