About jelqing

Ultra dicklet here. My dick is only 14cms long. I’ve done some jelqing and other enlargement techniques when I was around 13. I’m 20 now and since the time I’ve done jelqing, my peepee didn’t grow like it would normally be on teenagers. Did my anxious young self destroyed the natural growing of my penis? Also post results if you did some enlargement technique (I’m only asking for numbers, faggot).

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How the fuck did you discover jelqing at 13, yet didn't discover the fact that your dick grows till you're like 21. Also, if you think 14cm is ultradicklet you have no idea.

14cm is slightly below average for white/black americans (14.5cm)

why not just try it? it’s not like youre losing money by tugging your member for 20 minutes a day before you go to bed
if i were in your position i’d just say “fuck it” and get one of these bad boys

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Though is there any permanent ways

Btw 14cm = 5.5 which is considered average

Under 10 is where the issue becomes serious

OP here. Like I said, I was anxious. And a reminder that I’m 20 years old, so I was 13 at 2011, when that stuff was being thrown around the internet.
I was absolutely autistic about it and deeply regret what I did to myself. That was never humiliating, but you can feel when the girl looks at it like “hmm...”
I don’t even wanna cope, I want to learn from those mistakes.

Traction devices are scientifically studied way to get 3/4" length. Bed fowfers can't hurt.

Advice from an average dicklet: choking, anal, slope position. And don't ever ever ever let on that you're insecure about it

You're retarded, that's much bigger issue, dude.

When in bed I act like the dick doesn’t even matter. Like our bodies are the only thing there and the dick is just a tool to make it happen. I’ve never let myself down before a girl, but it kinda hurts to think that in her mind she’s fucking a broken twig.

You had girls look at your dick at 13 and already have so much experience that they know whether it's big/small/average? Yikes.

Thank you for your insightful input.

Noooo, dude. I’m 20 now. Like I said, my dick didn’t grow since then. So it’s the same size as when I was 13.

Meme damage. Pathetic.

I understand, but you said you tried jelqing at 13. I assumed this aligned with what you said about girls looking at your weiner in a certain way.
Either way, as long as you're not having a random one night stand, most girls couldn't give less about the size of your sausage as long as you use it properly.

5.5 inches is not below average. Unless you live in the fucking Congo or something.

Based. Had some very good relationships until now. It’s just bad to think what could be, you know?

>And don't ever ever ever let on that you're insecure about it

The bigger problem is not your size but the fact that you have that beta attitude of wanting to pleace everyone all the time before your own satisfaction. That's not how Chad gets the things done.

As long as you learn to accept it and grow some confidence, you'll be fine. The best way to do this is unironically the meme saying "fake it till you make it". If you act a certain way people will assume you feel that way, and eventually you will actually feel that way.

I'd make some sweet anal love to that girl / 10

Lol for whites only you mean

im literally tugging my cock as we speak. been at this 3 months stretching. not seeing a lot of results, tough to stay motivated

Do jelqing OP. Fuck these retards that say dick size doesn't matter bunch of clueless morons.

It doesn't work. Don't waste your time

Have one of these. Gives me 0.5” girth gains for a 20 minute pump.

yeah but it doesn't give any permanent gains right?

That's pretty good girth gain, 20min is too short though.. I've read some ppl who got a whole day pump going.. maybe if you combine it with nitric oxide booster like citrulline (l-arginine) and avoid vasoconstrictors and pump with a bathmate on the day you might get some you can have some girth control

There is a chance of breaking your dick. Don't do it. Learn to live with yourself

Your length is fine. Try clamping instead cause girth matters more at your length.

I have that size, it's probably slightly below average, yes. I'm also a massive grower so my soft penis is embarassing. Anyway once on the job it's more than fine to make a girl squirt. Work on your game you retards instead of boosting a tool you don't know how to use.

Fuck jelquing, doesn't works. Try hanging, you hang weights tied to your dick and after acclimating by tissue deformation your dick grows, you start low with 500g and rise up slowly.

Google it, read a lot and then hang, you can build your own device or buy one

you must be an idiot. I have about the same, around 14,5 - 15, literally just checked because I never cared, and you must be stupid or watch too much porn if you think women only look for gigantic dicks the size of their arms or whatever.

"there is no scientific background to support the alleged ‘oversized’ penis in black people"

Study link: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2005.05238.x

Have fun getting mad, black boy



i don't normally give out my secrets but macca and l-arginine did wonders for my size and erection quality, in addition to adopting a more plant based diet (i'm not a full vegan, i eat tuna/fish regularly and have chicken here and there, but 90% of my diet is plant based). After a few days on macca i feel like i had my 15 year old dick back in terms of erection frequency and ability.

used this for a year when i was 19. 21 now and i have ~7 - 7.3 inches depending hard i get
this gave me at least an inch of length and noticable girth thickness, tho i never measured girth. i dont use it anymore and all my gains seem to have stayed. though I'm not ruling out the possibility that maybe i just naturally grew bigger from age 19-21, but i'd imagine thats rare to happen.
all i know is that my dick is noticabley longer and thicker than it was when i was 18

staying inside it for 20 mins is dick suicide, max should be 15 minutes in 5 minute intervals with 5 minute breaks between. And don't EVER go into it fully erect

people underestimate their ability to tolerate pain

Britain has a higher measured average size than Nigeria and many other black majority countries

I bet you're one of those dumb asses that believes that self reported study that put Congo as biggest with the 7 inch average.

