Being around Niggers is like swimming with sharks with a meat suit on.
Nigger hate thread. Come vent bros.
Being around Niggers is like swimming with sharks with a meat suit on
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why do you hate others simply for existing?
Go say it freely offline live your truth instead of whining on the net sissyboi
Black people deal drugs, drink, swear, and lie.
Love the sinner, hate the sin.
people of all other races do those things as well.
I am black but do not harbor ill thoughts toward you, original poster. Why do you hate me?
I would if I knew I wouldn't get jumped by 10 of you nignogs. You're like piranhas, only fight in groups. You pussy ass faggots never do anything when you are alone. And if you are, you're most likely carry a weapon because you niggers can't fight for shit.
>being racist in 2k18
I go to Temple University and live walking distance from one of the worst ghettos in America and I encounter 10x more friendly well-to-do black people than "dangerous thugs". The only time I've ever felt threatened was when some teen slapped me in the back of the head or random teens doing teen shit, there's nothing about the "ghetto mentality" that can't be explained by poor schooling and other things that have helped to destroy any sense of cohesion in the black community. I feel just as unsafe around drunk frat boys or the random neighborhood kids in my suburban hometown.
Because you're violent, aggressive and only leave ruin in you're path. The world would be 100 times better without you charcoalbois
>because I'm scared
Obviously. That's also why you hate yourself you live in constant fear. Pussyboi
Right, but we don't get caught or called out.
This. It all depends where you live I guess but gang culture no matter the race is unsafe and dangerous as fuck. I suppose if you're the same race you have a bit more chance of survival but barely.
I have never once in my life been seriously inconvenienced by a black person and I live in one of the blackest areas in my region.
>but we don't get caught or called out
What the fuck are on about mate
>implying wiggers don't exist
Me either and I live in Detroit lol these people just bitch about whatever tv/pol tells them
Doesn't Sargon claim to be a 1/4 nigger?
Has any scientist ever pinpointed whatever the fuck that nigger smell actually is? And what causes it besides just being a nigger?
All you non-niggers know exactly what I'm talking about to.
This, whites commit crimes at the same rate but are too intelligent to get caught. We also do high-level, Oceans 11 type crimes instead of petty street crime.
all races smell weird to each other, black people say white people smell weird
It's not about being scared, it's more about me valuing my life. I would gladly say it to a nigger if I was around whites.
but i stay inside most of the time beating my meat to jav and 2d girls how am i violent bringer of destruction?
people at temple get murdered. you have police protection and escorts around campus. one of my gf's friends was raped in the daytime in an area close to the campus. can't wait until your nigger loving ass gets its comeuppance.
This. We whites have killed, raped, pillaged, enslaved, humiliated and exploited every group of people on this earth but it's fine and justifiable.
whites have a smell too. When ever im around you guys or even when i did shit with my ex there was this weird coppery smell mixed with lotion i think
>user just called jamal a nigger, who even invited him
millions of people died in the World War II but I like Germans just fine
I just hate how black people are seen as the end all be all for what "cool" is. black people arent fucking cool. theyre stuck in a perpetual seventh grade. black people think sticking your middle finger up to a camera unironically is badass. how is that cool. I hate to sound like a bore but i like the brand of cool that james dean showcased... not this nigger shit.
not all blacks are bad or violent but you're retarded to think they aren't disproportionately violent.
>I would in my perfect imagination scenario
>never have
>b-but I'm NOT scared
Enjoy that COPE friend lol I've never once bit my tongue because of a cac
do you realise what you smell like when you sweat??
>tfw when white people smell like literal wet dog when they have'nt taken a shower
Hmm.. Pretty sad to see how naive white people are about races and tribalism.
I dislike shitskins, they are stupid, degenerate and also hostile and dangerous to our genes/people.
If you are white and reading this and thinking I'm wrong, I ask you to reconsider, try to see things from a different perspective. All the things I said are true.
The important thing is that there are people of other races that also do good things. Niggers don't.
He's got a point. Blacks can't fight worth shit so they gang up or use knives or guns. One on one they sure don't act so tough.
>Hahahah why don't you just step into the Gorilla den user. What, you're scared? Why!? Gorillas are your friends user! They won't rip your arm off.
>call a nignog a nigger
>get shot
Yeah. Scared...
i have never met a black person before
so why do i want a black man to fuck this purity out of me
It's in you're DNA, the ape gene hasn't fully dissipated out of you're gene pool yet. It can trigger at any moment you step outside. And that's NOT a good thing.
>tfw had never seen a black person in my entire life until I went to the US for vacation
sucks to be you, burgers.
