The Robot Test

Comment your results

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still no gf
have realistic goals and aspirations, still not sure why I should achieve them other than for their own sake

feels like I'm playing an RPG and trying to get a variety of loot/achievements/skill points/whatever, not that I'm actually living my life

I'm actually fine with this, as long as I have some record of those goals and don't end up homeless

Fuck you I was doing so well until it came to mental health.


I'm pretty sure this test is skewed. I literally have suicidal thoughts every day and think I'm absolute trash, I've never been able to get a date with a girl over a 5/10, and haven't been on a date in almost 3 years, and I work in a fast food restaurant, so how am I a "Chad"?

61, I'm decending into NEETness (I've been at home for almost 2 years now)


Was in between 80 and 100 months ago. I am now dangerously close to being a robot. wew

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Dead meme user but, 63 for me.

mah guy

I got 46 :)

>87 points, Slightly Strange.
>The social part really fucked up my points.

You are a Chad Veteran I guess, no longer a Chad but you were once one.
>I would say you are a Chadlite

better than i expected desu, last time i did it i scored around 75 i think, nothing really changed but there are things that are kind of difficult to answer

Never been a chad. If I took this quiz 2-3 years ago I would've scored about a 70.

115. Guess I'm top tier normalfag. Points were 28, 21, 25, 25, 16, respectively.

I think some of the point values are a little off. Fashion sense is worth more then +2, probably +3 more like. Not being a virgin is definitely not worth +8. Clean living space and money management should probably be +2 considering they're worth more then winning a fucking award which is +1.

>30 Wizard Apprentice
Look up to me, plebeians.

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did okay in physical mental social but really picked up points in accomplishments

136... Fucked in the mental health department though. I think this test doesn't capture the full spectrum of normies. Chad should be around 140 and successful 150+

Agreed, values are way off

133 guess im doing okay

99 normalfag reporting in. No, I won't leave your fucking board.

149 lmao gg nerds

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I was born for this.

96 from the last time I did it

i wanna meet someone who unironically scores a 0-8 for science.

Things are going at a steady decline, should be getting my power soon, wish me luck

Seems accurate. Still far from a Chad, but have made significant progress in my life compared to a few years ago. I met someone amazing in my life who has inspired me to get my head out of my ass and out of this slump. For the first time in ages, I'm looking forward to the future.


Mayhaps I found where I belong

I'm done for arent I lads...

>15/26 posters are over 58 score

>actually thought I was a normie in comparison to most posters

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>gaming mostly limited to console is +points
>no option for no gaming

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>34, right at the cusp of wizard apprentice
Fuck all you fucking normal fags

not playing video games should be +8 points

I will get over 130 and I'm in University at the moment. My life is only gonna get better from here on as well.

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youre nothing compared to me

thought I was a normie,got 34,fuck

>having children you're proud of is +1
>having decent hair is +2

Well I got 72. I would say the cyborg and slightly strange descriptions fit me pretty well.

>1.5 years ago
>jobless neet
>score around cyborg level
>have a job
>still cyborg level
its an abstract kind of feel

Hmm maybe show us your point breakdown? I have a pretty good job/good personal care but I also hate myself and scored much less than you

All I need to do is fuck one girl, and I'll be a chad, later nerds.

I don't know if you could even called me human anymore, but as sametime I feel nothing. having no feeling for anymore comfort me.

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breakdown is in order from left to right in the image:



Fuck I'm even resonable existing kind of. Guess I can just pretend I'm normal well. Oh well fuck it.

Which ones did you score in? I don't even know how it's possible to get an 8.


If you're browsing this board unironically half your score.

The bonus round prevents me from being a robot. I feel scared.

What if I only come here on occasion to look for feels threads or "_____ hate threads"?

all of my score are in physical.
exercise regulate
shower regulate
have a good hair style
Good dental care
No alcohol addiction

Can I add 3 points because I'm literally leaving to go bar hopping with my friends in 15 minutes? I need the confidence boost that comes with being told I'm a chad by a bunch of autists.

So you're a NEET and a pedo?

If you got above 50 you must go back to normalville.

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Chad/Stacy my ass. I scored 16 on social.

you are very right but I like 2d girl more than real girl

finally i can kiss this hellhole goodbye

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47, how the fuck do I fix this shit

13. Taste my fireballs, nigger!

87. I feel better about myself now

Although, the REAL test is whether you were hoping for a low score, or a high score.

>Diet +1
>No smoking, drinking, drugs +4
>Brushie +1
>Feel like I'm moving forward +2, seeing a recruiter in about a month

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I think the test is a little skewed. I have a productive life but am I truly happy? I was hospitalize due to depression and having a disconnect from reality a couple years ago, which i've not completely gotten over (though im in a much better place mentally with the help of meds)
still on my journey of finding an arbitrary reason for life. In the meantime I'll continue to do what is expected in hopes of figuring it out
Wish me luck lads

How the fuck do get into normiedom?

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>36 I just made robot

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gave this test to my roommate with a history of depression and anxiety and doesn't go out much. he scored 119. what the fuck is wrong with me?

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it better than some user who are wizard or grand wizard. you can still improve yourself.

98, guess I'll see you guys later, it's been a wild ride.

> Cyborg
Too robotic for normies, too normal for robots. Kill me.

Only thing that i added + but wouldnt really count is that when I was 5 or 6 I kissed one girl at brthday party and we dance romanticlly even though I had no affection toward her so
3+ Kissed romantically
1+ Held hands romantically(while we dance obvs)

Its 42 actually, srry small correction

I went into this like hell ya ima get chad score and ended up with

guess im here forever lads

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The 'social' part is where I gained literally no points.

I don't find it too fair though, considering I have had literally zero interest in romance since forever.

95 its not much but maybe i can improve on it with time

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> Final score: 53
Tried and true robot reporting in.

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I remember when I used to be slightly strange 2 years ago...

Unironically 7 desuka
I'm scared of thunder

Why is my score descending over time?

I get points in almost all physical questions but only 3 in the others. Why...

I pass for a normie rather easily, but as the years go on my grip on that facade is getting weaker. When does that "It gets better." thing start anons?

40, looks like its gone down for me, I think it was around 50 a year ago.

26 but I'm a lot more normie than that I feel like.

fitty seven
not a neckbeard (yet)

Minor or no physical +3
no smoking addiction +1
weed only ocassionally +1
no other drugs +2
no significant autism +3
dont feel anxious about going outside +2
feel motivation sometimes +2
dont find joy in shock +1
no sex -15 +3
not a virgin +8
have a good relationship w family +2
have friends +2 +4
socialise week +1
leave house +1
social networks +2
enjoy others occasionally +1
in employment +4
hobby +2
take care of a pet +1
large contacts +3
no criminal record +1
been texted recently +2
decent smartphone +3
55 - Robot

desu ive gotten worse since last time i took this test, i used to be a cyborg AND EVEN IF I GOT """LAID""" (dont fall for htis ruse brothers sex is horrible when you're a robot) I WENT DOWN FUCK THIS

i feel like my life has become a parody of itself
what is even the point of anything