Which boards would Patrick Bateman frequent?

Which boards would Patrick Bateman frequent?

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Jow Forums,Jow Forums and /fa/ ... and /s/

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/fa/, Jow Forums and the occasional /b/ when psychosis kicks in

>Which boards would Patrick Bateman frequent?

Jow Forums, /a/

What's the source for this? That movie prop looks kinda cool haha.

Jow Forums, /gif/.

/fa/ is too full of faggots for a guy like bate

/gif/ is a gay porn board.

Psychos and retards are 2 different things

Its a bear you retard

I thought it was implied during the end of the film that he was a represed homosexual. Hence why he flirted eith the ginger and only ever looked at himself in the mirror when fucking.

It's a baboon

Patrick was gay. Thats the whole point of the second act.

he would browse /hm/, not to fap but to show that he is better than other men.

/mu/ for obvious reasons, /hc/ so that he wouldn't have to worry about returning videotapes

>Patrick was gay.

in your fantasy

No. Really. Its very obvious. His envy of the other men. Coming clean to the ginger. Looking at himself in the mirror. His only heterosexual experiances are a power trip and he looks at himself when he fucks.

you really need to stop projecting your fantasies on here bud

You really need to go watch the movie again. You missed a major part of the plot. Bet you thought the last 20 minutes were just "lol random" too, didnt you? No. Theres a conclusion and an answer to what happened. Pay attention.

He definitely wouldn't browse /s/ but he was certainly not a repressed homosexual. He may have engaged in sex with men but the whole shtick about his sex life is that it serves his narcissism and sadism.

Next you're gonna say the book makes it definitive too

(this me)
do you agree with me? idk wtf this other guy is talking about

we get it kiddo, you liked the scenes where he was shirtless

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R9k because he believes he knows about all these deep, inner-workings of society but is actually an immature narcissist incapable of accepting responsibility for his own failings.

but he does accept responsibility for his own failings... he completely spills the beans to his lawyer and then tries to conference him about it. he doesnt really believe he knows the inner workings but he believes hes the best of his yuppie society

Read the book, brainlet

ok ok my bad i will admit ive only seen the movie. sorry

The movie clearly is done in a way to make it far more ambiguous whether he's crazy or not so I get where he's coming from that it makes his sexuality more questionable. Ambiguiity =/= proof though so I think he's wrong, but not full blown retarded.

Oh really? What does the book say ambiguity-wise? Because I watched vids with the director of the movie (grill) who said she thought that the movie was less ambiguous. I agree with your response to this guy though, theres no way hes full blown homo. Also, his "coming out" to the ginger no way ends in a positive in terms of him actually being gay