I'm unironically proud of being black. Even though we have our problems, I love my people, whether they're from the US, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Africa, wherever. I love our skin, I love the way our hair grows, I love our bodies, I love our music and our dance, I love our cultures, I love the way we refuse to speak normally and have to spice up everything we say. I love our native religions and traditions, I love the way we dress. The violence in the Americas is an issue but we're fixing that, at least in North America.
I'm unironically proud of being black. Even though we have our problems, I love my people, whether they're from the US...
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Why would you not be lol because internet virgins who have full mental break downs if they have to speak or go outside? Lmao fuck out of here. I'm rich black and in my mid 20s none of them can tell me shit lmaoooo
Also you are not black you're a white boi incel LARP but whatever
I wish I could be delusional enough to be happy about dumb shit like that
Here come incels triggered people don't subscribe to where they think they should..you know nothing triggers entitled net Nazis like a negro that isn't ashamed and meek they feel that insecure feeling they irrationally project as our fault
Good for you blackbot, don't let the man get you down.
How do you feel about black south africans robbing, raping, and slaughtering white south african farmers?
The same way you feel about police killing niggas with immunity...nothing
Why are you proud of something you've done nothing to earn?
Actually, black babies start off light skinned and earn their melanin by beating other black kids in fights.
Because unlike you, there is a tangible downward pressure that we start feeling as soon as we are shown that we are black. You can't relate but it's none of your business anyway
That's where you're wrong though. I do feel something about police killing niggers with "immunity". I feel slightly safer at one more violent thug removed from the world, disappointed that the black person decided to go full nigger and become another statistic proving stereotypes have a grounding in reality, saddened that there are still tons of other violent niggers roaming the streets and doing harm to their communities, and frustrated and jaded that immediately the police officer will be called a racist and raked across the coals for doing his job which, 9 times out of 10, that's exactly what he was doing and not at fault at all.
>police killing niggas with impunity
lol police kill like 400 black people a year in the US on average and the vast, vast majority of those are justified shootings. meaning we're probably looking at like 20 or less cases of unjustified shootings per year in a country with 350 million people including 40 million black people. yet you make it sound like police just rove around looking for black people to mag dump into.
So you're not proud of being black. Got it.
>cac assumptions stupidity and blatant ignoring of reality
Yes I'm sure the police investigating the police are doing honest reporting of these stats it's not like if you go into any black area or talk to any cop off the record you won't get a directly opposing view but anyway retard none of this is relevant to the point I made..nobody gives a fuck about land stealing white South Africans now use your SAME logic and give me the stats on white South Africans being killed and give me the official government information like you just did with police don't give me what the whites themselves are saying or what their supporters are saying
You won't because your arguments are bs and blatantly intellectually dishonest
>implying SAF's government or administration can or has tried to collect data regarding this issue
Ffs user, nigs there cant even keep electricity running, people are more reliant on PMC's than their own government. How can you expect them to be capable enough to (or even willing enough) track these farm murders.
>stolen land
That land belonged to the Khoisan, then the Bantu clickniggers came (after the Boers) and have genocided the poor bushmen, thus conquering the land. The two major groups in SAF, the Bantu and the Boers, are neother natives there, the Khoisan are.
>so no evidence that he would accept himself just anecdotal
>excuses he also would not accept as to why foreigners should own land that's not theirs
Black people have been in America as long as whites, longer than most segments that weren't even considered white then and yet you tards consider us foreign and want us out but yet I should care about some cacs supposedly being displaced in fucking Africa lmao
I'm black jackass why would I not be
Because being proud of being black takes a lot of self acceptance in America. White people are the default so they won't understand the feeling of being told you're inferior. This is why the we wuz kangz meme exists. For hundreds of years, we were told that we were running around the jungle naked with no civilization or culture, then you open a book and realize your ancestors came from wealthy kingdoms and empires.
Can't believe this fucking cornball brother tried to accuse me of not being black. Fuck off.
That's nice OP. I'm white, but I think African culture is interesting. Best of luck to you
You're not black.
You're orange.
>cornball brother
Black people don't say that unironically combine that with the fact that you're on fuckin Jow Forums trying to explain and justify being proud of being black..now I know you're white
Sorry my great great grandmother couldn't run fast enough.
