Come vent with your fellow robot autists and discuss this nightmare called life. Aspergers are the TRUE robots
New asperger thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw paradoxical intelligences
>tfw both retarded and gifted
>tfw not a virgin
Digihastus is a computer program for human wetware :/
>tfw it wont execute.
I have this hat
>anywhere i go i feel like everyone is staring at me
>every time i try to answer someones question it just makes them more confused
>cant walk without worrying about what i look like walking and it makes me focus so much that i end up looking like a retard
fuckin anxiety
I've have been going out at night and Vandalizing things then I go to an abandoned place to yell and smash things is feels nice since at night when no one is around I feel like I own the world
This is pretty bad behaviour even for an asperger
Okay, I have high functioning autism. (actually,not a 'meme' I am diagnosed with it, & it really sucks)
I hate being this way. I am a 19 y/o neet. Just got done applying for my first job online. Hoping I can get it. I want a job to get more video games.
>just had the worst autism-cluster b-anxiety-depression induced low of my life all topped off with a seizure
>mom dragged me out to get breakfast today
>sun so bright I didn't even want to open my eyes
>air so hot I wanted to strip naked
>the motion of the car made me want to vomit
>people wanted to talk to me at the diner because they hadn't seen me all week and I looked actually dead
>just wanted to stay in bed
That's anti-social behaviour, not aspie at all.
You and me both originally.
Based-poster versus
Beta phone-poster (who is also jealous)
I have been diagnosed with both I used to be much worse before going on meds
>too autistic to work
>not autistic enough to get autismbux
cut my life into pieces
How do you guys express your feelings/emotions although we depress them? i usually take my anger out on unrelated things that I have no reason to be mad at
Tell your psych you piss your pants and self injure. Talk about hitting yourself on the head. Talk about your public masturbation
I recommend doing this since words do not mean or feel half as much as actions
I feel so fucked. Unless I can find a job by the 4th of August, I have to move in with my neo liberal boomer grandparents a state away. These are the type of boomers that don't really believe in autism and see it as an "excuse for not wanting to work hard," while also being crazy because radical left-wing. My grandmother literally browses Twitter all day and has an account dedicated to sending a personal army of liberals at anyone who praises Trump and who has conservative views. My grandfather is much more chill, at the least.
What the fuck do I do, guys? I need to get a job fucking yesterday, but with my (luckily high functioning) autism and issues, I'm worried I might not be able to in time. My anxiety and other issues don't help either. I had 3 full blown panic attacks in the past few days thinking about it. I'd sooner kill myself than put myself through that hell.
Dude I've been diagnosed with every mental condition under the sun by many professionals through out my life.
None of that shit matters unless you have a physical malformity on your brain. Like a huge dent that makes you actually retarded.
The rest is just like "ah you can't behave exactly like you are expected to, here is a drug to make it easier to live a life youndon't want to".
>when do you all these things except you only wet the bed instead of pee your pants
>haven't bothered with getting autism bucks because mom's divorce winnings don't make them worth the effort
Where'd you get it? Custom made or from a website?
>thread about asperger's
>no one gives out (You)s because they're just waiting for people to reply to their post so they can leave
Why am I even surprised?
but your not surprised
>tfw every time I try weed I get too introspective and start hating myself
Is this a bad idea? Is weed the anti-sperg drug?
It makes me go full paranoia/anxiety immediately. My autism latches onto those slight vibes and blasts them at 100 when most normal people can just shake it off. Not a good drug for spergs
Does anyone else here have the hat irl?
I've been wearing it to work and school every once in a while, but I always tape over the text with a printed out logo of the school where I work and study, and since it's a big basketball school and its color is blue nobody thinks it's too weird.
I've only shown two people what it says under the paper and they both thought it was hilarious (they are my friends.)
Anyone else?
>wearing a hat with a taped-on logo
yeah that's pretty autistic
Eh, I feel you about diagnoses just being labels but some of this shit really is a pain in the ass for pretty much any kind of life you wanna live. Insomnia, tics and twitches, and brain fog are not fun.
You gotta take the good with the bad I guess, I mean I'm still very lucky but this brain problem nonsense can really hurt sometimes.
