Size MATTERS in a fight. The heavier and bigger you are, the harder you'll punch.
>inb4 rare footage of skinny ninnies knocking out biggies I didnt say it was impossible to beat someone who's bigger than you, theres just a higher percentage you'll lose
DON’T WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT! *buhh nuhnuhhnuh nuhhnuhnuh nuh nub*
Now get the fuck out of my thread, child.
Dominic Barnes
>Being bigger and stronger means you have an advantage in a fight Woah OP amazing discovery there, whats next are you going to prove that the sun is indeed hot?
Carter Allen
>I've been looking forward to a chance to fight you, and your dumb muscles Julian. MUSCLES SLOW YOU DOWN STUPID!
Juan Watson
OK Fat Ass
Kayden Mitchell
>had a hard on for big, burly men >calls other "child" American idiot.
They do indeed slow you down. L2sports science.
Carter Reed
i bet you never been in a fight, jew sissy faggot post boypucci it might slow you down a little but it'll hurt alot more
Easton Hall
size won't matter when I take your back and put you to sleep, bitch
Levi Baker
This OP is right but if I close the gap you're going to sleep no matter how big you are.
Blake Watson
get off the computer grandpa you think he wont go straight for your eyes or twist and pull testicles if you tried to do a sleeper hold?
Better hope that sucker punch lands clean before I knock your bitch ass out fat fuck
Dominic Allen
a fight is wild and unpredictable. Youre kungfu ninja moves wont save you
Jace Collins
Andrew Richardson
>i bet you never been in a fight, jew No, I've been in lots. I'm European, you cannot avoid fights here.
>it might slow you down a little but it'll hurt alot more Speed=Damage You're slower, so less damage.
Ever been hit by a real boxer? And then by a big weightlifter? Like day and night, bro. Weightlifters can't punch.
Nathan Morris
Lol who stops after the first punch? You're supposed to continue swinging
Ryder Stewart
>fights are unpredictable >makes a prediction
Nicholas Jenkins
Have you ever sparred with a heavy weight fighter?
Leo Torres
Not him but it's force=speed×mass
Jace Hernandez
>makes a prediction >get knocked out street fights are nothing like ufc
Jaxson Roberts
Stop larping you fucking cringy loser
Kayden Lewis
Although I'm a trained kickboxer for several years, every street fight I've been in has ended with me picking the other guy up and throwing him off the ground. Being strong is useful, so is learning throw proper punches and kicks; stop thinking life is like some sort of mmo combat triangle where one attribute trumps another. Take every advantage you can get.
Aaron Cooper
>I'm European you can't avoid a fight here Lol imagine living in such a shithole that you can't avoid being assaulted. Fucking yuropoors I swear.
Michael Nguyen
I could kick the shit out of anyone posting here, and let me tell you, mass matters.
Xavier Foster
bitch nigga i wish you would get in my face talking all that bullsht before i put ur bitchass to sleep
Asher Murphy
Ok then why can't you win a fight with a chimp? Your technique and striking speed is probably much greater.
William Cook
I used to compete in Judo and BJJ, and trust me, having the size and strength to back up your skill is really important. Weight classes exist for a reason. That's not to say a middleweight couldn't fuck up a light heavyweight or something, I'm sure there's plenty of instances where a smaller fighter could beat a larger one.
But if you think for a second a 130lb 5'7 twink is going to fuck up a 6'4, 240lb, roided the fuck out Vegas bouncer, I guarantee that the vast majority of the time the twink is going down. I realized you can be big AND fast too, when I tested for the police department in my city there was this older black dude that got out of the Army, and he was fucking massive. Dude looked like a tank, damn near as big as pic related, and he beat me on our mile and a half run by over 2 minutes.
There are so many aspects to fitness, and big motherfuckers that look like NFL players are typically big and strong enough to fuck up the average person.
Nathaniel Smith
>Have you ever sparred with a heavy weight fighter? More often than I can count.
>failed boxing physics
Says the weightlifting monkey.
Then you suck at kickboxing obviously. Strength is useless.
Because chimps have really big teeth and go for the face. But thanks for proving me right, they are weaker but faster and meaner than humans.
>Weight classes exist for a reason Confirmed for shit at fighting.
>But if you think for a second a 130lb 5'7 twink is going to fuck up a 6'4, 240lb, roided the fuck out Vegas bouncer, I guarantee that the vast majority of the time the twink is going down. Depends on the twink, of course. Size doesn't mean anything. If the twink is say a good lightweight boxer or something, and the bouncer is your typical run off the mill weightlifter/did MMA for 2 classes, the twink is winning every single time.
>I realized you can be big AND fast too, when I tested for the police department in my city there was this older black dude that got out of the Army, and he was fucking massive. Dude looked like a tank, damn near as big as pic related, and he beat me on our mile and a half run by over 2 minutes. Do you really, REALLY think running speed = punching/kicking speed? Because if so, you should wear your ehadguard more. A lot more.
>There are so many aspects to fitness, and big motherfuckers that look like NFL players are typically big and strong enough to fuck up the average person. The average person cannot fight nowadays. A NFL guy will always lose against a boxer, wrestler, really, any martial artist, no matter the weight difference.
Brody Ward
Adrian Powell
>Strength is useless Let me tell you how i know you're full of shit
Alexander Baker
Nigger, please. I have trained with really, really good people.
Strength training is something almost none of them did and if they did, it was very, very laughable by internet standards.
>Confirmed for shit at fighting. Confirmed for retarded, if you honestly think that Khabib Nurmagamedov can beat Junior Dos Santos or something you're actually mentally crippled
>Depends on the twink, of course. Size doesn't mean anything. If the twink is say a good lightweight boxer or something, and the bouncer is your typical run off the mill weightlifter/did MMA for 2 classes, the twink is winning every single time.
No, if the twink is a REALLY good boxer with multiple competitions and KO wins. God help him if the bouncer knows how to clinch/use his weight (and he probably will)
Ryan Nguyen
Yes, I am sure for example Golovkin would have easily beat prime Vitali Klitschko since he is so much lighter and therefore faster
Why do dyel mmafags have such a chip on their shoulder?
Asher Miller
>he thinks you can't be explosive just because you're strong or heavy The best weightlifters all have 90+cm standing verticals, they are extremely explosive and would likely be able to succeed in any chosen power sport. They might not necessarily have done so well at sport fighting as that is often a choice of endurance, but they would all easily become great power punchers.
Shane Hamman for example, 160kg with a 90cm measured standing vertical leap.