Cold Showers

Roll, your last two digits will decide for how many days you will take cold showers.

>Makes you super focused and aware for a while after
>Anti-inflammatory and good for joints
>Great for muscle recovery
>It gets easier after a while, you will grow to love it
>Your body becomes better at managing temperature, might be the solution if you easily start sweating
>Your skin and hair will look healthier

Afraid to take the plunge? Start warm, and gradually get acclimated to lower and lower temperatures.

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Other urls found in this thread:

do it everytime youre supposed to change between hot and cold too anyway

I'll vouch for this post, cold showers are the easiest best change you can make for your body period

Increases brown fat. Which is the better type of body fat.

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There is a technique where you can keep changing between very hot and very cold water. This empties your lymphatic nodes, and makes them less swollen. Which can be good if you have that problem.

i shower cold for almost 2 weeks now, i showered warm/hot my whole life and never thought that i would go cold but it was a good decision. but most of the time i do contrast showers, right after training they are worth gold.

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>brown fat: bigger ass and belly

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>tfw heating system broke and had no heat in the dead of winter for like a week
>had to take literally freezing cold showers in a freezing cold apartment
Only thing it did for me was make me angry all day.

sounds like a whole lot of bullshit.
it just feels nice to take cold showers, especially after lifting

How cold should it be? Sometimes I feel dizzy after taking a cold shower. Is it because it's too cold?

I am on day 6 of cold showers. Makes me feel like he-man.


Also saves water due to no lollygagging.

It doesn't make you superhuman, but for me the effects are noticeable. I can vouch that I've had positive effects from cold showers. Maybe you don't go cold enough, you need to make it very stressful. And when you get used to a temperature, go colder until you get that deep breathing and urge to step out again.

It's especially good for your brain in these modern times where we don't usually meet stressful situations. Introducing cold showers can be the replacement for that experience we would have gotten a million years ago where we might have needed to wade through an icy river every now and then. Short and stressful situations are good for my brain and mental health.

The colder the better, but if you feel dizzy then you should probably chill out and go with a bit warmer. Passing out in the shower is obviously bad and dangerous, so go a bit warmer for safety so that you're comfortable. Your dizziness might be a sign of something wrong too, be wary of what you eat and your health and make sure you stay hydrated. So stay safe with a slighty warmer temperature, maybe you'll even get used to it after some time and be able to continue.

But I've already been doing them every day for 3 years. I'll roll to add my roll to the poster below me



I've had to shower in cold water before, it never felt beneficial. What positive effects did you actually see that can't be categorized as just a feeling?

Bacne disappeared

My skin and hair improved. My face became less puffy. And I didn't even remember until the other user said so but yes my bacne has disappeared completely, and I had that problem for a very long while. That's the visual stuff. And I don't have as big problems with my neck and shoulders but it could be the doing of my mobility work only.

Dubs? Trips?

out of nowhere like two weeks ago i just stopped liking hot showers, now i do room temperature maybe a little on the cold side. no idea why

I do cold showers every day now regardless. Always feel fresh af when I get out


I already take nothing but cold showers fag

Same poster as ^
When i take hot showers which i did for most of my life till this summer it always dried out my skin and in general just makes me feel like shit. I cant vouch for all the "Life changing things it can do for you!" type shit but it definitely makes me feel stronger and better
>inb4 nice blog



I grew two inches thanks to cold showers, add it to the inphographic.


Cold showers are amazing.

source? I have bad lymphatic problems

Many results from quick google "hot cold water lymph node"
for example:

Is there a time you should wait before taking a cold shower after exercise? I feel like there should be a return to normalcy before you shock your body with the cold water. Any thoughts?

thank you

How cold is cold? Does it just mean non heated?


>>Anti-inflammatory and good for joints
>>Great for muscle recovery
Aren't hot showers good to relax the muscles which helps with recovery?



Hot temperature increases blood circulation

Roll bitches


Hot showers only make you sweat



rolling for 99


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let's do this

isn't this also good?

Yeah no shit, you know you can look things up for yourself too. But overall warm showers dries you out and makes you sluggish. There's a bunch of good things about an increased blood circulation. It increases because your veins expand with the heat, so there's more flow


Cold showers help a ton. I used to have a bad habit of staying in the shower for too long because the hot water was soothing. Now I never spend more than 7 minutes taking a shower. Saves a lot of time.


i don't trust people who take boiling hot showers

Rolling. Hope I don't get sick starting out. It's always been the main reason I've avoided taking cold showers.

Cold showers are for fucking faggots


But I don’t want to shower with cold water.

I have cold baths before bed. Cured my insomnia somehow.

central califag here
water in shower too hot , not cold at all
drive 30 miles to a dam near the foothills
sit in the coldest water ever
its very inconvenient , cant wait for winter


fuck you here we go

Roll, hopefully doesn't carry on into the winter

a couple of years ago i had a housemate who would take like 2 showers a day, sometimes 3, for like an hour at a time. i don't know if she was in the shower the entire time but yeah she spent 2 hours daily in the shower on average. her skin was fucking horrible and puffy.

i've heard it's bad for your skin to shower even once per day

What effects have you seen? This makes sense but i hate cold water

woo, can't believe this, but i've been having cold showers (and i mean as cold as the shower goes - which is fucking cold here in britain) since january thanks to one of these threads. not had any warm shower/bath since then. do it bros.

rock und rollen

fuck nein

So all women then

>cold makes you sick
Baka cold improves your immune system

This and also mental acuity and feeling better, good focus, stronger willpower, less depressed, more stoic because you feel like a damn viking after standing in painfully cold water for eight minutes without shivering or twitching or caring. When I started out I actualy manically laughed and smiled during my showers I guess some weird response to the stress, but being forced to laugh like that actually made me feel better. I'm relaxed and chill and muscles feel good

ja vi tar bare en rölla rölla kolda skyller

>When I started out I actualy manically laughed and smiled
Kek I did this too, it's the endorphins I think

fuck off faggot

>tfw you wanna do this but live in fucking florida where the water isn't cold in july

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For everyone who thinks cold showers are unbearable: I started cold showers and I could hardly be in the water for 5 seconds and any longer than that I was breathing frantically. After a lot of practice (and swimming in my pool during december) I now take cold showers every day and can casually wash my hair, shave, and take a 5 min shower in the coldest possible water. My water isn’t cold enough anymore

>mental acuity and feeling better, good focus, stronger willpower, less depressed, more stoic because you feel like a damn viking
i thought meditation was the best , but cold showers took me to a whole new level
they are both great ! but the cold is amazing !

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You can’t win if you don’t play the game

I always do hot showers into cold showers (as low as it goes) at the end in the warmer months, it's refreshing. I bet most of the benefits being stated are bullshit except the ones with muscle soreness after exercise.

I do it the other way around in the winter.

Rolling for 00


cold boi

looks like you’re shit out of luck Retard, you rolled for 47038646 days.

Ok dokey

98 Days

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roll for 99



I don't feel anything in cold showers on maximum anymore, have I ascended?


r o l l

Can some 1 explain these roll posts 2 me

I can't tell if this is ironic but you got 61

it's the last digits of your "roll" post ID newfag




heres to a positive change

reroll cuz i got 01 previously lmao