Psych ward stories

A nice user started a thread about his psych ward, and apparently many robots, many many, many... many, have been into one.
Please, share a greentext with us, funny stories, scary ones, maybe just trash talk the staff or about how dumb the rules there are.

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>roommate gets out before and is replaced by old man
>anytime i read he stops me and forces a conversation about how this is destiny
>when i look up he glances away, finally discover he hates it when i look at him so i speak to my book to answer him
>he goes on about they are holding him captive from his ship which he describes in detail (its the ship they use in star trek the next generation)
>i allow him to go on tangent while i read spice and wolf
>at one point i get bored and begin to ramble back at him incoherently in vague statements because he will make interesting stories out of them
Example: "but bill what will happen if they discover it....."
>he then goes off on an end the world scenario in which the fools dont know the power they hold and only the chosen president can stop them from completing their foul deed
schizos are very nice and create wonderful stories

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wait a second that thread is still up OP!

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Oh boy here we go.

Over the course of three years Ive known about 200 schizocows who were in psychosis. Ill post the funny stuff.

One thought he had to fertilize all of europe with his semon because a snoop dog clip showed him that the US made all of Europe infertile. One women sometimes started shaking weirdly causing her to she scream out loud: Im being hacked! One women thought she was hitler and God and that I was vincent van gogh. A women thought her left foot was adolf hitler. One black women thought she was my mother. There was a dude who believed in a conspiracy about me and warned other patients that I was secretely injecting them with AIDS in the night. One man believes all the people from Suriname tried to kill him and he screamed at the nurses that the queen saw him right now and told her she would take revenge. One girl thought there were bombs in the wall and if she said the wrong things they would explode. One women thought she was CIA and FBI on a secret mission and I one time walked by her and she was angry at me because I stole the clarity of her handwriting One women crowned me president of Argentina. One thought I was God, one thought i was a prophet. One guy saw people transforming into demons and then attacked them. One thought people were certain relatives of her and attacked them. One thought all the garbage men were drug barons and because she knew this they try to kill her.

Theres so much more and these people are crazier than just one weird belief. It took over their entire being where conversations were very hard to follow, very disorganized and disoriented and just completely out of this world.

There is another individual that I should mention because he was the only one who was in a mental hospital (for more than 20 years) because of his autism. Ill post his story in the next post

Now Im not talking subtle autistic behavior. You would be very aware of his tism the moment you saw him. This man had one interest and that, ladies and gentlemen, was table tennis. At every opportunity possible, as soon as he would see anyone, no matter if he knew them, he would approach that person and talk about table tennis. He would talk about how much he prefered wooden tables over stone tables, his matches of which he knew exactly at which moment he or the other party made a point, whether you could smash etcetera. It didnt matter whether the person he talked to was very obviously disinterested, even if they walked away he would follow them to to continue his raving about table tennis. He talked about this literally all the time from morning till night. Even in schedueled group talks he would interupt and burst out at random to say something about table tennis. After he was hushed several times he would start mumbling to himself about table tennis.

This stuff is all out of the top of my head but knowing these people has been quite a colourful and entertaining experience.

I know, but his thread isnt a greentext focused one, and I dont want to derail it, he seems very nice.

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First day there
>Try to make friends with other people my age
>Talk to one dude
>He claims to be misdiagnosed as a paranoid schizo
>He works as a home inspector for insurance claims
>Says cops regularly follow him and mess with him while he is trying to work
>Cops repeatedly prevent him from inspecting homes and bring him to psych wards
>MFW he is probably not a home inspector
>He is chill as long as I keep confirming that a shadow organization is working to fuck with him and break into his house to leave dirty pictures of his mother

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>in long term ward
>new kid comes in
>he immediately doesn't like me
>asks me if I'm Satan
>tell him yes to troll him
>few hours later
>eating dinner
>kid sitting next to me
>grabs his fork and fucking tackles me
>I'm in a jacket so I can't fight back
>screaming at me
>starts stabbing me in the face with a plastic fork until nurses come grab him
>I can't do anything but laugh because he's making the dumbest face in the world the whole time
>worth it because I trolled him pretty hard
Still have a dozen tiny white dot scars on my face from where he stabbed. I didn't mine the pain too much because I had already broken all my own fingers and toes and that stung more than the stabs.