Hey man, my lab is a big fan of March Madness basketball, so actually by wearing a sports hat I am being non-autistic, by making the effort to fit in. And it's reasonable to modify a hat because hats are expensive and march madness only lasts like a month.
I am into minimalism because I don't like clutter and also when you are moving to a new place it sucks lugging around too many clothes.
I've taken psychedelics. I feel empathy, connection, and peace when I take it. But then it wears off. How do you feel most people's feelings without drugs?
It's autistic as fuck to tape a paper logo onto a hat
NOBODY does that you sperg
Feelings do not matter only actions do
Don't be rude to him he doesn't know better
If saving $15 on a hat is wrong then I don't wanna be right.
Insomnia and brain fog can be fixed by living a healthy lifestyle
But if I don't feel the empathy I don't get the motivation.
checking in.
no point really, others have checked in so this is redundant really.
t. aspie
the need for a house and food will make you have to move
I mean motivation to care when I socialize.
How has your week been? Are you currently struggling with anything specific?
my week has been a series of days, not out of the ordinary. i'm struggling with everything all the time. thank you for your inquiry.
You don't need to socialize unless you are at a job don't let society tell you what to do
Wanna hear a greentext on an "episode" I had sophomore year of high school? It's nothing serious, but it's quite embarrassing.
Sure do it, don't have to ask first
>at uni in the computer labs finishing off a semesters worth of work
>2 hours left at best to finish it
>Hear people i used to have classes with referring to me as 'that guy'
>Go to vending machine to get sips
>Run into MILF student who has an autistic daughter so she's usually nice to me
>She's looking at my groin area
>My huge ego thinks she's trying to get look at my cock
>Might have some sperg fetish because of her daughter
>Give her a flirtatious grin and walk away
>Go back to computer lab
>Some guy gets scared as I walk up to the door, does 180
>Walk in
>Two girls laughing at me
>Wonder if I'm just noided
>Sit down in seat
>All i can smell is piss
>Look down
>Big wet patch down my pants
>It's almost dry but still very visible
>Obviously wet my pants some time ago, some how didn't notice, it's had enough time to dry up
>Stand Up
>Spaghetti spilling everywhere
>Start walking out of lab
>Hear people laughing and saying stuff like 'aw gross's
>Spill even more spaghetti
>Get to the special ed room
>Take pants off and pour water over them
>Makes it worse
>I'm diagnostically retarded
>Virgin walk to car
>In the car i remember running in to milf
>Remember giving her that suggestive smile after seeing her look at my groin
>Remember I'm autistic
>I don't know what a suggestive smile is
>Probably looked like pic related
>go to buy food
>feel like eveyone is staring at me and hide in the bathroom to collect myself
Destroy the problem
Can any Aspies relate to this? I find myself learning the opposite lessons than my peers. People told me my differences are wrong and not to be myself. Now when I believe in be yourself people tell me to stop. I was expected to have no future from my condition but people tell me I should learn to not have hope. I was treated by society as if my differences were bad but when I embrace them they say stop trying to be a special snowflake. So these same people told to be themselves and their differences were good are now telling me to not believe it. Any advice?
We telling our literal autism stories now? I'll share one of mine but you might have seen it already, I've posted it a couple times
>decide to drive to the gas station to get snacks
>drive to the closest one
>sit in the car for 10 minutes in the parking lot trying to build up courage to go in
>give up, drive home
>sit in driveway for 10 minutes
>decide to drive to the other gas station
>park right in front of a homeless guy, didn't notice he was there until it was too late
>anxiety about homeless guy overrides anxiety about getting out of car
>exit my car quickly and go around the back of it to avoid him
>quickly get a drink and some snacks
>get to the counter
>forgot to bring my wallet
>tell the guy I'll go grab some quarters from my car
>forgot to avoid the homeless guy
>he comes up to me asking to wash my car for change
>I stammer out "uhhhhh hmmmmm, uh, NO thanks"
>speed walk the short distance to the car door
>fuck the snacks, I don't need the snacks
>turn the key to get out of there
>car won't start
>sit there autistically turning the key for a solid minute while homeless guy watches me through the windshield
>by the grace of god it starts
>drive away
>start hyperventilating
>start groaning
>groan turns into a yell
>yell turns into shrieks
>shrieks turn into wailing sobbing
>have to pull over to not crash
>sit there and have an autistic meltdown for a few minutes
>go home
I just wish I was normal
ffs user, im not gonna shoot up my favorite grocery store
Be your self is code for be like everyone else that's why you mainly here the super normalfags say it or some type of advice similar to it
I'm not talking locally I'm talking global
>>Probably looked like pic related
Well you're definitely autistic, that's a huge misunderstanding of what the Bates smile is conveying
It has to mean that because all my life I was told the opposite by people. It must not have been directed at me. This is why I never felt the need to rebel against it.
