>If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
This is our future anons. Wake up and smell the oppression.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever
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If pic related is the interpretation of that quote we're talking about, then sign me up.
This is serious business user, we're all going to end up as indoctrinated slaves if something doesn't change soon.
He's going to suffocate you know?
You guys are focusing on the wrong thing here
Hur hur hur, footsy wootsy, dur hur hur
My fantasy is unironically shooting these giant girls with missiles and tank shells and dropping bombs and napalm on them, seeing all the bits of exploded charred flesh fly all over the place and literal rivers of blood flowing out.
Why is there no images of this, fuck.
Guys, the giant girl feet are not focus of this thread...
Looks like a pretty nice future to me, I want to smell more oppression
I would not mind being her indoctrinated slave.
I want giantess gf PLEASE
I don't think you guys fully appreciate how bad things are going to get
But if these images are any indication...I want to be a helpless, controlled victim. I want to appreciate it more!
Being a victim is bad user! You should desire empowerment!
B-but I don't want to be empowered...I want to be oppressed more and more. I am meant to be a helpless victim!
>big smelly boot stepping all over me
G-geez user, stop it!
it's turning into that now
Excellent quote from1984
This came to mind
And I can't get enough of it, strikes all the right submissive vibes in me.
Makes me quiver just thinking about it
Well this thread was a disaster.
It's because it's pleb 2D GTS instead of superior 3D GTS
>superior 3d gts
Thread seems like a success to me.
>3d ever