It's up

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Nobody cares about your shitty video, except beta orbiters.

Shoo shoo roastie

she's cute

originality is a construct of the mind

what the fuck is wrong with her voice

it's her usual voice, elaborate?

she really doesn't sound like how i expected her to sound

Having orbiters isn't the same as being a meme.

>sage, all fields
fuck off and take your poopie diaper with you cheap ass thot

giga nasal

is this the first video from her you watch or something?

she is the 5/10 meme girl though

>eyes are not centered
This indicated subtle motor neuron damage, most likely caused by subclinical ischemia of the brain. Go take some more vaccines hoor

I have a feeling this video will blow up and go viral

Who is this goyim cum dumpster?

good i hope it does

your new queen

Wow, she is so smart and I can relate to a lot of things. I love her and I wish I was her friend

Can someone give me a tl;dr on this? I don't feel like sitting through a 20 minute ramble.

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I hate when people still act like Jow Forums is some strange, scary place. Every time it just brings more idiotic normies here.

but she didn't, Jow Forums is a toxic place and thats how she portrayed it

this board is strange and scary for little girls

but seriously, this

>Jow Forums is a toxic place
Only if you use it as an alternative to real friendships, like she says she does. Most of us here don't take it that seriously and only use it for memes and >tfw no gf

how many attentionwhore threads do we need for this attentionwhore

someone should make another probably

tl;dr is pretty much watch the video

Fuck this bish im going back to pewdiepie

>Most of us here don't take it that seriously and only use it for memes and >tfw no gf
but she's not talking about most of us, she's talking about all the girls who use it as a source for attention and friendship

I couldn't make it past the 1 minute mark. Seems like she could've cut this down to be a whooole lot shorter

>and only use it for memes and >tfw no gf
Thanks for contributing to the board and website as a whole going to complete shit.

>the girls who use it as a source for attention and friendship
These girls deserve a toxic environment

I know you came here in 2010 when Jow Forums was the cool, dark site one step above reddit but that's all this place has ever been

it's a toxic place no matter what reason you are here for. it's filled with negativity and you will get affected and degenerated

you are in denial cause you dont want to face the truth
and the truth is uncomfortable because you feel safe here

>i dont know how to youtube video
making long videos is a basic thing, you have to be somewhat repetitive, if you just make your point and nothing else, it won't work, even if it would be better as a video for you.
think of it like posts on blogs, the intro is always far longer than needed and its full of the same words repeated on and on.
so again, watch the video

Then why are you here, buddy?
Some of us are mature enough to seperate IRL sbullshit and internet bullshit.

When orbits collide

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>she says swears
completely ruined her image, rest in rip crispy

Why does she think the vocal minority is 90% of r9k?

>making a video that's repetitive and way too long is OK because that's just how it works
There are plenty of creators with many more views than this girl who make entertaining and to-the-point videos. She'd probably get more views if she did more than just ramble, do the bare minimum editing, and watch her orbiters lap it up

because the rest of us don't feed this bullshit and just stay out of it

Because all she did was camp in threads about herself.

i have not enough self-discipline, i'm what you guys call a '''normie''' now...but i used to be here a lot

it does affect you, the only reason why you are here on a daily basis is because you
(1) identify yourself with/relate to the content
(2) don't feel as a outsider anymore

if the answer is (2), you will begin to (1)

the memes are shit and nobody is here solely for the entertainment. you are in denial

Most of the girls who get orbited here are always lesbians or underage. You never find out until later that they're all lying whores.

Stop self posting your face and videos

I will click the thumbs down icon to express my dissatisfaction. shoo.

>tfw no crispy gf
>tfw will never have a gf

>crispy makes videos with content and straight to the point
>"this shit is boring, make a video about the threads you get on Jow Forums"
>makes a video about Jow Forums
>"what is this shit, she should make entertaining videos instead of just rambling"
never happy, are we?

And im not talking about you specifically, but this is what has always happened with crispy, if she does Y anons want her to do X and not Y, she does Y and anons want her to do X

Noticed that one too. Good to see Muffy is still keeping up with Jow Forums related stuff, even though she is "done". Wonder when she is gonna come back.

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To be fair, she and Crispy were always friendly with each other.

You're projecting. I'm guessing you had an experience similar to the girl in OP, where you took it waaay too seriously.
I use this site simply because I enjoy the anonymous format. I don't like having to have a username and a profile associated with everything I post.

>the memes are shit and nobody is here solely for the entertainment.
No, they're just too esoteric for a normie like you to wrap your head around. Whenever I browse Jow Forums I usually have a smile on my face

Bro, you think she commented thinking she would not get any attention at all? Come on...if she was really "done" she wouldn't of even left a comment. The attention really has gotten to her.

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What are you talking about? I haven't seen any of her videos other than this one. I'm giving my opinion that this video seems very poorly made.
>if she does Y anons want her to do X and not Y, she does Y and anons want her to do X
>Many different people have many different opinions on what she should do
Wow what a revelation

Attention on her YouTube channel with zero content?