what are you suggesting user? im kinda intrigued now
Mass destruction
Yes, and be yourself is not actual advice because yourself is the problem with society
be yourself, but only if your attractive is what its saying
For normies being yourself is cliche. For us it's a radical statement.
>Have multiple friends who turned out to have aspergers,
>I always related to them first, then later learned they had aspergers
>Do I have aspergers?
>be me
>meet qt3.1415926 popular girl in history class
>by some miracle, we hit it off
>instantly become friends
>we hang out at lunch every day
>start to catch feelings for her
>tell her how I feel via note because aspie
>she chuckles, shrugs it off, and pretends she never saw it
>still talks to me like nothing happened
This should have been a major red flag for me, but I didn't have anyone else in my life except my parents and roastie sister, so I decided to keep orbiting her like a faggot.
>fast forward to a few months later
>she asks me to bring my deck of cards so we could play speed or some shit
>i bring the cards like she asked
>she takes them and goes to the token "comedian" of the class, who would always blurt out random shit in the middle of class
>they're building fucking cardhouses instead of playing an actual game
>i ask to join them, because it's MY FUCKING DECK
>they both tell me to fuck off
>go back to my seat and just literally start sobbing
>the qt3.1415926 asks me what's wrong, holding back laughter
>i sperg out and tell her i'm crying over my uncle's death, which is obviously not true
>she actually believes it
>i tell her the truth the next day
>she gets super pissed that i would lie about something like that, and reasonably so, since her grandpa had recently died
>she doesn't talk to me again
>i had just ruined the only friendship with a girl i've ever had
The qt3.1415926 and the comedian are now happily married with two kids, and I'm still stuck on Jow Forums after all those years. It fucking hurts, boys. Is there really no chance for burgers to live among normals?
I hope you got your snacks from somewhere! :(
>never speak unless I know what I say is actually contributing to the conversation (or if I 100% know I'm right in case of an argument)
>speak in a very particular and verbose manner
>as a result people think I'm smart but I'm actually retarded
>mfw people ask me what I think about something I have no fucking clue about and look at me expectantly
>tfw not affected by anything in the world
>tfw cry nearly everyday listening to music, reading books, or watching shows
leave me to die. no one will never understand.
I feel like I transcend time. My values aren't related to the time period I lived in.
look into OCPD
why is that? what era has the best values?
i am not him but I feel like 300 years in the futer is the right answer
Diagnosed Aspie here
I'll just repost what I wrote last night
I lost interest in everything, I can't relate to anything or anyone, I don't know how to socialise and have meaningful conversations with people and because of that I struggle to make friends or start a relationship with a nice girl. I'm generally not fun or interesting to talk to and I lack emotion so most people I engage with tend to avoid me.
Because I don't react to society the same way my peers do. I see them as pearl clutchers and fear mongers. Pre 9/11 times made sense.
disconnect your internet, find a special interest outside of internet, you will feel more confident guaranteed.
what do you envision a value system 300 years into the future being like? what assumptions are you making about society and technology? just curious.
i feel like that's fair game for any society that long ago reached its moral apex before spinning out of control.
i should elaborate. its a personality disorder commonly developed as a coping mechanism to ADHD and sometimes 'tism. what you said reminds me of how i use to socialise.
What did Aspies in the 2000s love themselves and were aware of the their oppression but as soon as autism acceptance happened the Aspies online turned against it?
There are dumb aspies and there are cutting-edge-rocket-builder aspies. Take a guess at which ones which cringed first.
I love this.
