This is a 22 year old self-described femcel. Do you agree?
This is a 22 year old self-described femcel. Do you agree?
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>*offers to date her*
>*receives no response*
myth busted
I'd fuck it, in a totally original and new way. I'd invent a whole new sexual position to fuck in.
Shed happily settle for someone in her own league
Females cannot be incels, they can only be volcels, because there will always be a man willing to date and fuck any female.
She does not want pity fucks.
Women can not be incels only robots can be incels, doofus.
Like I said, that makes her a volcel, not an incel. You have any idea how many incels would litterally kill for some pity sex?
Then shes sabotaging herself.
Yeah guys will only be after you for your vagina hole but at least it affords you the oppertunity to actually talk to them. She'll complain she can't get dates but casual sex is basically a fucking date
>ugh I don't want to have sex with you because I know you would only have sex with me because you want to have sex
why is female "logic" so retarded?
Why dont incels just hire a hooker? Or have butt sex with your fellow dudes? There are no male incels either then.
Because there's a massive difference between being chosen to recive sex and having to pay for it
Hookers are pretty expensive if you don't want disease ridden Romanians
either way you get sex. isnt that the whole point of inceldom?
pretty sure they're equating sex with love, girlfriends, normalcy.
whole point of escaping inceldom?***
Incels want affection, not just sex. They can get the feeling of a vagina around their cocks from an onahole or a cheap whore. It's not the same as having someone make love to you.
and femcels want genuine affection, love and commitment. Not get pumped and dumped for some asshole who doesnt see them as anything but a wet hole to fuck and leave for Stacy
That's like saying you can't be incel cause you can rape a homeless woman, I don't wanna have sex with a man or get my butt fucked get that through your mind gays just cause you seem to enjoy it doesn't mean everyone does
So would you date pic related or not? Answer honestly.
so why don't they date incels?
I bet her bum is an incredible shape and nice and round and caramel colored
I think it does all women a disservice not allowing them to walk around naked outside. I bet she would look good naked, but right now she just looks like a boy.
Sigh, clothes really kill my sex drive.
well i would because she's cute but frankly i'm so far gone the only thing i want of females is for them all to die.
hmm i dunno about this
Too bad she still considers only Chads to be in her league
>Male incels just wants affection
>Female incels want nothing less than prince charming to ride in on a white horse and pledge his undying love to her
Like I said. Men are incels, females are volcels.
she is a qt. i just want to wrap her up and drag her down the street with my car.
I'd be happy to date her and get into a relationship.
She would most likely be the one doing the rejecting as with all females they refuse to take their own advice that they give men, they will not lower their standards
In the case of women lowering their standards would bring them down to average, a normal person, their looks equal, so I still wouldnt even apply.
after lurking many "femcel" forums
They dont exist, they regularly,talk about sex,dating,ex relationships and beta orbitors
99% have some sort of orbitor (although some cant see it as ugly guys are considered sub human scum)
They have options hence they can be INcel
like most things women co opt a group and twist it into something else heck they even change the meaning of words
>i'm white
that escalated quickly
check out r/trufemcels.
None of them have orbiters and never experienced male attention
She's a 4/10 in looks. So probably the best I can get anyways being 5.5/10 austitic.
Too bad she wants 6'0 handsome Prince Charming actually marrying her.
Maybe they are literally batshit insane. You wouldn't stand fucking 5 minutes with a mentally ill femoid.
suprised it's actually open, other femcels communities are normally private (due to the sheer amount of men offering to date them)
kek they are fine with befriending men but plz dont private message silly boys!
shes cute af tho
just should straighten her hair
>check out r/trufemcels.
kay, just did, that was incredibly depressing and reaffirming of my views.
>tfw asked out a socially autistic 4/10 but she said she's asexual and aromantic
>girls should be fake
your taste is shit and you should noose yourself
She's cute she just has zero sense of styling herself if I had to guess I'd guess and say she was raised almost exclusively around the whites so she has no clue how to styke herself correctly
>Straightening your hair
>Being fake
Meanwhile if they want a GF male incels have to get a haircut, dress nice, smile all the time, get Jow Forums....
Shes cute and I would date
should have named it r/thirsty
>meanwhile literally every sexually successful male needs a fresh in style haircut
Tinder is for shallow normies
trolling is for meta summerfags
I find it kind of funny if you reversed the genders on most of their posts the women there would consider it sexist
I think she's beautiful. I wonder if she'd ever date a diaper-wearing furry with a cuck and chastity fetish. >.>
>the hypocrisy
>calls herself an incel while she VOLUNTARILY REMAINS CELIBATE
Ah the rare half-Asian, half-Jew. Sometimes they end up looking like Mayli but most of the time they end up looking like.... that.
Ideally no, there are actually more females than males.
Shes not Asian, shes Hispanic
>getting trolled on r9k
>fembot here
>easy bait
>i can't get a dick
>anons buy it
>op disappears
>neckbeards continue robust dead end arguments
>pic related
women are happy to share males, especially top tier ones they wouldnt normally get.
they'd happily jump on chads dick even if it was only for 1 night
she has a cute smile desu i could easily see myself falling for her
>not fat
>no visible deformities
>owner of a vagina
Not an incel. Lose the stupid glasses and put on makeup and she could be at least a 5/10.
She's actually kinda cute. I would unironically put it in her ass.
Looks likena skinnu monkey
At least she skonny tho
Oogaboogs noaaggga nooga
Why isn't she posting pics of her buttcheeks????? stop bumping this thread
What subreddit is this?
I'm not well versed in reddit shit
also if we going to call incels sexist from what I've seen of that sub reddit they are just as bad literally a mirror
Id date her but she would'nt date me
thats the only issue
praise kek brother
1488 american history x was a lifechanging film for me too
I want to protect her and cuddle with her and make her breakfast
Too bad she would never want me or make up some bullshit excuse