pls no make fun of muh bad voice
Vocaroo General
Are you smoker?
i know i sound gay :(((
you retarded faggot. please lurk for at least 3 months before posting. please learn to use this site.
that thread got frickin beaned, idiot
anyone wanna post their lewd moans?
yes, but it was live when this thread was posted, friend
Are you gay by chance? Also how big is your penis?
can you moan down your mic please, you have a cute voice.
Any traps out there that would post their panties?
i appreciate you're effort but we're dealing with some high level retardation here:
I remember when vocaroo threads used to be about talking discussing our lives.
Robots have better voices user and why would I want to jerk off with a normie?
Jow Forums is better then /lgbt/ plus robots like women (men)
made a cover of the famous robot song
my experimental folk song about Jow Forums an r9k
Thank you op for not being that other faggot +1 upvote
*Birb Noises*
Get the fuck out pajeet
faggot you're wrong
Hey OP, just wanted to say your voice isnt that bad, i've heard worse. But keep it up with the threads im liking them!