Can you be Jow Forums and have IBS?

Can you be Jow Forums and have IBS?

Or will my genetically inferior colon prevent from absorbing the nutrients necessary to make gains?

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I have IBS. So long as I eat well, it's basically non existent

I'd let her pour out her IBS poops all over me

Just fix it bro lol.

1. Avoid fodmaps and gut irritants (gluten, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, black tea, oats, barley and potatos = saponins) and fructose for months without exception
2. Take Glutamine and Zinc
3. Take Probiotics
4. ????
5. Profit

2018 and people still think they're stuck with this for life kek.

What's your diet like? I never got a diagnosis, but used to get painful cramps,bloating and the shits every so often. When I switched to keto that all went away, some people are just shit with carbs.

Anyone who cures IBS doing this didn't have it in the first place.

t. brad chadsworth, broscience Ph.D

I have UC and am doing pretty well. Have a suppository in my ass as we speak, currently having a flare up

I reckon it would be spicy *nom nom*

Sure buddy. I guarantee anyone still stuck with IBS has never followed this protocol. Either eat cheat meals or food they don't realize is bad for them (dairy is another ibs trigger). Probably deficient in glutamine and zinc too since they protect intestinal gut linings.

t. too dumb to use pubmed and realize everything I posted is backed by studies


Already cut out dairy and gluten; I rely pretty heavily on oats, rice, and beans/lentils, but have been trying to replace some of that with fish and chicken as it seems anything with lots of fiber fucks me up. As does anything with lots of fat. Always ate a lot of steamed veg/salads, which seem okay as long as I don't have too much. I've been eating smaller portions of everything, and usually just once a day since it seems to keep the pain down a bit.

I think my case is kind of strange as I don't have the usual constipation or diarrhea, just pain for hours or days after I eat anything. I suspect it might be at least partially psychosomatic as it started during the most stressful time of my life about a year ago, and I've always been prone to anxiety.

I'll try to give this a shot user, hardest thing for me (and I know this makes me retarded) is alcohol. I've had a weird cycle of pain leading to anxiety leading to drinking ad infinitum.

Physical exercise is one of the best things to reduce IBS symptoms. It's more like can you be not Jow Forums and have IBS?

No true Scotsman fallacy.

I have IBS and a 12 week sarm cycle seems to have cured it. 10mg of LGD4033 daily.

I have crohns pretty bad, for me it means I need the right medication.
Without it I go to skelly mode and then death mode in weeks, so I understand your doubts since I had those too.
Things will get better when shit stabilises and you keep to your diet.
Also, avoiding things like pizza will help you get fit instead of bloatmaxing.

Idk about those beans my man.
I avoid beans as much as possible since it triggers bloating and gut pain

Also if you stopped eating gluten and you still have pain then you don't have celiacs. So then there is no real reason to stop eating gluten right?

Just cut 80% of food, bro! You sure will be fit!

Which diet?

Legit stop eating plants. I don't have IBS but I've been eating a lot more fruits recently and had some fibrous greens yesterday. BIG MISTAKE, I've had a slight belly ache all day and I've taken two (2) shits today while I usually only take one.

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Go carnivore for 30 days and I guarantee you it'll 100% clear up.

Use antibiotic herbs and spices ans coconut oil for a few weeks, while using probiotics, then when you stop the antimicrobials, add in prebiotic fibres and do maintenance probiotic

S boulardii
B infantis
B subtilis
B coagulans
C butyricum
E coli nissile

These are all single strain probiotics which i either have experience with and they help, or i know others who use them with success

Prebiotics an be cooked and cooled starches, unripe bannanas and plantains, all kinds od plant fibers, GOS, FOS, inulin

Helped me

Soak your beans until they start sprouting and also ferment your oats by adding a probiotic cap and soaking for 24-48 hrs depending on your ambient temp , they should be getting sour when you eat them

Total meme diet

It doesnt treat the issue, its because you starve the bad bacteria on carnivore causing you problems. Using it temporarily then adsing a gut health regimen to transitjin to plant food again is ideal because plant foods have so many life extension and vitality and protective benefits. I know carnivore helps but to me its akin to taking immunosuppressants for gut problems, it doesnt deal wih root issue, but i understand why people gravitate to it because a seemingly simple fix is awesome because gut healh is complex.

If you do not eat plant starches and fibers to feed your beneficials, you miss out on alot of health benefits


Fiber is a total meme, RS is a different issue. Fruits are ok in summer to avoid thyroid issues

>it doesn't treat the issue
yes it does, retard
do you know the meaning of treatment?
eating only meat literally TREATS IBS because you don't aggravate it any further from anti nutrient or fiber consumption.


Is there like a IBS for morons guide somewhere? I'm in the middle of being diagnosed and I'm getting lots of conflicting info online from shills.

I'm dealing with something similiar OP, ate pasta last week and couldn't sleep with the pain. Tested negative for celiac, Doctor has given me tablets to reduce acid in the stomach which has helped for the moment.

Looking into coconut oil and probiotics at the moment.

Is that karlee gray?

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nah but I got hemorrhoids from squatting like an idiot.

Other than slight pain its not too bad

Start with zero, eat only the absolute basic.
Think bread, potato, lean meat, salad and only drink water.
After a while you start introducing new food items one at a time.
Every time you get sick you know to avoid that food.
You can try that food again a few months after your ibs has settled.
When you feel good you will be able to eat more.
If I'm sick I can't drink milk for example, after being better for some weeks I can drink a full liter in one evening with no problems.
I can't say which ones that will be for you since ibs is different for each person.
I hope this helps.