Anons, be honest? do you believe in romantic love?

Do you think you really be with one person your entire life? I know relationships can fail and even marriages can, which makes me a bit sad, its not true love if it can fall apart so easily, what do you guys think?

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I believe it exists, but I don't believe I'll get to experience it.

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Sure it probably exists, but only for a select few. I don't think even most normies experience it. Even if you found the right person for you at this very moment in time, there's no guarantee that you or her will be compatible in 10 years time. People just change over time. Sure, you can work on your differences if you change, but everyone has their limits on how much they're willing to bend. True love is all just a roll of the dice.

Yes but if you're a male you have to pass a set of requirements before you can think about a relationship, let alone romantic love

It exists but is rare. Like others are saying, even if you're in a perfect relationship now, people change down the road. At best, you both are able to have a bitter sweet realization that it's over instead of destroying each other until it breaks.

You ever see those interviews with elderly couples who've spent their entire lives together talking about how in love they've always been? Those stories are always so sweet. I think it's rare, but it does happen.

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True love requires understanding. Understanding requires the ability to think on the same level of the other person. I'm literally too intelligent for any girl to truly love me.

I think romantic love exists, but not for me, my soulmate is probably getting a nut in her face rn

Yes, I agree, people don't even solve their platonic issues. I'm both extremely monogamous and polyamorus though [I'm poly in the sense that someone can have actual feelings for someone else while still having a partner they truly love, not not in the casual sex way]

And sorry for the late response, i was sleeping

Yes, but it's rare and most people will never experience it, that's why it's so celebrated and desired.

True love doesn't exist, you don't fall in love with person, you fall in love with image of that person your mind creates. She is never yours, it's just your turn, if you doubt this, how many times have you seen girl who broke up from long relationship jumps on other dick after two weeks, while male suffers in long term.

OP here, I'm afab and I usually wait a year or so before relationships. [For personal reasons, I just get turned off by all communication] I just need a break before sincerely connecting with someone

not anymore. everyone has selfish motives and requirements to be in relationships now

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No not at all, there is always a motive for both parties. You should have this figured out by like 25. Disney movies, romcoms, TV shows is not the real world.

>people don't even solve their platonic issues
Yeah that always seems like a big issue for relationships (as if I'd know though lel). I've always really liked the whole "best friends to lovers" trope in media 'cause it's usually two people who have all their platonic stuff (mostly) in sync and just sort of end up in this seemingly idyllic relationship.

>And sorry for the late response, i was sleeping
's cool. I'm bouncing between Jow Forums, and other shit too.

My parents are the perfect example .They know each other since they are 19.Now they are 55 and all my friends say they are the cutest couple because they seem to love each other more every single day.Meanwhile I am 20 .There were 5 girls that loved me but I don't feel shit at all torwards no one .Not even angry feelings I'm just plain so yeah Op .There is true love but I think I'm one of the from god cursed creatures to rot in depression and loneliness one this godforsaken planet

I knew a long term LDR couple, he was distant to them when they met up irl, and they have done it plenty of times. and apparently his roommate had to cheer them up. the story made me and empathize with the person. but they deleted the story and said it wasn't abuse like they thought it was

it exists but it almost always fizzles out within a few years at the max.

women perceive themselves as more valuable than men in general. as such they can only love a man more valuable than themselves. therefore not all men can find love.

I don't really understand the sequence of events that you're describing, but it sounds like they'd been in an LDR, and then when they met up, things didn't at all work out? That sounds really sucky. Was that a recent thing and what prompted you to make this thread?

No, they were already seeing each other irl, it wasn't the first time they met, it made me upset, since them [the person who wrote the "Call out"] seems like a deeply kind person, but I don't know anything about the bf and why they broke u[

I feel like getting married is having a permanent friend, something I'm already used to, making it better especially if they make my heart flutter. Obviously however, I'm just daydreaming.

I could, but I dont know if its because of my personality or because of my circumstances. Maybe I would, but because I'm lonely and wouldn't want to abandon my one chance at a relationship.
Maybe if I was a handaome and charismatic guy I would be incapable of monogamy. Who knows?

Oh. Sounds complicated, and I don't have any experience with romantic relationships to begin with (besides one brief period in high school where each of us was bad enough at dealing with our own emotional issues let alone the other's). Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. That must be really rough. I wouldn't know what to do in your shoes. I'm pretty bad with people, honestly. One of my friends who's in the military had been seeing his gf for a couple years and was talking about getting married a few months ago. Not long after that, they ended up breaking up. I had no idea what to even say to him or if he even wanted to talk about it to begin with. Pretty sure I just messaged him a few dumb videos to try to help take his mind off things or something stupid like that.

thank you your story made me feel better
[I also knew someone who "Broke up" with their irl friends who they were friends for seven plus years, apparently one of them was suicide baiting and overreacting, still love him though]

Wew. Sounds like some super fun times are being had by all.

I believe it exists and I want to believe I'll be lucky enough to find that person. Logically, I know it's almost impossible but my brain acts in mysterious ways and I find myself daydreaming and dreaming about it. It's sad...

I felt real love once, but she ended up leaving me suddenly one day. It may exist, but I feel as if I already had my turn experiencing it. I doubt that I will feel real love again from anyone.