7 months in, currently on a cut

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looking beefy for 7 months user, you hit obliques/abs at all? if not now's the time

Currently on it.
But for the first few months I only focused on compound lifts. Also tbf I already started working out last year, however I was mostly just fucking around in the gym and I was way too inconsistent.

6/10. Build up your arms a ton to match your barrel torso proportions then cut. Your chest also leaves a bit to be desired

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Great improvements. Keep with the cut bro

im lean bulking now

Then stick with that. What’s your diet look like?

im 5'7 155lbs...3300 calories a day. 50/25/25 split..so 400 something carbs, roughly 1.3x bw for protein, filled the rest in with fats. avoiding processed foods, sat & trans fats, simple sugars, but other than that i just hit my macros. staples include brown rice, steak, salmon, eggs, oatmeal, grilled chicken, a FUCK TON of pasta.

also coolciada PPL rest on sunday. lifts are still ass because i fucked around at a deficit for the first three months of noob gains (i had to cut)

also i knock out a few of these a day. things are going good except for my lack of sleep and water (why i hopped off creatine, never noticed a benefit anyways)

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4 months of lifting
30 years old
6’ 2”

What needs work guys?

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>What needs work
Your face covering skills.
But if serious, people over 30 are in such a bad shape these days you're a goddamn rockstar already.

Not bad for a boomer

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Thanks friends. I feel really self conscious about my chest as my back is waaaay bigger than my front (thanks SS)

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Just fuck my shit up senpai

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BF% estimation??

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just realized how tan I'm getting lmao

in May I was depressed as fuck because I got dumped and never left my house

>do I have potential?

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Between 27 and 29%

About 7 months in

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Forgot to mention, 183 78.5kg, should look better once I get a tan.

You could transition from SS to something else now. Youve laid the groundwork now its time to build on it


How should I start?

18. 105 lbs.

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Try lifting and eating


>Just dial in ur calories bruh, pefect bulk.
This shit is a meme. How the fuck do you even measure a 0.5lb gain per week when weight fluctuates up to like 5lbs per day.

And on the other end of the spectrum we have the
>Just stuff ur face with mac don's bruh who cares if u look liek shit just cut later man
fat cope. Which I really don't want to fuck with because I don't want to have to cut and lose all my muscle and i've never really done a cut before

How do you unironically do it right? I'm currently like 150lbs (dunno cuz it changes every day) 5'9"

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Yes it is

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>awful angle that hides both arms
>wants advice

Depends what your goals are
You're looking good atm tho
How long have you been lifting?

Any thoughts on what. I’m still progressing linearly and i kinda like just focusing on a couple exercises as I’m still very novice.

jesus if your not like 4'8 eat eat eat

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6 months ish. I started at around 138. Now about 150 like I said. I want to gain 10 more lbs and then cut down to 155

I started at around 138. Now about 150 like I said


Motorola lmao

170 lbs

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cool shower

Am I going to make it?

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Im so tired of cutting all my lifts are shit I want to be 9% bodyfat already help

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3 months

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thats some large arms m8, but how is anyone supposed to see abs with all that fur

its visible that you train. we are all gonna make it


keep at it, ur gonna be huge

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Yeah, I'm thinking about getting it waxed off soon. Its gonna hurt like a bitch. Nice body btw, height and weight?

176cm / 77kg

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What does it say about my physique if this is my best pic?

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183cm 85kg
Will i ever escape skinnyfat?

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Also back pick

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Sneak fatty

Whats my bodyfat?

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turbo manlet 5'5" 153

Critiques? Cut, bulk or recomp?

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bulk bro

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5’10 185lbs summerbulk
This is the body you get from doing 100% calisthenics
looking at getting back in the gym. What needs work? Any program recommendations?

Looking good, what program m8?Focus more on chest
Cardio, eat less food... or embrace and go full fuckin bearmode
No idea but you could focus more on cutting, you’re building good muscle
Good shoulders but you could stand to hit more upper chest
Don’t eat like a fat shit. But at the same time you look a little too lean, add some more good fats to your diet
Rear delta need work bud, a good program and you would be fuckin set.
Yeah but don’t pull your shorts down like that man, long torso so focus on core as much as you do arms and hoes will beg for the abs
Nice job man, keep on keepin on
Lowkey fat
Cut cut cut cut cut
Just focus on getting in the gym consistently and eating well, once you have the routine down you will be able to program to what you need

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Maintain for 6 months and do some damn cardio

>looking good, what program
eating right was 90% of it. started on phraks GSLP and went to coolciada ppl

Consider making 2 of your workouts each week a “push-pull”
Superset bench with rows
Superset incline and ohp with pull-ups
Go hard on core
These things will get you looking proper, keep at it man.

5'8 165
Just started cutting
Looking to get shredded as fuark then lean bulk

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5'10 215 lbs

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I hope you are cutting

uh yea, getting closer, have 30 days to be sub 200. why do you ask?

What's gonna be your caloric intake for those 30 days?

Skinny fat right now :( . Also wearing a manhood for the penile gains

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you're not gonna lose 15lbs in 1 month eating that much

Could any brah give me a body fat estimate? 5'9 166 reporting in

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What should I do

181cm, down from 92.5kg to 82.7kg in 39 days and still cutting.

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lookin wide bro

you're already pretty lean, like 11-12%?

Are you a pajeet? If not, you sure look like one. Anyways, I'd say you're a 13%-15%

Nah full blooded italian. So basically a nigger. Yea i was thinking 12-15 too. Thanks
Goin for sub 10% brah

Tell me how F A T i am

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user please breathe

hahaha, yup. 6'0 225 38in

5'9 184 cutting to 170

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Trying to get back to lifting regularly after a year of screwing around.

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>those juicy thighs

>That belly button

leave my belly button alone :(

where do i get this shit where dammit where

>lifting for 2 months now
Am I still DYEL?

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Any advice or constructive suggestions?

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eat more protein and cals, lift more, then cut
also be patient. it going to take years to reach the promise land

Thanks, good perspective

Posting 1 Year progress


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auchwitz edition

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stats now u faggot

>hank hill ass

absolutely pathetic atm just finished a ~5 month cut after a 2 year hiatus from the gym.
around 150/95/170 @ 66 my best ever being 160/100/200 @ 74.

not really desu senpai just oversized underwear i bought when i was 25kg heavier

When will i be HUGE?

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