Why is the process of getting a girlfriend so easy for the majority of men? What is wrong with us? How do they even do it?
Why is the process of getting a girlfriend so easy for the majority of men? What is wrong with us...
I dont get any opportunity probably because girls consider me ugly
It's because they are men who grew up in a functional system of peers and family.
>What is wrong with us? How do they even do it?
They didn't get bullied in middle school so their self-esteem was intact when they hit puberty.
Getting bullied early on in life produces a vicious cycle of low self- esteem and social isolation.
>look a little weak so get bullied in middle school/early high school
>this leads to no confidence to ask girls out in high school
>no experience with girls so girls pick up on your awkwardness in college
If you somehow manage to finish college without any experience with the opposite sex, you're irreparably damaged. Maybe if you can motivate yourself to wagecuck your 20s away, you might be able to find a partner in your 30s. Is that worth it? I don't know but I guess I'll find out.
>homeschooled during middle school
My parents helped turn me into a pathetic boy with that move.
if you look good enough it will just happen when you put yourself out there.
Don't read too much into it, you're probably just ugly. I am too and I gave up a long time ago.
I personally blame mass media and the music-based programming they are pushing out.
w-we all can't be winners, right?
>"irreparably damaged"
Nobody's irreparably damaged, you retard. Sort your attitude out because the only thing in your way is you.
They don't hate themselves.
wizards are pretty irreparably damaged i'd say. never seen a girl say anything positive when asked if they wouldn't mind a guy who's still a virgin after 30.
Until they met me, you utter dick presumptions.
That explains my situation. Having mild gyno in middle school was a death sentence
Why is the process of getting a boyfriend so easy for the majority of women? What is wrong with me? How do they even do it?
don't take the bait you weak cunts
they aren't hamplanets. That's it.
Know this is bait but... just use tinder of you're female. Guaranteed matches. Hundreds if you're in a big city.
Those women don't have dicks.
Well, I'm married.
It's easy because I have enough common sense to know if a woman's values match mine, all I need is a little humour and we need to share some simple pleasures.
Feels good to be woken up by soft thighs and ass on my face.
>Sort your attitude out
Right after I clean my room, slay the dragon, and rescue my father from the underworld.
>Nobody's irreparably damaged, you retard.
Sure they are. Maybe you should step outside of your room and meet more people.
im the opposite of a hamplanet thats the thing.
Ive seen the kinds of women who use tinder, especially those in my area. theyre all a bunch of popular Stacys and beckys. I cant f*cking compete with them as a below average fembot.
Are you kidding me?!
i know you're baiting but fuck it, post pics of your feet or get out
fuck off roastie, girls can't be robots if you are born a female you already have an advantage at life, literally just go out and ask for some dick, bam you did it, fuck off to reddit or Tumblr
user, if it were that easy do you think id be browsing r9k or ever come across this cesspit in the first place? Come on now
Not the guy you're responding to, but yeah, it is easy. Why wouldn't it be? Are you retarded? Men are naturally horny all the time.
It literally is that easy, Jesus fuck
It was futile, they're too retarded
just because you saw a few meme experiments on the Internet doesnt mean they actually happen irl. You have to at least be average to even be registered as a potential woman
Okay, let's do another experiment:
I'm married so I won't propose, but can another man in this thread propose sex to her?
I guarantee she'll do either one of 2 things:
1. Disappear from the thread
2. Make an excuse
I've seen some less than average women achieve success. It's probably more to do with your attitude than anything.
wanna fuck?
She didn't say sex, she said she can't get a boyfriend.
I can quote multiple posts from her which abandoned the expansion of a relationship beyond the sexual, in which she was firm that the act of finding a sexual mate was not as easy for her.
>Maybe if you can motivate yourself to wagecuck your 20s away, you might be able to find a partner in your 30s. Is that worth it? I don't know but I guess I'll find out.
