Summer hell

>+30C for weeks and weeks

Nobody even knows how long this worldwide heatwave is going to last.
Every day they just forecast yet another week of this same shit.

Is this ride never going to end? I'm already booking flights to Iceland because of this FUCKING SHIT.

Attached: huipentuu.png (209x182, 39K)

>tfw 46C in Tucson

Attached: 1417197039072.png (587x378, 37K)

>86 degrees is t-too hot

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6 weeks of +30C in Finland.

This is unnatural.

At first I thought this heat was going to last for only a week.
It's now been 10 days and the next 10 days are going to be the same.
And after that? More of this same shit.


>Finland is right now hotter than Johannesburg in Southern Africa

you know booking flights to iceland crossed my mind many a time, i honestly would rather freeze my bollocks off than suffer another 2 weeks of heat

t. britbong

you havent had it bad till you get a heatwave spanning just over a month effecting your work

I got fat and lost muscles just because of this heat.
I can't work out in this heat.

kiddo no beatrix

I like this heat
it is super comfy and your body just wants to lay down all day naturally, so you can stay in bed for longer

It will be the new natural faggot. prepare.

I think (((someone))) is altering the climate in Northern Europe to give immigrants the upper hand
This has all the hallmarks of a jewish plot.

t. dry heat pleb


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but staying in bed is so disgusting because you start to sweat and smell after some time

thunderstorms all weekend long makes me happy

Get a job you fucking nigger.

just take a shower and lay back down
I'd rather not

It's 80+% humidity everyday in the summer where I live. I'm just not a pussy.

Im so fucking hyped on winter
>no more summerfags playing outside,and in this board too
>can open windows without fear insects would fly in
>cold weather
>you can eat better things like cookies with milk (i know in summer too but its better in comfy winter)
>i can handle my eczema better in winter, people with acne have it better too (i think)
>can go better shopping, without the fear that many normalfags show up
>can wear comfy clother outside and inside

I can not think of any more points

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Stacies get upset they can't dress like sluts and people have to actually dress fashionable.
The lack of bugs is a really big one too.

If you still think humans are having no impact on the environment then you deserve to fry

i forgot that you don't sweat and can make more tasks better like gaming and sports