>literally too new to even know what a tripfag is
>"rich" and calling people "internet virgins" whilst browsing Jow Forums
Worst bait I've seen in a while.
Ignore the obvious proof then cornball.
>give me the stats that I know are nonexistent on white south africans being killed and give me the official government information
Here's your official government information.
>Then-President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma singing and celebrating killing Boers (white South Africans)
Your blackness is beautiful and don't ever let those jealous, plain-jane crackers tell you otherwise.
Fuck you, being black is a curse
Go suck a dick faggot. Just because you're a self hater doesn't mean everyone else has to be
Nevermind the fact that this is an old apartheid era song and that Boer =/= all white South Africans.
Although the Afrikaners should be killed to be honest, Germanic autism has been going on for long enough
>no time stamp
>google:black hand
Try harder cac lmao
The only way you're "fixing that" is by being gunned down in the streets like the dogs you are.
American blacks are pure trash and need to be removed from existence. I don't give a fuck about the rest because they're not dindu tier.
What do you think of studies that prove the fact that black people are dumber than other races?
That is both hilarious and disgusting. You have absolutely nothing to be proud of. How the fuck did African niggers never even invent a written language, or the wheel? You are not human. You are monkeys.
Good for you user. You've got more of a sound mind than degenerate liberals who hate their own race and culture. Every race and nation deserves to have pride in itself.
Okay, if Boers aren't all white south africans, who are they? The farmers? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't pretty much all south african farmers white? And that's disregarding the fact that "Kill the farmers" is even stupider than "Kill the whites"
>old apartheid era song
That they still sing.
>Afrikaners should be killed
So you just flat out agree with it/white genocide then. Good to know.
Europeans never independently established their own written language.
And Africans have Furthermore, why would Africans need to develop a wheel when there were very few actual beasts of burdens that could be DOMESTICATED in sub-saharan Africa? (especially with tsetse fly and its role in spreading diseases such as trypanosomiasis, which heavily affected animals as well as humans.) Arab traders didn't make their way across Africa with wheeled carts, they made it in fucking camels.
>Europeans never independently established their own written language.
>why would Africans need to develop a wheel
what are wheelbarrows
>very few actual beasts of burdens that could be DOMESTICATED
The boers are..... the Boers. Wow, what a shocker. Almost as if there's other white people inside south Africa besides Afrikaners.
Nelson Mandela shouldn't have sucked up to international and domestic pressures, the ANC should have just rounded up all Boers and put them in camps like the British did while also pissing on the grave of that fat fuck Daniel Malan.
You shut the fuck up right now you god damn monkey. Stop carrying things on your dome like a fucking 50 IQ sub-Saharan nigger.
>Arab traders didn't make their way across Africa with wheeled carts, they made it in fucking camels.
probably because there weren't any fucking paved roads in africa prior to the arrival of arabs or europeans. meanwhile the chinese and romans had advanced highway systems already completed like 2000 years ago.
Are you refuting my points with information or are you having a fucking heart attack?
>what are wheelbarrows
Try carting around a wheelbarrow in the middle of the fucking desert, marshland, or jungle
But I never said that Africans developed the wheel? Lmao alright though, feels good seeing the masterrace sperg out over the history of some black people in a shithole though
>Try carting around a wheelbarrow in the middle of the fucking desert, marshland, or jungle
>niggers unironically think that the roads in Europe literally just fell from the sky
Buh we aint gots no roads, mayne! Das why we aint never invent no Dang Wheel! Ain't got no ROADS up in Africa!!
No need to be rude faggot, this is why everyone hates white pride these days
Cool stuff. Having pride in your culture is awesome, even better when it isnt about putting other people down
Didnt you say you were done with Jow Forums?
I'm not about to go back and forth with you, especially when you've agreed with me in other threads.
I don't give a fuck. Why would I care about this?
Some black Africans had written language. Africans are literally pure human whereas whites are part caveman lmao
Oh look, found this cool painting. Looks to me like a clearing in front of the city walls. If you look real close you can see a wheeled cart. Wow!
Can't say this is Afrocentrist revisionism, because the painting was made by a Dutch speaker.