I'd bet it's more worth it than wasting your 20s not making much money and just hustling to catch up with neither charisma nor cash to bolster you.
Okay, do it. I'm not seeing it.
I've been trying to nail this black chick I met at work (she has the fattest ass I've ever seen) but she's giving me mixed signals. At first she really seemed to reciprocate my attention and want to get to know me, but today she flew off the handle over a very small issue and told me to shut the fuck up in a situation that was otherwise not serious at all, in front of other workers. Should I take this as a bad sign or is she just testing me?
Want2be muh uggo gf?
Maybe she was having a bad day?
1. ...in which she responds to the suggestion of an app for sex, a suggestion which was made after she lamented the difficulty of finding a boyfriend. Why didn't she just say "I'm looking for an actual relationship" if just sex wasn't sufficient for her purposes? She didn't shoot down the idea of a sex app because it wasn't built for relationships - she shot it down because of fear of competition.
2. ...same concept here, after being suggested that she could just go out and get sex. Never does she emphasize anything beyond that would be necessary for her misery to be alleviated.
3. ...and same concept here.
All I'm seeing is a girl who abandoned her premise and would be happy with garnering sex or a girl who used relationship and sex interchangeably.
If you disagree, please state why with examples.
youre only offering just to prove this boards hive mind agenda
looks like she disappeared. predictable
also this
Tinder can be used for finding relationships. There, just refuted your entire argument.
You should get checked for brain cancer btw.
No, I want to try to be bf
They treat girls as fellow people and have a common understanding that women want men and men want women.
what do you do when that strategy fails you for the first 20 years of your life?
>they treat girls as people
I'm sure you're right, but what does this actually mean?
It isn't the single example that makes the point. It's the consistency of never shooting down the idea of just sex.
You already have a sandy hole. It'll get crabs too if you keep looking dumb in this thread.
The idea of just sex is never even proposed though!
It is by male participants of this thread. The woman never bothered drawing a boundary when specifying the magnitude of difficulty around their suggestions, which means - as I mentioned - she either abandoned the premise or was using a relationship interchangeably with sex.
Bird-brained faggot. This board has room temperature IQ.
>Be me
>Get bullied during middle school
>Despite everything I told the teachers what happened to me
>Get constantly picked up by a boy who was taller and stronger than me
>Always fight
>Some years later I grew up
>low bodyfat
>Started doing boxing
Despite all of this I'm still that fat and short insecure boy who got picked up because he was too kind.
Also,it was during some of those days that I've felt the worst feeling ever:you fight against someone,everyone witnesses what happens,but doesn't dare to speak in your favour despite you being right;whenever I think about that I feel so grievous.
Also,during the last year of middle school,I tried to go out with a girl,talked to her for some months,but never had the balls of asking her out...She got together with a guy who was new in the school;it was since then that I didn't talk to women anymore, I just avoid them in general expect for my mother,my sisters abandoned my family when I was a kid and went with criminals around Europe,one of her picked up on me too and hoped that I would become a druggie who'd beat up his mom...
Quite funny that I'm a boxer who doesn't drink,smoke or do drugs
Okay then, there's no evidence that she was referencing anything more than the OP with her post, especially considering the fact she copies it almost verbatim, adjusting for gender.
I recommend not using insults against an individual's intelligence unless you yourself are an intelligent person, just a bit of advice.
Treat them as you would a young man (let's say 13 y/o).
Just the right amount of respect, but also considering the fact they may be retarded.
under the right circumstances, you too could have been a normie doing normie things.
If you're older then 25, it's best to try and forget about being a normie as it's to late for people like us.
Best to try and venture into other territories until the inevitable end.
>Nobody's irreparably damaged
Spotted the underage.
She didn't just make one post. She made multiple posts. Through a pattern of what she deemed significant enough to answer multiple times, it's evident that even though people responded to her in a way that wasn't congruent with OP's concept, it didn't deter her from specifically engaging them in their very specific points, nor did it incentivize her to draw a boundary. I can't help that she responded the way she did to people who wrote the way they did. That's everyone's own choice.
