White girls are so pretty.
That's all I wanted to say. Bye
White girls are so pretty.
That's all I wanted to say. Bye
Other urls found in this thread:
na they're retarded and age horribly, theyre literally the worst human demographic, worse than abos
>tfw no white daisy dukes anal gf
>needs more ass
these mcmilligan looking whores need more butt
>White girls are so pretty
They're also the most insufferable
they arr rook same
at least post actual pretty ones and not generic bland blonde whores
100% purely white girls are mostly ugly and tend to have severe manface cases. When they have a dash of some other race (specially asian and hispanic) then they're the most beautiful creatures on Earth. It's like the white model is the base template you can make better by adding a bit of something else.
>It's like the white model is the base template you can make better by adding a bit of something else.
pretty much this
White women are the only attractive women.
>Completely mogged by latina women
Latina women are gothic/white.
They are pretty. It's a shame they all have the same disgusting personalities. European white girls are much better. Looks and personality.
what about australian white girls
hfw white supramacy and neonaziism is just a jewish trap
The only legitimately white people are of Germanic descent. Latinas are mutts at the very best.
>White girls are so pretty.
I guess I can't argue with that.
Why the fuck do I not have a white gf I'm fucking white holy shit
Man there's something about being fully clothed but with lots of cleavage that just gets me fucking diamonds.
more of an ass man myself, but I just wanted to post the qt
>white """""females""""""
explain this
white women look/are boring.
>t.never seen a white women pass 35
>Didn't even use Halle Berry for first reference pic, even though she's 51.
count yourself lucky, they're trash
>t. Shlomo Shekelstein, the yellow fever enthusiast
Better then American White girls. Only thing Kangaroo white girls have over Burger white girls are they sound more cute.
admit it, white women are retarded cunts
The only attractive girls there is Babs and lesser then her is bottom right.
People unironically find Taytay sexy? Shit taste my friends.
My man of culture
Cleavage > Exposed Boobs any day. It's magical.
now you have me thinking of the tan blonde surfer twins (or maybe triplets) who went to my HS. I sat near one of them in a class of mine and it was a challenge just to ask her about assignments, she was cute.
only betas like white women
God fucking damn man. She either sold her soul, found the fountain of youth and has impeccable skin care routine/diet/genetics.
She doesn't look a day over 30.
White women are the epitome of degeneracy. Nothing is more degenerate than a white female.
But they look good on the outside.
Vid related.
>But they look good on the outside.
they look like pigs
Yeah.. White women go from 8/10 to 3/10 just from putting on 20 pounds. Other women look even more attractive with a little chub.
>"The white woman is perfection"
>goes and fucks up her bloodline be breeding with black men
>is a feminist SJW who wants white genocide
Theyre so beautiful. When I go outside I always see them and cant believe how amazing they look. Id give thousands of dollars just to talk to one for an hour. Fuck you for saying theyre trash.
"white women can be protected by my internet nazism"
> willing to give up western values
> willing to give up that makes our shit somewhat work and not a niggerish hellhole
> to be edgy and "nazi"
> nazis are literally just opportunistic people with bad ideas
> lies, propagada- pseudoscience, christianity
> any fucking bullshit
> the right-wing equivalent of the post-modernists
.. heres the fucking alternative you ethno-sociologist
> you live in the best time on earth, to fuck the whatever flavor of women you prefer
> stop being a fucking bitch. stop thinking youre opressed because youre short, or not as attractive as your cousin. stop being a bitch. everybody is opressed.
> pick up your suffering and bear it
> thats what we fucking do here in the west
> sort yourself out and go have a beautiful life or indulge in the romanticisation of failure. starving poets, romantic suicides, self-defined doomed soul who inverts glamour to failure.
> fuck that, go be alexander the great- dont complain that youre living after 2000, go and fucking do everything- your hunter gatherer ancestors didnt fucking care that they didnt live up to superficial italien designer male model standards, you fuck.
> go, fucking do it
whites are lucky they accidentally got the blue eye gene
becky detected
Blonde hair is American pig disgusting
>age horribly
ahahaha. They're the one race that ages decently.
>blocks your path
lol but seriously I'll date any girl as long as she isn't Jewish
>right wing
is that way summerfag
That's all I could gather from your post. I don't know your race, but you sound like the ultimate good goy.