No thank you, my mayo-skinned friend
>post pic of 2018 johannesburg
>look! africans are great inventors and architects!
kill yourself nigger
Racism against blacks simply for being black and thinking blacks are subhuman is a fairly new concept that was only made to justify American slavery. Most whites back in those days were racist towards Africans simply because they were foreign but they didn't try to make it seem like they were all primitive savages.
Holy shit how are you even shitting out this revisionist """history""" so rapidly? Literally everything you said was incorrect. I'll be damned if I let you niggers get away with it.
I know they're not the ONLY white people in south africa, I'm just saying all boers are white. Miscommunication. Honestly I'm impressed you know anything about Nelson Mandela beyond what they tell children in schools (such a saint! nobel peace prize! greatest man ever!!!)
That being said, my original point stands.
Whites have no need or responsibility to justify slavery whatsoever, as it was a primarily Jewish enterprise but incidentally also the best thing to ever have happened to Africans. Furthermore, whites have suffered infinitely more from the effect of it, having millions of subhumans leech off of our success for hundreds of years, so any supposed debt that may have existed (but did not) is long repaid. Finally, whites are the only ones ever in all of the history of mankind to ever have ENDED slavery, which was practiced by all races in the world at some point, and still is in Niggeristan Africa.
Stormfags call everything that they don't agree with revisionist. You retards love going on about how blacks sold themselves into slavery, who do you think white Europeans bought the slaves from, retard? Kings in Africa. Africans who emigrated to Rome and became Roman citizens were treated as equals. And Africans who lived in Africa were seen as the same as non Roman whites, barbarians.
Pic related is a painting by a Portuguese artist. It depicts an African queen and her subjects.
Racist pseudoscience began in the Americas because whites needed to justify why they were treating humans like animals. They had to justify why one race was free and another race was a slave race.
I didn't say I disagreed with anything, just that 9/10x it's a nonblack larping anytime a OP claims blackbot. Either way I don't like having these types of conversations in front of nazis so we can leave it here
Holy fuck and what's your point? I hate when you idiots do this. No one was talking about how bad slavery was, no one was talking about the morality or after effects, so please shut the fuck up and reread my post. I was saying that whites didn't see Africans as subhuman until American slavery, when they felt the need to justify why one race was enslaved and the other wasn't.
What African artist drew this?
He's right idiot. The subhuman angle was popularized after Chattal slavery was invented because people were creeped out by it, before that you the individual was a slave not everyone who looked like you and your children. That was a huge change and people were not all that comfortable with it so they started saying they weren't human to smooth it over
This is the white version of WE DINDU NUFFIN WE WUZ GOOD BOYS! I talk about how ancient Europeans felt about ancient Africans and you bring up how da jooz started slavery and how blacks should be happy they were enslaved and how whites were the real victims of slavery and how whites were actually the good guys because they ended slavery. None of this had anything to do with my post but you said it anyway because you can't read and you have a double digit IQ.
>who do you think white Europeans bought the slaves from, retard
Jews, who bought them from other rival African tribes.
What the fuck does that have to do anything, lmao? You can be a king of an empire of bones and dust and monkey feces, what the fuck does that mean? Retard. The first picture you posted is from 1686, a depiction of Loango.
>Virtually from the beginning of its independent existence, Loango had an engagement with Christianity. Diogo I of Kongo sent missionaries to Loango during his reign (1545-61) which coincided with Loango's expansion and independence. According to an account of a priest in Diogo's court, the king and "all of his people" converted, as did the king's brother "Manilembo", a priest of "pagan idols."[35]
How the fuck did this happen without European influence? Where the FUCK do you think they got the wheel from? Are you seriously this retarded, nigger? You fucking monkey. Never speak again.
Your post implies whites have or ever did have a need or responsibility to justify slavery, which is incorrect. Fuck off with your nigger revisionism.
LMAO I never once said africans were great inventors and architects though? Why does it anger whites so much that certain black ethnic groups have developed something resembling civilization, even if you all admit it was primitive? Why should ordinary white people, especially robots, care about whether or not the kingdoms of Kongo, Songhai, or Buganda had infrastructure or accomplishments of their own.
And don't act like Johannesburg was any better in 1958. The blacks were just cordoned off from the rest of the city in their own little townships.
