It can be a collage, it can be a single picture, it can be a video, whatever. Show us what you are.
you fucking better reply I spent ages on this
It can be a collage, it can be a single picture, it can be a video, whatever. Show us what you are.
you fucking better reply I spent ages on this
Daily reminder that you will never look like a 2D trap and everyone sees you as an abomination instead.
I found a pic of you OP
Hons make me laugh because I don't consider myself female. I am a man, I'm just a small and gay man who enjoys and feels comfortable in a feminine aesthetic.
>enjoys and feels comfortable in a feminine aesthetic
Boy was that an incomplete thought.
I mean because I'm just a small guy who has hair but I'm a guy and still have more than what hons will ever have.
>Post Your Aesthetic
im straight
my aesthetic is worms and dirt?????
I saw blonde and tyler from the thumbnail and knew you were a fag from that before seeing the dicks
I think you have the wrong board, faggot.
basically exactIy this.
made something similar a couple months back
might be cool
Now we're talking.
I like that a lot friend :)
forgot to attach the image
Lettuce engage in sexual relationes.
rate my collage :))
apparently it didn't exist the last time i saved it
Man you're so rad actually. I hope you only come here to shitpost and don't really frequent this shithole of a board it would be fucking lame
too big too thick too heavy too rough
more like a large pile of shit ie your gay post
just kidding bud
Isaac good
Rest bad
nah i only come here to shitpost weird esoteric schizobabble when i'm drunk, mostly out of habit from many years ago during the old r9k
>"old r9k"
You're a fool if you're into fashion. Looking good in clothes is simply a function of shoulder to waist ratio and height. If those are good, any reasonably fitting clothing will fit. If those aren't good, no clothes will make you look good.
maybe one day, kind user
my aesthetic shits all over u op
W2C those sweaters
I want to go for that cute comfy aesthetic this winter
the dog is unwell...
Maybe people just like to look a certain way. What's wrong with that? There really isn't a reason to try to have a certain look that you like.
isn't this just a starter pack thread?
Late 20-somethings male with a good paying job but stills feels lost in life and might end it all at any moment
>other than that casio
>Textless posts are not allowed.
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
This is pretty much my aesthetic in one picture
guess personality
ciara is that you?
I think it is
You seem like a huge dweeb.
squished image/10
pic related is my its my style totally one hundo
i also like apartments.
best collage here/10
3rd columbine killer?
/apartment feels/
so empty and alone
Supreme gentIeman
whos the girl with the yellow pants in the middle
on the government watch list now type
doggy style original pls
I feel you man original'no
Severely unlikeable
pls no buli thanks
why the fuck do you all have such fucking bad taste and like absolute trash
Would cuddle up and watch you play Bethesda games
I spent way too much time on this and I'm disappointed in the person I've become.
Best collage by far.
Very dangerous amount of things I like here, user.
Excellent taste
Everyone in this thread should die.
What"syour job ?
And also, what is that pen ? It looks like it could kill someone
DevOps/Systems developer for a mayor airline
not gey but I appreciate that comment!
pen is a Lamy Safari 0.7mm Mechanical pencil btw, it's pretty sturdy
is that that e-girl everyone talks about
Back to tumblr, swine
i dig it
r8 me
>there exists a person who likes American Beauty so much that they had to put it in their "aesthetics" collage
are you people even real humans or just npcs
I wanted to use everything I had saved, please pardon the eye rape. Is this even an aesthetic?
uh yeah its my favorite movie man. it's pretty awesome. second pick would be either eternal sunshine of the spotless mind or the machinist
Hey, nice taste, dude. I'm into KMFDM, too.
ok you are a fucking npc
cause i like weird psychological movies? alright my dude. lmao
Post the top left sailor moon pic thanks
Here you are.
Putting this here just in case I hit the unorigi filter
Steven Universe! Did you see the newest episode?
White diamond was revealed.
gayest shit ive seen in months. Summerfag normie children are probably a large majority on this board now. I'm getting too old for this shit. You see these garbage threads on /v/ all the time.
No one is forcing you to be here nigga
I haven't had the time, but I will soon
>The amount of people who actually care whether or not you're on "your board" is: 0
Garbage low quality thread supported by underage trash like you two. Neck yourselves.
If you really cared about the board, you'd post good content rather than complaining
Robot is nothing but garbage rando threads and always has been. I am also an adult. Kys.
I shoulda put more music or movies or some shit
>smoking pepe
>calls all threads random garbo
I can smell that you're a newfag
Fugg that's one sexy aesthetic. Let me make out with you on couch in some basement.
my fantasy everyday before i go to sleep
I post the girl in the black dress a lot. Do you look anything like her? If so, where are you from?
This is me, minus some articles of clothing I forgot.
Thanks for the r8, h8 or the masturb8s lads
Psuedo-intellectual who doesn't read because his attention span is like 25 seconds unless it's got moving pictures and noise?
dogs, fucking, and food...
American Spirit
Miles Davis
Euler's formula
Gargantua et Pantagruel
Dennis Ritchie
Michelangelo Antonioni
Mackintosh coat
80's Adidas Superstars
Can't forget the sage; Scruffy, the Janitor