Should I pull the trigger?

Today I'm getting the appointment for my tranny titty skittles. (Hormones)

Should I do it? No girls have been interested in me, only men. It makes me sad.

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Pull the metaphorical trigger? No.
Pull the literal trigger? If you said yes to the above, then yes. Otherwise no.
You will never be a girl. You will never be cute. You will never ""pass"". All it will bring you is sadness and misery.

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Stop falling for the "become a girl meme." as
it's never going to work out and will cause you more problems.

You could just be gay as an alternative. It costs less and men are still into you. Nothing wrong with being a trans but you do not need surgery for sex with men

You will never be a woman and anything you do to try to be one is just a pitiful, sad masquerade

Yeah you should do it.
Y'all bigger faggots than OP could ever be.

If you've gone through puberty and aren't asian you will never have the right skeletal structure to pass. No amount of whoremoans will fix that. Even if you don't feel attractive as a male it's better to live as you are than as some pitiful gangly big-footed cross-dressing homunculus.

It's a pathetic game of pretend to try and be something you physically cannot be. The vast majority of the population looks upon trannies in disgust, and rightfully so because they are sick individuals who have been enabled by the media

Fuck off you pathetic encouraging nigger.

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>tranny titty skittles
I prefer the term "tit tacs"

Please do it and when you think you are beautiful make a thread. Nay, when someone mistakes you for a girl

if you aren't even remotely feminine, then no. just go lift and become a fag, your odds would be better than trying to look like a girl when you obviously look like a guy.

you would probably end up like pic related

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dilk duds

Just read the horror stories on those tranny subreddits. When your pseudo-vagina produces orange smegma hairballs you know you went against God's will.

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You're certainly entitled to your opinion. I respectfully disagree with your assertion that you share anything with "the vast majority of the population".
The effects of mtf HRT are largely reversible if OP decides it isn't for them, see Jared Leto.

Kill yourself if you have the balls

Yes, cherry-pick examples to discourage yourself so that we won't need to put forth any effort. Ignore the fact that these horror-stories invariably result from penile inversion techniques, which are woefully outdated. Surgical procedures are totally the same thing as hormonal therapy and absolutely require the same level of caution. All hail my sky-daddy, Amen.

>implying im getting it cut off

most likely will go for chemical castration so I get more estrogen

God you are so sad, I actually feel bad if this is real.

I heard Jow Forums was bad but not THIS bad.

For the love of god. Do not ruin yourself. This is not it. Getting tits is not going to make you happier. WAKE UP THEY ARE FUCKING YOU

Fine, live out your futa fantasies IRL. The only person willing to have an intimate relationship with you will have to be more fucked up than you are.

where would I even find a real gay boyfriend?
grindr is full of hoes

You know what a real wake up call for me was.
Not a single tranny on this planet passes even a little.