Maybe you're too retarded to learn the significance of expressing recoil in any way or sense when someone is associating motives unfairly to you. You're definitely too retarded to learn how that unfolds in a conversation between disagreeing minds. That's why you just lost an argument to me, you low IQ cockroach.
I mean beta guys can get gfs like that if they're attractive (they'll still end up getting cucked for being a nice guy), but omegas aren't gonna get shit no matter how they treat girls.
They talk to them like they would guy friends, except for more teasing and playing because they're the opposite sex (unless they're ugly). Only Chads and robots treat girls like they aren't human, the only difference is that Chad treats girls like they're beneath him (because they are), and robots treat girls like they're above them (also because they are).
>Why is the process of getting a girlfriend so easy for the majority of men?
i only knew a few guys (coincidentally all handsome and charismatic) who seemed to always get girls without even trying. most other guys seem like they have to put a decent amount of effort in, and usually end up settling after a while when they realize they just aren't gonna land a 8/10 or 9/10 stacy. personally i never even made an effort (have never asked a girl out for example) but i don't hate women as a consequence like some people do (elliot rodger comes to mind)
You seriously are reading way too much into what was going on in that conversation. Also I have a pretty decent IQ, thank you, and this wasn't an argument, you just have poor reading comprehension skills, which, funny enough, is probably why you think this is an argument.
>two people with points in contention with the other, who through dialogue attempt to make a case for their points while mixing in some insults are not arguing
Ah, the old "I lost an argument so I'm going to cop out by pretending it wasn't one" thing that low IQ retards do.
Stop being so stupid over a woman
an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
This is the definition I usually use for argument, I would call this a disagreement or a debate, considering I'm not the one that's hurling insults (except the joke about having a brain tumor, but that's only because it effects language comprehension.)
It might do you good to not view everything as a fight and actually listen to other people.
lmao I can't help it, he's being so incendiary.
This low IQ retard probably is a woman. She doesn't even know the definition of an argument. Men don't mind a bit of a pissing contest and calling it as much. It's the cowardly tactic a woman or soiboy would use.
"a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong"
"Typical" does not mean "uniformly".
You're so low IQ that you couldn't even read the own definition you provided. Jesus Christ you're so low IQ. I've been arguing with someone who literally struggles determining what an argument is. Fuck, this place is full of complete retards. Go find your missing chromosome before a definition the next time.
>but that's only because it effects language comprehension
It's "affects" when it's a verb, not "effects", you low IQ retard.
This, I still feel unwanted because of how much I was bullied in school. I secluded myself, thinking that everyone hated me even though I later found out that most people in my hs thought I was cool. I'm still socially stunted but at least I'm working on it.
Anons, the future can always be better. Stop posting here, lift, read, meditate, force yourself to socialize.
You never actually provided evidence that she was settling for sex.
I'm 18 right now. Is it possible to become a normie?
It starts right from when you're an infant. Between the ages of 3-7 are fundamental to your social development. I never really interacted much with girls as a young child. All my friends were boys. Most normies probably played doctors and nurses, kiss chase, truth or dare etc. had "girl friends" and got "married" all throughout their developmental stages. Then when they hit puberty and started chasing pussy for real they already had a backlog of experience interacting socially with the opposite sex so it came naturally to them. Obviously, they made mistakes and developed/learned more and more as they approached adulthood but they had a strong foundation already. By the time they reach adulthood the "just be yourself" meme is literally reality for them because it's happened so slowly over such a long time they don't know why or what works. It just does.
Robots didn't have any of that.
>mfw an 8 year old has more experience and is more competent with the opposite sex than 30 year old me
I never stated she was settling for it, you low IQ retard. Learn how to read: >which abandoned the expansion of a relationship beyond the sexual, in which she was firm that the act of finding a sexual mate was not as easy for her
That isn't mutually inclusive with "settling for sex". Room temperature IQ all over the place.
