What are your experiences of dating sites?

What are your experiences of dating sites?

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real profile
>no profile views, all girls i tried to approach ignored me
chad picture profile
> 15+ new messages from girls all over the world approaching me every time i login, don't even need to try doing anything other than just looking like chad, even set up a nazi type of profile saying 'women belong in the kitchen' and they still came flocking in

how good looking do you need to be ffs? i'm 6ft2 and not ugly. are dating sites really just 1 guy fucking 1,000 girls, while 1,000,000,000 guys get nothing? What's the point of even being alive if this is how dating works?

>What's the point of even being alive if this is how dating works?
unbounded mass communication broke women's hypergamist instincts and there's no going back user

this is going to end spectacularly badly

You need to be top 20% my dude. Keep in mind women who use dating sites have unrealistic expectations for male attractiveness

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average looking girls basically don't use them. they are filled with stacies or fat girls

this. It's over for facelets. I'm tall but roasties today don't settle for anything less than 6'4" shredded chad with 2 cars and a 6 figure salary

>What are your experiences of dating sites?
85% of flukes

Hypergamy is on steroids in the tinder/internet era user

>made a okc mostly for sex. sent handcrafted replies to everyone etc
>no responses

>sent the lamest stupid question and just copy pasted it to everyone
>responses. mostly sarcastic, and my conversation was also dripping with sarcasm but a few times it did work and i went on some cool dates
>lost virginity to an Asian grad student that was moving away
>couldn't cum the first time because i had drank so much before the date because i was so nervous and she somehow accepted my second date, and i did cum that time
>went on a long walk with an art ho home in CA for the summer, drank tall cans in the park
>found a girl that hates everything as much as i do and likes all the same music and movies and has been my gf for 3 years

it'll create a generation of serial killers, paedophiles and sexual sadists. people are losing their minds because of this shit. it seems to affect everyone too, even my 50yo weed dealer's gf has discovered dating apps, broke up with him, and now spends all her money on clothes and makeup and spends all day every day "trying to meet firemen". This slut is near 50, but the hot grils today are being born into this, they won't have ever experienced anything different

Ever since tinder came out 80/20 became 90/10

I'm skinny pajeet that smokes and drinks heavily and cannot hold up a decent conversation for his life btw

This is what the bible warned us about. That cunt Eve is never satisfied, she always demands more. It's also making me feel some unfamiliar affection for islam, they seem to have this shit under control.

I'm a 4/10 tops. I have no problems on online dating. Could meet a different girl every other week for a year.

For sure. People won't grasp it until it's too late either. Divorce & suicide rates will continue to go up. I'm 6'2" with a decent physique from lifting and kickboxing. Been studyceling, gymceling, looksmaxxing, money maxxing and more to try and self actualize but the best I can do is a 5/10 thot. BETA UPRISING NOW

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or society is doomed
I hope it won't last long until

You can look at it in 2 ways
>virgin for life
>catfishing women/men for money - never work again

You choose
>the blackpill
>the moneypill

Dating app, but I got lucky. For the most part it's fat and/ugly roasties. Good ones are few and far between. Somehow I got through all the garbage and found my beautiful innie gf and we've fallen in love (with eachother!)

Anyone here try Bumble? Only women are allowed the to make first contact so you don't have to make awkward pick-up lines

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they literally just say hey and expect you to take it from there.

>try bumble
>never get any messages unless you made a chad pictureset profile

this. And I usually max out at like 3 matches

What's wrong with that anyway???

i live on a farm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere so the only girls on tinder (and similar platforms) are either obese alcoholic trailer trash or anorexic meth-head trailer trash. no thanks, i'll stick to fapping for now.

i just say "hey" back, and 100% of the time that ends the conversation. they just leave. fuck that, i won't chase like that.

I kept getting older women in their 50's. It was gross so i deleted my account

But you're a man aren't you? Do your job.

Nothing is wrong with it. Men chase and women select, its the natural order. But for sub 8 men these interactions on bumble never materialize and it's frustrating because hitting the gym, reading lots, and general self improvement aren't enough when foids just have to exist to get attraction and relationships

How come you aren't MILFmaxxing user?

Not a dating site, but I met my gf on a meme website.

Only experience of a dating site was making a fake girl profile on okcupid and selling men fake nudes of myself (and just sending them reddit sluts that I edited enough to not show up on reverse search).

It's pretty disappointing that so many men are beta and thirsty enough to pay money for such a thing but that's life and that's why women are living life on easy mode.

>be man
>find good looking wommin for smash smash
>club over head take back to cave
>rape until makes son for to carry on genes
yes user do your job, this is your responsibility as a man!

> Tinder 1st date
> The girl was 5yo younger than me, nothing to say to her
> The pics were a lie, she was fat.