>so why do i want a black man to fuck this purity out of me
post your contact if girl;
without them the u.s would be real neat-o
i hate posting contact on here so no. the last time i did that was not good
Niggers gonna nig
Calm your tits you guys smell like cardboard or or slightly weird old damp towels
Every advanced civilisation has raped, murdered, conquered, etc...whites were just better then the rest.
Firefighters wouldn't have gasmasks had it not been for an black guy or traffic lights or super soakers and getting into space would've coated billions more each time we took a rocket off, learn some basic history.
black guys lowkey have the best dick
I don't hate black people. Only stupid thugs who disregard everyone else. I've met some black people who were perfectly normal and not an animal like so many of you believe. It's just a loud group that is always in the spotlight of the media making the average ones look bad.
Somalia has a lower homicide rate than Russia and a bunch of other Eastern European countries explain that my good friend and Islamic influence ain't an explanation
Is that the horrors hand guy from Billy and Mandy
fuck off niggers
Suck it bitch I ain't so what are you going to do about it other than scream niggers and apes.
>No disgusting images please
thank god those niggers invented super soakers, that makes up for the hundreds of people they kill every day.
Your attitude changes when you see the percentages of what race commit what crimes.
it's all the creams they use
somali niggers are outliers, dont know why their rate is low. i also dont know why Rwanda has a lower rate than Estonia. point is theyre outliers and dont excuse the rest of the african continent. just like the u.s (5.35) is an outlier in the Americas.
Probably bc they don't have the structure for accurate reporting. It's rise of the planet of the wild west. Only get caught if someone sees you actually doing it.
Why are your wasting time with such a waste of oxygen blackbro ? he got bullied by stronger than him so he need to externalize his frustration.
See what I mean ? I said stronger talking about the person bullying him and his mind instantly went to the race. He see black people are one big monolith of power.
He is afraid.
Sister wanted to marry a sailor nig nog, we constantly said no at all times. She does it anyway, 6 years later here I am taking care of her son while she works and her husband is off beating another woman or in Dubai like he said. Fucking nigger.
You implied that the "stronger" was black, retard.
user, I'm so fucking sorry this happened. I worry about this every day with my sister. She is a strong right-wing Christian, but completely buys into the 'purely economic" meme. She works with a lot of coloureds, and she dated a beaner for a while. I've showed her the evidence of black IQ and violence, and that it's not simply economic as even rich blacks have lower IQs. But all she does is say she doesn't want to hear it. It doesn't help that our mother and her sister were almost race-mixers as well. Why can't roasties understand evidence, and the concept of loyalty to one's race?
its the scent of the sickle cells
This. Because anytime I reach out or try to befriend a nigger, he is disrespectful and tends to steal from me.
"Thank God for the sickle cell"
Racism is silly, everyone fundamentally hates each other. White people love playing the victim after they create problems for other people.
>Segregate blacks into ghettos purposely
>dump drugs and guns into a sesspool of poor people that are depraved.
>Muh why are they so violent
>Muh they're the real problem
>Muh we din do nuffin
It's a double standard really. White people could colonize, rape kill, etc etc. Nobody cares cuz of muh progress. Blacks do the same thing to make progress then all of a sudden wah wah you're evil. Muh our progress of killing and raping people is better than your progress of killing and raping people. It's just nonsensical.
I'm not even a race fag, call me a nigger, it won't change the fact that you're ignorant.
I have lived with niggers. I have lived without niggers. Once I could afford it. I refused to live with niggers.
Honestly I feel more comfortable around black people than white people. I'm from Canada though so our black people are usually straight up african or first generation canadians.
Every race is shitty in their own way. Niggers are violent apes, whites are manipulative little rats, jews are snakes, asians are insect peopl etc etc
>Niggers are violent apes
so is every race but ok
They're definitely more violent on average
>What is poverty
Non poor blacks on average act less aggressively, because they don't have a reason to. But I don't expect you to believe me.
I hate niggers and wouldn't want any at close range for any existing reason
That's my right to hate and if you think that there's no reason for such hate you get, well... That's because you're afraid of the facts
Many of you know the truth and will remain on the denial at all costs
That's why I hate you and wouldn't ever think about being friends with someone like you
Also for the "being scared" reason, there have been niggers trying to get "friendly" (mostly with ape behavior) with me
Result? No :) I don't wanna deal with you
Reminder not all blacks are niggers. Gang culture is a plague on society but there's plenty of regular ass dudes who happen to be black.
Reported thread, no image macros outside of /b/
It's actually "not all niggers are black but all blacks are niggers"