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>be on the hospital bed
>gives me 4mg of klonopin and injected morphine or something to slow my heart down while on the hospital bed
>literally lost most of my memory
>all i remember is being high as fuck and jumping off the bed and ripping out the needles and bleeding everywhere
>>quickly jumps back on the bed and pretends nothing happened
>the nurses rush in and stops the bleeding and wipes the floor
>memory loss
>remember the nurses coming in and saying 'you're very well behaved now, much more than before'
>thinks shes taking the piss
>literally said 'fuck you then' cause i was off my nut
>she looked really offended
> 'that was really rude'
>'oh god sorry, i thought you were being sarcastic'
>the other nurse started laughing
>memory loss
>wake up in the psych ward
>apparently they werent gonna admit me but i told the psychologist i will kill myself if they let me out of hospital

never again, that was too loopy

I absolutely feel you there, on the pain part that is.
I once broke my arm to numb the pain of a gunshot in my leg, which was from a stray bullet from a nearby driveby. God I love Florida.

>ward is co-ed
>notice qt3.14 but she won't let anyone near her
>she sits directly next to me during a group therapy
>Try to act cool
>Stretch my arm and cause my elbow to make a loud crack sound
>She freaks out and wouldn't go near me anymore for the rest of my stay
>MFW I dun goofed

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>I once broke my arm to numb the pain of a gunshot in my leg
How'd you do it? I only broke my own arm once intentionally and I just ran at a hard wall really fast. Sorry you got shot.

I slammed it in the cafe door until my leg stopped hurting.

also i was the one who sneaks into the fridge and ate/drank all your shit

I remember I beatboxed for a black kid who assaulted someone with a baseball bat. It was a real long time ago, so I don't remember the lyrics to his rap or anything, but it was overall a strange place.
I'm over 18 now by the way. I've seen a few people get banned because they didn't specify that when talking about something in their past.

>cabin fever from not being allowed to leave
>freakout and threaten to burn someone's house down
>security man comes to get me
>throw ginger ale in his face and kick his testicles
>escape down the emergency stairs
>walk down in my gown and socks to the store
>steal some chips and a coke to drink
>half dozen cop cars come and swarm me
>have to spend another two months in the hospital

I remember going to a all black school as one of the 5 white kids.
>be white
>nearly all black school
>getting ganged on by 4 blacks
>get enough clearance to slip out of my clothes
>run forward and get apprehended
>end up in psych ward at age 10 for sexual assault

>escape down the emergency stairs
You had an opening to the outside? I had to break my own arm to bust through the door and didn't even make it outside lol.

I didn't know you had room mates in psych words. I never understood why prisons did this (if trying to save space, why not put 3 or 4?) and I'm surprised crazy people houses do this.

If you guys think that's bad security, the window in my room was able to be opened and didn't even lock. I was a several stories up and in there for suicidal thoughts. If I'd been ready to do it at that point, I wouldn't be here today.

Don't be so mean to weak people with mental illnesses faggot.

It was a low-risk ward. After they captured me I was put in the locked area with the unbreakable windows and 3 inch thick heavy wooden locked doors.

How bad is it in a hospital and do they ever keep you there against your will? How do you get sent there against your will anyways? I've thought about checking into one but I'm scared they wouldn't let me out. I'm not doing too well mentally right now. But also I don't want it on my record I've been in a crazy people house.

Wait are you telling me there is a shared fridge in a mental hospital? Nani

Depends on where you live. In the US they can take you involuntarily and hold you for 72 hours evaluation if they think you're a threat to yourself or others. If you admit yourself voluntarily you're technically allowed to leave although you're still locked in and the doctors can revoke your freedom at any time if they feel that it wouldn't be safe to let you go. They're hyper sensitive in those places so it's fairly common for voluntary cases to become involuntary because of some careless comment by the patient.

The hospital is very very very boring. You aren't allowed to have internet access or cable TV. They might have a television in the communal rec room to watch local news, daytime TV and law & order or whatever boring crap. Maybe a VCR with some old tapes to watch in the evening. Small library of bland paperback books and some jigsaw puzzles nobody ever touches. That's it for entertainment. The food is very bland and you will get sick of it quickly. Staff is generally very condescending. It's like a mix between prison and kindergarten. Not good for your mental health. I don't recommend it.