This wonders why it's not getting any. LOL.
Then provide evidence for that.
In reality anyone with above average looks doesn't have to try like you do. Male selection is a meme.
With Chad, females do everything short of actually asking him out. Get close to him, smile and laugh for no reason, "accidental" touches. Then he asks her out - SCORE - then he goes around talking about how much "game" he has.
It's not 8/10 looks; anyone 6/10+ experiences this daily. They can't imagine any other life, nor can we imagine their life, so these worlds hardly collide. so Chad thinks virgins MUST be literally wearing fedora and trenchcoat and calling women roasties irl.
No we are simply ugly and a lot of have never even gotten a smile from a female. Its over
Start working out and get some muscles
No matter how ugly you are if you are fit enough girls will flock to you just for the good fucking
not him, but his posts ain't hard to find. you're probably the same ass blasted roastie who doesn't know how to spell or read the same definitions you provided xDDD
>Tfw i'm quite short (170cm)
>i'm skinny (52kg, even if i'm eating a lot.)
>i'm nice to everyone, i try to avoid conflict because i don't like to be angry
>I'm most of the time quiet, because i'm afraid to fail or to be ignored because i'm not interesting
>i have some friends, but i don't see them often, i'm not social guy
>i have no interest into sex (for me, sex is only useful for it's primary feature : have childrens), hell i don't even jerk off.
>i don't really like alcohol
>i don't smoke
>i'm soon to be 20
I just want a girlfriend that can love me, so i can love her in return, i don't want sex, i just want to make someone happy, to be happy, and to be important for at least one person on earth.
>tfw overprotective parents held me back from making friends
>tfw only started to become extroverted when I started college
Definitely, even if it takes you 7 years to become a normie (a motivated person could go from robot to chad in that time with the right resources) you'd still have 50+ years of normiedom to enjoy. I'm a 20 year old cyborg right now, only kissed a girl once, but I know that at the rate I'm going I'll be fine by the time I'm 25
You don't even know what not being normal is like, you think you're special because you're sad or something and you found this board; but guess what 80% of teenagers are going through the exact same thing and you will be a normie doing normie things before you know it.
You've hit the nail on the head, but it's not just ages 3-7. Pretty much any damaging event up to the age of 25 or so can knock you off the ladder of social development (this can be something as simple as getting hooked onto computer games, thus losing touch with your peers as you chase dreams online), and even if you get back on that time lag is irretrievable.
Point of no return for the late bloomers is 21-22 and 25+ is lost all hope so you definitely have plenty of time to turn it around but act fast, be diligent and take this shit seriously. Those 3-5 years will go by crazily fast.
I'm asking for specific quotes from her post supporting the original argument. Also neither assblasted nor a roastie, but I am the same person that was arguing with him, I just figured I'd get the discussion back on point.
Part of it is being able to transition to becoming a stable adult (mainly having a decent job that doesn't screw you or leave you to exhausted to have a social life).
What if I don't make it? What does it mean to still be a robot at the age of 25?
Normally it means depression and unemployment or underemployment that lasts until the end of your miserable life.
Don't listen to these guys. You can turn your life around literally any time you want.
A-Any help?
True. I was a pretty normal kid growing up. Quite popular. Only issue I had I was quite shy around girls but this probably wouldn't have been a major issue. Then when I was 13/14 I moved to a different school and I think it seriously damaged my prospects for the rest of my life. I was ripped out of my peer group at a crucial stage in life development and was alienated at a new school and bullied. Instead of socializing and chasing girls between the ages of 13-16 I was isolated and never learned how to flirt or interact with girls. Later on when I was 19/20 I got my first job and it was horrific. This is where I developed major social anxiety to the point of being a voluntary mute at certain points. This led to a cannabis dependence which later emerged as mild psychosis. Both of which I still suffer from a decade later. Now I'm 30, KHV and have never approached a girl or asked one out. I think these 2 major upsets at critical points in my development are the cause.