To be honest I'm partially memeing, but thank you for not being "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER DIE NIGGER" even when I probably should have deserved it there lmao
I flat out just said that the painting was made by a Dutch speaker. You can tell that the painting says "De stadt van Louango", which looks pretty damn Dutch to me, if not German.
Or maybe you're just trying to trick me so you can prove that the fact that an African didn't paint this is somehow indicative of the fact that Africans had nothing resembling civilization.
>Why does it anger whites so much that certain black ethnic groups have developed something resembling civilizatio
Because it's factually incorrect and we are defenders and upholders of truth.
nignogs eternally BTFO lmao
Whites owned slaves in America. It's just a fact. Plantation owners were white. Get over it. But even they knew it was weird that a whole race of people were slaves so they felt the need to justify it. You're so insecure. No ones saying whites are bad or they're to blame for everyone's problems but the truth is that they owned slaves and felt kinda bad about it.
>being this fucking angry over his ancestors recognizing black people as humans
The absolute aftermath of racist American pseudoscience. Your ancestors saw blacks as humans. Black Africans would become Roman citizens and were treated as equals by Romans, while non Roman whites were called barbarians. Get over it.
>No ones saying whites are bad or they're to blame for everyone's problems
HAHAHAHAHAHAH okay nigger. So now that you're getting BTFO you suddenly want to play nice? Not going to happen. People are indeed saying that about whites. Not a little bit, not whispering it, not occasionally. But printing 10 page stories about it in every fucking newspaper every day, in every form of media, in every university course, and every other aspect of information and knowledge. And the truth is that it is literally and factually incorrect. Meanwhile, no one is saying similar things about African slave traders, or Arab slave traders, where it is indeed correct. Not a peep.
No you're not going to slither out of it that easily, nigger. The noose will be tied tight.
Where do you think Europeans got the wheel from? Do you think the famous Neanderthal scholar and poet Ung made the wheel? The first wheels originated in Mesopotamia, not Germania.
And how the fuck are Jews solely responsible for the slave trade when nations like Portugal, the first and one of the leading slave trading empires had also inquisitioned the Jews as well? White people engaged in the slave trade. That is a fact. That doesn't mean that the ordinary white is somehow automatically less altruistic than other peoples because some of their ancestors might have shipped black people over to the New World. Who gives a shit.
And don't bring up African tribes selling other captives or the Barbary corsairs engaging in slave raids all over the Atlantic or the Arab slavers in Zanzibar, this doesn't magically minimize the European role in the Atlantic trade and make it okay.
What are your facts then? What qualifies as a civilization, and what doesn't?
>No ones saying whites are bad or they're to blame for everyone's problems
what fucking planet do you live on you devious kike
>How the fuck did this happen without European influence? Where the FUCK do you think they got the wheel from?
Do you realize you're arguing about fucking nothing? You're trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with the discussion.
>Roman writers described people with physical characteristics of sub-Saharan Africans as "Aethiopes", but the term carried no social implications
>Black people were generally not excluded from any profession, and there was usually no stigma or bias against mixed race relationships
>inb4 we wuz kangz
Whites just weren't that racist back then.
I'm talking about in this thread, retards. No one said that white people were to blame for anything. We're saying that modern racism is a recent invention that was created to justify chattel slavery in America.
So is this a work of the Jews? Last time I read a newspaper, saw a movie, listened to music, and read books I don't think I saw or heard anything that stated that whites are to magically blame for all the world's problems.
Step outside. Go to school. I can assure you they're not liberal recruitment centers planted by Jews. For the most part.
In this thread you autist. Look at this guy acting like a victim and a racewar soldier at the same time.
oh wow. A clickbait twitter article, and you even hid the likes!
>White people engaged in the slave trade. That is a fact.
It is a completely and wholly irrelevant fact, as every race has engaged in it but more severely, but only whites have ended it, yet we are the only ones being blamed for it. See the problem, nigger?
See but this is why you're an idiot. This is why you and all stormfags are idiots. People mention American slavery and white people's role in it, which isn't debatable, but you always bring up slavery in all these other parts of the world. This discussion isn't about Mongolians taking Chinese slaves. This discussion is about the effects of American slavery, in which the majority of slave owners were whites. That's just a fact. But you try to deflect.