I wouldn't trust food that could be fucked with by schizos

physc ward hhaa hee

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I really need mental help of some kind though, is there anywhere else I can go? There's therapy sessions but idk if that would help much.

You will be kept there against your will, until they see you fit to leave. Even if you check yourself in and cause no real problem for anyone. The ward I went to was terribly small and there's no privacy, hardly anything to do, and you have to attend little group sessions or else it's marked against you and you have to stay even longer. Staff is usually too desensitized to pity you, and if you get stuck with people you can't deal with, tough luck. It hardly helps if not just makes your mind worse to be there. You really are better off downplaying your struggles and just asking for medication. The ward isn't meant to help you, it's meant to lock you away so you don't harm others.

I was given a 72 hour forced stay for threatening to kill myself
>Get taken to hospital on Tueday
>"Your 72 hours doesn't start until you get to a facility that we don't even have lined up for you yet"
>Get to facility on Wednesday
>"Your 72 hours doesn't start until tomorrow
>"We can't let you leave on Saturday because we don't discharge on weekends"
>My 72 hour hold lasted an entire fucking week because of (((technicalities)))
If you are held against your will you can sign a form to say you are there voluntarily and to let you out ASAP

I've heard of people who get stuck in there for 10 years. Is it different in Europe? I have self medicated for a long time and I'm falling apart and need some mental help. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

One girl in my ward marked her hundredth day there when I was in the ward. Another girl who was clearly retarded but otherwise nice and stable was told she had to stay for another two months after being there for a week. My roommate signed the same voluntary release form as me but he kept hearing voices so they made him stay.
If you act normal and go show an effort to get better they will let you go

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Treatment for mental health is primitive. Try therapy, try medication. If that doesn't work, modern medicine may not be able to effectively treat you. Try to manage it yourself. The mental hospital is for very extreme cases where the alternative is fucking dying.

one advice from a random 40 year old i talked to in there
>if they ask you how youre doing say you feel fucked; they'll give you valium

I'm not that normal though user, which is why I need some mental help. I want to get help but I'm concerned with them thinking I'm crazy and keeping me there if I tell them my problems.

I'm from the US so I can't say. Definitely look into that before deciding to do anything, if it's anything like the US, it will break you in mere days.

It's a hospital. You're there because you're seriously ill or dying. It's not a nice place; it's meant to keep you alive. Do you feel that you might take your own life in the immediate future? If yes, go to the hospital. Otherwise steer clear.

If you want help talk to a therapist. Talk to another therapist, get a second opinion then a third. Keep looking until you find one that can help. Talk to your doctor. Take the medication he gives you. If it doesn't work he'll adjust it until it does.

I didn't want to be there any longer than I had to, and definitely didn't want to be drugged into submission. I took no meds and went to most of the group therapy sessions. I became friendly with most of the other patients and was seen as the island of sanity in a sea of stupidity. They let me out as soon as they legally could and I have no intention of ever going back to such a place.

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mine was alright, there was a bunch of people who just pretended to be retarded and got kicked out one by one

>has only ever been diagnosed with ADHD
>is wagecuck and somewhat functioning member of society

>mfw the majority of robots are mentally unstable NEETS

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>had that teen depression and anxiety shit
>already diagnosed with ADD
>unintentionally told on of my teacher I was going to kill myself and that I heard voice in my head
>had also previously told a guy in my class I was going to burn his house down in a fight
>had to go to a shrink and shit
>was around 15(?) when I got in to a ward
>place was spooki at first
>but everyone was actually quite alright but really fucking noisy at times
>kinda reminded me of summer camp in a strange way
>lots of qt's there but never really made a move or anything
>my shrink was a really nice young lady
>room was boring and empty but we were only forced into our rooms at night
>freetime we got to hang out and do stuff together or whatever
>only stayed for like 2 months or so and gotto go home one of two days each week
>wish I could have kept contact with some of the people there since they were potential friends
>I'd totaly go back

also, there was this black kid who everyone was afraid of since he had tortured and killed a cat and said to have rape and bloodlust fantasies. He was mental because his parents had abused and mentally tortured him when he was a kid

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Did you know: if you're singing/humming while you're in a madhouse you're making loony tunes : ^ )

Fuck you, that made me chuckle.

was he any good at it?