Well adjusted and functioning normies don't have such events happen or they're minor so as to not effect their normal development. Maybe there's a way back for me to normiehood but I'm fucked if I can see it. I'm so far behind eveyone my own age developmentally it's like I'm still on the level of a awkward 14 year old despite being over twice that age. Maybe serious effort on my part with CBT and exposure therapy or something else I'm not sure but certainly more than "b urself bro"
>They didn't get bullied in middle school so their self-esteem was intact when they hit puberty
This exactly.
>things were alright until fifth grade
>started getting fat in sixth grade
>ADHD full blown unstable cunt mode activated
>turned into a fat, annoying and greasy attention whore
>nobody got through the skin to get to know me
>the only friend I had always ditched me in front of the cool kids and joined their verbal abuse
>girls hated me
>seclude myself more, get fatter
>mom joined Jehovah's Witnesses so I was forced to go since I was in fifth grade
>word got out, made fun of even more
>made fun of when playing online videogames, being called bad, bullied even when playing
>they were the only people I had
>went on to high school (not sure, basically 10th to13th grade here)
>electronical engineering
>some people from my middle school joined as well, the disrespect and verbal abuse quickly caught on with the new people
>get called fat, disgusting, everything is blamed on me since I was hyperactive
>the worst part of my life, chose a "major" I despised, had nobody in the world
>no girls in the class, other girls ignored me
>major depression combined with untreated ADHD
>start skipping school a lot
>not as annoying anymore, trying to be calm but can't control it
>get a not-bowl-cut haircut
>still battle weight problems
>classmates mature, still make fun of me but in a lighter way
>some people actually like me and defend me
>graduate, get accepted to college
I have just finished my first year there, things are looking up, I am not as fat anymore, better clothes, normal haircut, ADHD medication... And I actually met a beautiful girl that fell in love with me but... Things are really complicated and I doubt anyone even read this thing so hey. I can elaborate if anyone is interested but it's rough... All I wanted was to meet a girl and be loved... Feel the affection of someone... And now when it happened it was taken away from me.
>force yourself to socialize.
do you have to believe in getting drunk to do that? or in doing drugs? because i have become disgusted with excessive alcohol consumption and drug consumption.
>Tfw i'm quite short (170cm)
>i'm skinny (52kg, even if i'm eating a lot.)
Easily fixable and doesn't matter even if you stay that way.
>i'm nice to everyone, i try to avoid conflict because i don't like to be angry
You're basically a push-over. Extremely unattractive for men to shy away from conflict.
>I'm most of the time quiet, because i'm afraid to fail or to be ignored because i'm not interesting
Fear of people -> push-over. Being a pussy is unattractive.
>i have some friends, but i don't see them often, i'm not social guy
Doesn't matter/not important.
>i have no interest into sex (for me, sex is only useful for it's primary feature : have childrens), hell i don't even jerk off
Right, so you're a low-test pussy. Unattractive. Your dick doesn't work.
>i don't really like alcohol
>i don't smoke
>i'm soon to be 20
Doesn't matter.
Diagnosis: you're a low-test pussy. Fix it by dropping interests that yield to the image of a cozy, sheltered world where nothing dangerous happens and where you're never personally challenged.
Elaborate. Even if no one reads it, writing it out will help you to organise your thoughts and vent a bit.
Changing schools is huge. Spending 10-15 years from toddlerhood with the same somewhat fluctuating group of people allows you to test out a wide variety of social strategies and figure out what works and what doesn't, while mutually reinforcing positive behaviours due to the desire for companionship and validation. There's nothing quite like it.
Granted, there are times when changing school is good or not changing school is bad, but having that kind of learning experience is invaluable.
So i should be a person i'm not? i should lie to myself?