It's funny how you all always make fun of SJWs because they can't face facts or "race realism" but someone says whites owned slaves and you chimp out.
Yet people don't casually forget the Arab slave trade happened, especially in Congo and East Africa. Maybe the reason why whites are blamed for the slave trade in schools and the media is because: shocker, you likely live in a European or Anglosphere country, where the focus is on Euro or American history (and when the slave trade is talked about, it is most likely talked about from a Western perspective on the European slave trade) and not the history of Abdul shipping away slaves from Zanzibar over to Arabia. And as it stands in this thread, we are not talking about the Arab slave trade or other forms of indentured servitude around the world. We are talking about the European slave trade.
Also, just because someone ended something doesn't mean that it magically makes their past crimes okay. Forgive me for the shitty comparison, but if you were kidnapped, sodomized, and tortured for years, but one day your captor decided to free you, does that make your captor a good guy? No, he's still an asshole, and you probably couldn't even forgive him.
The legitimacy of your argument also isn't being benefited by you calling me nigger, a word invented by whites during the European slave trade. Here's a tip. Removing that from your sentence will help you pull the victim card more effectively, especially among your Kek-enlightened stormie buddies.
>but we're fixing that, at least in North America.
Lol, ok dude.
Look at black crime rates now compared to the 80s and 90s. Crime in black neighborhoods has been on a decline. The crack epidemic spiked murder rates in black neighborhoods but barely anyone smokes or sells crack these days.
>b-b-but Chicago!
They're a special breed of black, there's something wrong with them.
Maybe Memphis is like Chicago, but I'm a white dude living in the ghetto here, and it seems like it's getting worse.
>muh black community
There is no "black community" just a bunch of self serving psychotic niggers that have kids they cant afford.
You must be proud of the way your hair grows cause you got nothing of value ro be proud of.
It's not. I guarantee you its not. Compare the murder rate in, say, 1992 to 2017. It's like when people talk about how they're losing faith in humanity when humans as a whole are better off now than we've ever been.
Where did I say anything about the black community in the OP? You're just creating shit so you can disagree with it, as stormfags tend to do.
>There is no "black community" just a bunch of self serving psychotic niggers that have kids they cant afford.
The same people that say this also believe blacks are a hivemind
>fucking niggers gathering for that kid that got shot
>fucking niggers who vote democrat
>fucking niggers in blm
Yeah gatherings easy when youre a neet
I was told that you guys needed a strong role model and that I should reconsider..what do you think Timothy?
I love your positive attitude and your refusal to admit you are a white kid stoking fresh coals
I'm black man though and I posted proof in this thread.
>Also, just because someone ended something doesn't mean that it magically makes their past crimes okay. Forgive me for the shitty comparison, but if you were kidnapped, sodomized, and tortured for years, but one day your captor decided to free you, does that make your captor a good guy? No, he's still an asshole, and you probably couldn't even forgive him.
Fortunately for you and all other niggers, that never happened to you nor any other still living. So shut the fuck up, slaveboi.
>>fucking niggers gathering for that kid that got shot
>>fucking niggers who vote democrat
>>fucking niggers in blm
Yes? Your Jew overlords tell you to chimp out, and you do. That certainly doesn't show any amount of self-governance or even active thinking on your part, you realize that, right? It's not a communal effort if every individual nog just gets instructed to chimp out, retard.
Nigger they invaded. They have no right to be there. Don't cry about white genocide and immigration when you support the same thing when it's done by whites.
>It's not a communal effort if every individual nog just gets instructed to chimp out, retard.
Yes, the jews are going around to every individual nigger and sitting down for a cup of tea while brainwashing them
You're fucking insane
Oh noo youre so oppressed by society :((( poor black ppl
Why are niggers such evil, savage miscreants? Seriously. Black "people," how the FUCK do you defend this? What the FUCK is wrong with you?
>assblasted basement bois inferring things about outside
>nog breaks into store
>steals tv
>watches tv
>skewed mainstream narrative talks about le evil white cops
>nogs chimp out
Not that hard to control a nigger. I know should, t. white man.
>then you open a book and realize your ancestors came from wealthy kingdoms and empires.
What exactly are you refering to? Egyptians? There has been numerous studies on that, egyptians DNA is european
Mass media is not "individual brainwashing" you fucking retard