What does this board think of Jack Donovan?
What does this board think of Jack Donovan?
Owen Young
Jace Brown
Literally who
Sebastian Rogers
what does this guy and/or his book have to do with Jow Forums?
Ayden Ross
Carson Hughes
How does masculinity connect with fitness, hmm....
Joshua Watson
I know what I think about OP.
(that you're a faggot)
Ryder Rivera
He's a try hard LARPer but he's usually right. The problem he thinks he's breaking new ground by putting what is essentially male instinct into book form. Plus he'll never procreate, so what's the point for him?
Sebastian Martinez
> is a "pagan"
> is a proud faggot
yep, it adds up.
Nicholas Sanders
Addition: He's too old to be dressing like It's undignified to be pushing into your mid 40's and still dress like your teenage self
John Wright
LARPing how?