I don't think nothing dangerous happen in the world, i'm just nice because i like to be nice.
and it's not that my dick doesn't work, it's just i'm not that interested, i'm not a wild animal. i can control myself.
If you're soon to be 20 and your not all that horny, it's probably a psychological sort of thing. You're simply not a very assertive person, but you need to be at least a little bit assertive, not just to get a girlfriend but to live your life in a fulfilling manner.
>So i should be a person i'm not?
Yes, for the person you are is a pushover.
>i should lie to myself?
No, be honest about the pros and cons of being a pushover and make a rational choice that even you can believe that improves you into someone who is not a pushover.
>I don't think nothing dangerous happen in the world, i'm just nice because i like to be nice.
The complete answer is you like to be nice at your own expense, which is why you avoid conflict. Learn to see the benefits in conflict; learn that good things come from pitting your idea against someone else's.
>and it's not that my dick doesn't work
"No interest" for sex are your own words. One is still in control even if he accepts hormonal urges that are evoked when attractive women are around. You lost your claim to manhood if you don't lust at all. See? Now you're lying to yourself.
Honestly lad, it seems like you're right on the borderline of normie right now. You're still young, like 20/21? Keep working at self improvement and there's a good chance you'll be fine. The fact you have experienced a girl's love instantly puts you above robot tier.
What's your current situation? Your personality? You major problems that need fixing? If they're minor and you work hard on fixing them there's a good chance you'll turn out normie as well. But don't just procrastinate and think they'll fix themselves. You need to be pro-active. That goes for any other young cunt reading this thread (
You all need to act like youre worth shit. And if you know youre not, pretend that you are until you believe it. Confidence is sexy, and is one of the more important traits to have when talking to women. Although Im fairly good looking, I owe more of my success to exerting confidence rather than my appearance.
Confidence. Is. Sexy.
Self loathing, self hating people with the preconception that theyre undesirable fuckups are not.
>If you're soon to be 20 and your not all that horny, it's probably a psychological sort of thing. You're simply not a very assertive person
are libido and assertiveness really directly related to each other? i fapped like a maniac when i was in my late teens but i was still the least assertive person i knew. not sure if the fact that he doesn't stroke his dingdong every night really has much to do with how assertive he is.
>writing it out will help you to organise your thoughts and vent a bit
You're right. I will ditch greentext for this one.
I'm ESTP. I am pretty adapt when it comes to social situations so I quickly made acquaintances in College. At the start of the first semester I was at my best weight but the weight was caused by not eating because of depression so the yoyo effect quickly started showing itself. I have a lot of sleep problems so I failed one half of the double major I am studying but I am still allowed to continue.
I always wanted a girlfriend. I wanted to cuddle, know what affection is and such, basically every robot's dream. The fact that no girl ever paid attention to me hurt me so, so bad it became the main cause of my depression which was at this point getting really out of hand. I started eating and since I was just sitting in my room, alone with the occasional social outing (max once every two weeks) I got fat again (6'2, 231pds) and since I have a big ribcage my tits came back.
Things were getting really out of hand, until a miracle happened. One of the classmates from my high school ended up at the same dorms so we sometimes went for a walk after 10PM. Now, he studies Chinese and has this girl as a classmate he borrows the guitar from living at the same dorms. He showed me her instagram, she was an adorable short metalhead. I jokingly told him to invite her and she accepted.
She was really fun and we really easily clicked together. We went together out like this two more times (my friend included) and then she proposed we could go to the city centre to meet up with this other (male) classmate of tehir and rab a beer or something. We had a fun time drinking and talking and bought a few beers. The two guys were tired and me and the girl (let's call her G) bought an extra 2 litre beer bottle so we just sat in front of the dorms on this long low wall and just talked for like an hour while drinking and smoking.
I am so sorry for the size
It's not so easy. They have to jump through 50 different hoops and go through many failed relationships or marriages (women initiate the vast vast majority of breakups and divorces) with long periods of being single and sexless.