> Tinder 2nd date
> Korean girl that talked to me about her ex
> It was clear nothing could happen
> Talked about my ex too
> Free hours of therapy for both of us

> Only date on OKC
> Talk to this girl
> Girl propose we met
> We have a date, she's cute, we have some laugh, that's cool
> Instant crush
> What the fuck that date wasn't a complete mess
> We see each other again and again
> Don't know if I can really call her my gf, it's kinda weird
> Have sex
> It starts to get boring
> Plus she's some sort of goth-emo that's sort of childish for mid 20s
> Times pass and merely have news
> Have close to zero news
> Get bored and disappear of her life

> Tinder 3rd date
> Got some drinks with the girl, had funny moments
> Decide we should see each other again

> Tinder 4th date
> We used to write lots and lots of text so I was expecting instant connection
> She was stupid
> Decide to never see her again

> Tinder 3rd date 2nd meeting
> In fact I wasn't attracted to her
> Decide to never see her again

And then I was in couple with a retarded girl for a few months

How the fuck does one get pictures for an online profile? I go out with friends every now and then but not once have any of us busted out a phone to take a picture of the event. I have literally no pictures of myself doing anything on my phone. Can I just throw down some shitty selfies and call it a day? Or do I need to awkwardly ask some folks to take a picture of me when I'm out and about? What a fucking pain in the ass.

It's already starting. I hope I can see it all the way through. I get the feeling I'll feel better when everybody's miserable

But what does that mean now, user? Women are just class B men. They're strong, independent and don't need a man!

Yeah and nobody wants to hire a photographer just so you can get pictures for a tinder profile when you won't even get laid anyways

No replies, no likes/swipes etc
Destorying self esteem the longer im on it

followed all the meme advise on pictures, constructing a profile, constructing a message.

Made to fake accounts
One chad
one even uglier guy than me

Chad obviously got replies
Ugly guy just baited women with negative comments etc,

they would actually reply for some reason and continue to do so. when I comment that they are wasting time replying when they could actually be answering real messages then implied they were only on there for attention they blew up even more

Anyway much happier having not used any dating thing for 5 years

women are allowed be so picky that they will reject you for only having selfies since it shows you have no good friends / social life

I figured as much. I will not bother with this nonsense.

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Got catfished by an obese woman. Fell for the downwards camera angle trick. After the date i blocked her number and deleted my account and havnt considered dating since.

My only tinder experience
>5/10 face with 8/10 body
>take her out for ice cream
>go to her place
>she won't stop talking about exes
>tell her I don't care
>make out with her and then leave
>ghosted her

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you sound cringy and you greentext like a newfag

You sound incely and you normaltext like a plain ol fag.

Wow even in 2018 and seeing how spoiled and entitled women are, there are still Mlady fedora men out there that open a door for women at every opportunity they can get. Pathetic. Maybe Alex Jones is a psyop. Men were looking at reality and starting to not put up with womens bullshit anymore. And then Alex Jones started pushing MUH do your duty, lay down and take womens beatings. Because thats your duty as a man
And now idiots like these are falling for it because theyre so desperate for approval. God damn I dont know.. maybe a lot of these posters are just roasties trying to put these cuck ideas into mens heads

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Next time try this: "would you like some cold tap water?"

I want the moneypill but how does it work? Everyone wants proof of who you are like a piece of paper with something written or a gesture.

Used OKC and pof about 6-7 years ago. Got in early before bots and Tinder

It was a fucking gold mine anons. Like fucking a different girl every week for almost a year

Highlights included a 19 year old German au pair, dominatrix, married chick, irl teh Penguin of Doom XD

>Fell for the downwards camera angle trick
you poor fool. did you come here straight from the 90's?

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>downwards camera angle
look at the tops of the arms, if it's chubby it's a blubby

Maybe they never materialize because you're too boring?

You watch too much flintstones

Your problem is you're not funny.

Ok you have sex with Alex Jones. More women for the rest of us.

I mean I guess if youre just looking for sex then you can be as vapid as she is and humor her just so you can get sex. But if you want anything real with a woman, and theyre like that?... Well then whats the point in getting so choked up over something so dull. Id rather go elsewhere and use my time for more entertaining and better things

>use tinder
>some girls actually message me "hi" and shit like that
>too scared to answer
>delete profile
>delete app
never doing that again




That's so fucking epic user.

why is this bloxx?

I've only had 2 dates from online dating, and neither of them went past the first date

>install tinder
>it asks for my name
>use a fake one
>it asks for a picture of face
>panic & uninstall

same. then...
>need for gineys unbearable
>create new account
>i HAVE to do this, here we go. real pic
>better take the time to write a witty profile
>brace self
>literally nobody talks to me

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>people on the internet are shallow

Tried it once but no one lived anywhere near me who seemed remotely compatible. maybe some cute girls but no one who I felt like "I'd want this person as my gf".

I've beem thinking about downloading tinder, but i don't wanna be a degenerate.
Is it really overrun by whores or is there a chance to find a wholesome woman in there?

>thinking you'll find a wholesome woman on tinder in the year of our lord 2018
it'd be like finding a needle in a haystack. might be more accurate to say it'd be like trying to find hay in a needlestack