Best way to meet 18-21 year old women as a 30+ year old?

best way to meet 18-21 year old women as a 30+ year old?

i just got fit this year and i'm looking to get a girlfriend; the problem is that i'm just not attracted to women over the age of 25 (usually).

do 18-21 year olds dismiss 30+ year olds? what is a good way to meet them and additionally, how can i break the initial barrier where they might think "oh hes too old" or something else disqualifying?

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I dont think hard, women date older men and men date younger women. If you work around younger women that will help. Working at a restaurant is always a good because you should be working with a lot of younger women.

>Working at a restaurant
alternatives? id rather not quit my day job


Only works if you have money and you don't look like you are 40+ (aka no heavy drinking/smoking, in shape).

not happening unless you got lots of cash gramps


> being this much of a boomer

Short answer: Be rich or successful

Honestly what makes you feel entitled to 18-21 year old women at that age? Literally everyone thinks that 18-21 year old women (people my age) are attractive. You aren't special.

If you can't date someone your own age, look in the fucking mirror. You better be ready to provide something to a 19 year old that a chad her age can't give her. The only thing you can really bring is money, success, a home, etc.

Don't grow a beard, young girls don't like facial hair.

My dad was 45 and he banged a 21 year old for like 3 months, she even moved into his parent's house with him.
The problem with people who deconstruct everything is that they aren't right 100% of the time.
They met at a funeral btw.