>Third ware I had
>First days I had fun trolling nurses and escaping from bed straps telling them to not bother cuz I was better than Houdini (kek)
>They gave me diazepam and sedate me while adding leather strap
>After I got free I made friends with a 28yo taiwanese cutie who seemed more like a little girl (she looked like max 15yo)
>Often joking around, me giving her massages or hinting her to follow me to the toilet to do things, her jokingly caressing me, fooling around (one time decided to go to bed together but nurses cockblocked me since it wasn't allowed)
>She seems always kinda dumb, high and slow due to being filled with antipsychotics/sedatives
>Once both out of the ward we started going out together from time to time and one evening she finally invited me at her place
>got laid

Well, the only time that being hospitalized in psychiatry was actually worth it
the second time all I got was a kiss from this girl a year older who thought I'd be interested in having a relationship.. Kek, she was somewhat childish and absolutely wouldn't want more than a fuck with her, she also didn't want to insist and as an excuse she told me that being both depressed it wouldn't have worked out (all by her fucking initiative and because I wouldn't be jealous or gift her anything she wanted ahahah fucking desperate bitch afterwards got immediately engaged with another patient our age.. Ironic)

Guess I was the only mentally ill patient who only thought about getting pussy
(in my first ever hospitalization there wasn't any person of my age and I was engaged with a girl who would come visit me almost every day till dismissed)

Also, I never got forced to be hospitalized because I'm Borderline and could manipulate my family, doctors and nurse however I wanted, but still have gone there voluntarily because I knew the consequences of ending up forced

"A year younger" * not older sorry

>I was engaged with a girl who would come visit me almost every day till dismissed
>I was engaged with a girl
wth man

I have BPD and think about getting laid like all day every fucking day
What do you expect? It's not always easy to find random sex

Give me a break, having a girl or regular sex doesn't mean you're ok with your life, it's like a drug to which I'm addicted and it brought me to lotta trouble, both legally and medically (main hospitalization was for this and also got cuts and attempted suicide because of my sexual urges not being satisfied)
If I could always isolate myself from anyone without feeling bad or the urge to search for pussy I'd feel great and wouldn't waste my time anymore.. I could start searching for pussy even in the most unusual and random place if I can't get any for long term, it's a nightmare

how did you break all your fingers and toes user

>be me, 18
>admitted to 72-hour assessment ward after an incident at school I was nearly kicked out for
>first time in an adult ward, only been in children wards
>50 year old woman with pmdd going through menopause
>in the ward because she tried to overdose
>the nurses say that there's no point in her being here and to go home
>told me earlier she was going to kill herself as soon as she got out
>I try to intervene with her friend (she's known her for several years) that I met and got acquainted with but failed
>50 year old woman goes home
>hour later friend gets call on her phone that she has overdosed on pills and drunk a bottle of wine
>we tell nurses and police bust down the woman's door later on
>thankfully she's still alive
>police search her house though and their children have weed and are therefore arrested, they were later charged with possession
>she is transported to an ER but escapes and calls back
>she says she's running away from police and is really dizzy
>call ends
>later get a call back that she is now handcuffed in an ambulance and she is coming back, lights are on as well
>she comes back to the ward, surprised she is not in the secure unit that was next door
>day or so later I have to go home after being drugged up
>she gives me a hug before I go home and tells me I'm going to grow up as something great

I never heard what happened in the end (as in whether she was transported to an actual ward), but I hope she's doing alright.

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Man you Americans are very strict when it comes to shit like that it seems. I mean why lock a kid because he had a fit of rage or did something mildly strange? I think if I was in the USA I would've gotten into a ward for anger issues after I suddenly pushed a guy who was harassing me and started to step on his belly repeatedly before realising I might get myself into some shit.

This was in HS btw

Nah, go ahead and throw the angry people in with the people eating their own skin. Fuck the little roaches.

Kicking and open palm hitting walls fingers and toes first. I scratched myself and big my arms until they put mitts on me. Once I had mitts that was the best way to hurt myself.

The USA is the greatest nation on earth that's why XD