This is the burden of the savant because you actually think things through with the focus of a fucking laser cannon. Those at hat are asking you do not have that ability so are utilising you in exchange for social interaction.
I just feel like dune style genetic modification allowing humans to do crazy stuff will be a thing by then
Drive to every one of your local fast food joints, ask for an application.
Presuming Beta
>actually Sigma
This isnt a phone son.
Most of the ones who experienced school after autism acceptance or diagnosed after autism acceptance ruined our plans. They think neurotypicals are always right. We fought and crusaded for acceptance and neurodiversity only for these newcomers to shit on it.
>they want to be treated special
>then lets treat them all special
Thats how it happens user.
They're literally saying that it's ok for NTs to treat us badly or shut us out of employment. They say we're defective and shouldn't fight back and only we should change. It shouldn't work this way. Those of us who crusaded for neurodiversity in the 2000s get hated on.
We're like the Good Doctor.
I'ma vent about my shit high school life. Looking back I remember how terrible high school was for an autist like me. It's survival of the fittest at it's finest. By Freshmen year 90% of dudes are in puberty, and that's when the divide between Chad and the losers grows larger and becomes more noticeable. Natural Chads become Chad-ier, Stacies become Stacy-er. Since every teen relationship is about looks the Chads steal all the good girls leaving the rest to scramble and struggle. And high school is when "Popularity" is most sought after and important to your place on the food chain. So in middle school if you were a loser your place was cemented.
I love fog. It's like my depression slips away whenever it's foggy outside, and I just want to go out and get lost in the fog. just go around town. It feels good. Like my veil of anger, pessimism, bitterness and self-hate being lifted off me.
Now I want to smash things in fog to bad its never fogy in san diego
diagnosed apsie here. Even if they accept you theres always this deep void of knowing that youll never truly understand them on a genuine level, or in a non-autistic way. can anyone relate ? Im having a hard time trying to say what it honestly feels like, normie relatives always ask me shit about that but its like... I cant even comprehend this alienated feeling myself
Ive had a lot of people tell me arrogant or egotistic but Im really not. I dont feel like the world is centered around me, it just seems like Im in my own separate world that nobody wants a part of.
I can't explain this very well either. For me it's like knowing everything about someone yet being out of sync with them... having information and observations about others but not following the same rhythm of life they do. Everyone naturally falls into place when they're around each other. I can know logically which social roles I am able to fulfill and I am always choosing different things depending on what develops. Almost nothing is truly spontaneous. On top of all that I feel like nothing I do or say is absolute. It's all speculative and I don't really "mean" any of it. When I'm around others I am autistically trying to optimize their experience because nobody wants to hear about me fucking rant for half an hour even though some people can be very nice and patient when I do.
I hope so user, we need proper heals in the house around about now and only the thinkers really come up with any proper plans.
Have you ever wondered if its you that caused the fog?
Everyday i feel less and less human. I try to adapt to neurotypical life and it sucks. Im going against how i was wired since birth.
Aspie girl here where is my aspie boyfriend? Aspie males are CUTE.
>been feeling depressed as shit lately
>bored with everything
>I just want to cry
It's all astrological relevant. Explained in the stars you see, the business of which time period has the correct values. For wherever one's native moon occurs along the celestial hemisphere they will feel a belonging for for when the last time Pluto had been in that same position. Someone with their moon in Cancer will always have values from the 1940s, believing life is a sort of black and white slapstick movie. Whereas someone with the moon in Aquarius will yearn for the future, and feel no inkling for any past, but the very distant age of steam. It all depends on just the moon and Pluto. Some people are permanently stuck in an "ironic" antiquated 1950s mindset, and some people only want it to be the 80s. There is even a whole subculture that yearns for the 1870s when the moon was in Aries and this is what we know as mustache culture/bug-men and oddly helpful but mechanical sort of fellows who work at Rogers. It's a rule of 1/12ths, every 180 years or so.
Also I'm going to fucking stab this menace who implemented the new captcha system.
Are you a fat? Location?
I know that feel user. Even when I have been in relationships I've always felt completely alone.
sydney, australia
do you accept?
I'm massive and in the US.
Sorry to hear that user (not the US part).