Come on man, you know what I'm saying. If she didn't want any attention she wouldn't of said anything. Watch, her comment is gonna be the must "liked" one, with a ton of replies in the future. Never knew she even had a youtube account til now. They always come back...

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same story as usual user

>Whenever I browse Jow Forums I usually have a smile on my face
thats the problem

Also you don't have to lie to me, you don't even have to answer me...but you are making damage when you are lying to yourself. Everyone is aware of the toxicity here. Not many are aware or want to do something about the negative affect it has one them though. You are probably a ''newfag'' and young: very naive and haven't faced the consequences yet.

>Many different people have many different opinions on what she should do
it's more of a collective thing that's been going on since she was first posted on Jow Forums
it was never various anons with various opinions, it has always been a few anons giving their opinions and entire threads agreeing with said opinion
like with her patreon: she asked on IG if she should make videos, and she received both there and here nothing but positive comments about the idea, with a lot of suggestion to make a patreon for the videos.
so she did the channel and opened a patreon, and what happened? everyone just criticized her for doing exactly what the majority suggested her to.
it's not and has never been different people with different opinions, there might be some anons who disagree, but it has always been the majority of posters in the thread about her

did we make her a lesbian?

i wanna lick her armpits

Her e-bf posts here often in muffy threads. He probably tells her all the pathetic things orbiters say.

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She seems like a good person and it sucks that you all manipulated her the way you did.

>You are probably a ''newfag'' and young: very naive and haven't faced the consequences yet.
Again, projecting. I've been here since early 2007.
Think of Jow Forums like alcohol. If you over consume it, and make your life revolve around it, sure, it'll posion you. But if you use it from time to time for a fun experience, it's great.

the only reason why you think the entertainment here is worth your time is because you can relate to it

and again, you don't need to prove me anything. just think for yourself. i dont care about you enough, its your life and you can do whatever you want just a shame, i hate to see my fellow human beings suffer but you are responsible for it

>People who don't like something are the first and the loudest to speak up about it
Again, what an amazing revelation. Stop pretending like Jow Forums is a hivemind.

>Stop pretending like Jow Forums is a hivemind.
never said it was?
i said the anons who were in the threads about her, not the whole Jow Forums, all wanted her to do X when she was doing Y and when she did X they wanted her to do Y, never being happy even when she did what everyone suggested her to

>i hate to see my fellow human beings suffer but you are responsible for it
Even more projection. This place doesn't make me suffer. The only people who suffer because of things they read on the internet are those emotionally feeble enough to fall victim to it.
This site has made me laugh more times than most of what I watch on TV and other entertainment sources. You only see what you read here as "suffering" because, like I said, you take it too seriously.

suck a dick you whiteknight faggot
even she admits the manipulation went both ways

no one's saying she's evil, if I was a cute loli I'd enjoy the attention too, but orbiters don't exist in a vacuum

maybe if you were there or checked the archive you'd see it's not bias

it doesn't make you suffer directly but become more distanced from reality and actual happiness. And again, I don't care what you believe in or about your lies. But if you want to feel better, you have to do something, you have to focus on self-improvement and the world in a different way. Life is what you make it

I will leave now, goodbye and good luck

i dont see the appeal. I still prefer brooke tbqh

Why does this video have so many likes? What is wrong with this board?

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Look, I get that you had a bad experience, but projecting your own suffering on other people won't make it any better for you.
Many of us don't use this to distance ourselves from reality. Many of us don't use this because we're depressed losers. Many of us use it because we like the anonymous format and are entertained by the things posted here.
Not every drinker is an alcoholic, not every smoker is a pothead, and not every Jow Forums user is a basement-dwelling neckbeard.

why the fuck is crispy so cute?

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she's not

>only use it for memes and >tfw no gf
Get out, normalnigger, GET OUT

Why does everybody keep saying what year they came here? Are you really so insecure? I would have thought if you've been here that long comments like that would bounce right off of you.

im here since 1395, fite me

Is she mexican?

>Is she mexican?

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Someone post her nudes, shes not interesting so there better be some

there's none

When is this beaner getting deported?

Nice sempaku eyes, but her personality sucks

do people find this Tim Burton character looking nigga pretty?

>sleeveless shirt
Cockteasing cumslut, she knows damn well what she's doing

Why even pretend you don't?

>click on video dislike
>report video
>report thread for rule violation(advertising)

fucking roasties and their orbiters need to be culled from this earth

She'll get obese and hideous in 2 years max. She looks good ONLY because she's young and booming. This will quickly pass.

well user, i hope you learned your lesson.

I want to lick every inch of her stinky Mexican body

>waaaahhhh robots were being meanies to me!! >Mah feelings!!1
>I was a stupid lwittle gurl!!

He says he doesnt but I'm sure he at least lurks to some degree.

this is exactly the kind of thing she talks about