The average size in Denmark:
15.89 cm / 6.256 in

the fuck is macca? Just googled it and nothing relevant came up

how do you clamp?

it's maca
macca is mcdonalds in australia

Out of curiosity, did you tried it? Have you got some gains?

Wow, .5 more! You're killing it! You really think these dumb chicks know the difference?

This. If you do it every other day you can gain like 1”-1.5” in length and 0.5”-1” in girth over the course of two years, after which time you can do 1-2 sessions a week for maintenance.

sorry i meant maca as in maca root

lol, the average size in Congo is self reported

If you're under 7.5x5.5 just fucking kill yourself, you'll never know what it's like to impress a woman and have her full genuine respect. That is the absolute minimum but bigger is better.

>However, this study indicates that penis size is also relevant. Outcomes showed: the bigger, the better. Females documented the most appealing penis size was even bigger than the researchers tested, surpassing the penis size of 98% of Italian males.

Professor Jennions said, "We've found that penis size did influence a man's sex appeal, and it was just as important as height, which is a well-known factor in male attractiveness."

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I'll bet you 100 pretzels that if you did a study on two dicks, one being 6 inches and the other being 7 inches, the girls in the study wouldn't know the difference.

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Merely being 7 inches is pretty short, you'll be hard pressed to find a girl who honestly wants less length than that


t. never hanged before

500g is really low but enough to start and feel it without discomfort

I bet you think 5'10'' is tall enough also. Keep coping

>Did my anxious young self destroyed the natural growing of my penis?
Yep, you broke the only penis you'll ever have and now nothing will fix it. As you get older you'll have erectile dysfunction and sensitivity problems because you messed around with it and will have to have Viagra all the time just to get the job done. Nice job moron. Enjoy your NO GF and NO WIFE problems when you can't get the job done for her, you done fucked up.

women care about dick size as much as height but they are more elitist about dick size meaning they will go for an over 98 percentile dick but obviously they don't quite want a guy with an 98 percentile height, because that's a little much unless the girl is tall.

You're 100% right. Women that are obsessed with the size of your dick usually have other 'tells' as well that should have warned you away from them.

LOL are you trolling or do you really believe that bullshit?

Inexperienced guys like you should not be giving advice on this subject.

Obviously I know the average size is 5-6 inches, I'm saying women don't want anything less than 7 inches, they might fuck it but they will respect such a ''man''


I've stuck plenty of girls with my 8x6 to know that women love it thick and can easily get warmed up for a huge cock

I jelqued when i was 15 and my dick is 8 (9 from the side since its curved) by 6, did you just break your dick pulling on it?

I am doing it now but you start seeing actual noticeable gains after a few months. First noticeable thing is a longer flaccid state, no actual lenght gain in erect lenght at first. Just read upon forums like thundersplace, username bib . Pegym, mattersofsize and related new forums sell you shit so take their advice with a grain of salt when they speak of devices, they are filled with reps from companies.

If you build.your own hanger make sure you look a penis anatomy atlas and look for were the dorsal nerve is and the veins are located so you won't block them. That's why jelqing is dangerous, people tend to put pressure on the nerve and ruin their dicks because of it while doing the ok move.

fuckin boomer fuck off

Right? Fucking boomers always come here with their coping shit in the guise of being more wise and having more experience

Even 6.5" is in the top 10% of dicks


Okay? A girl that has fuck 10 guys will easily find that size boring.

I wonder who is behind these posts... Hm.

who would want a girl thats fucked 10 guys

I don't know where you're getting your information, but I suspect you've been trolled repeatedly and actually believe that nonsense. Do you really think I've gone through my entire life so far as a kissless virgin? I'm only about 6.5" to be quite honest about it and no girl or woman I've ever been with has complained about it being 'too small', and in fact some of them complained I was being 'too rough' and going 'too deep' and smashing into their cervix and could I please back off and be more gentle! What you and too many of you young guys around here don't seem to know is that a woman's vagina comes in all different sizes and that they literally 'adjust' to who they're having sex with all the time, so being hung like a horse isn't necessary or even desirable -- unless she's been so sexually active (or using big toys all the time) that she's all stretched out down there and can't even feel it unless the guy is hung like a Clydsedale. Also porn chicks usually have a gigantic vulva for visual impact reasons and normal women aren't built like that, in fact the vast majority of normal women have a rather small vagina and a huge cock would actually *hurt* them and not in a good way! So you guys need to chill out about this and stop obsessing about your dicks. There's lots of other things you need to worry about happening before you need to worry about her seeing your dick anyway, I suggest you focus on those more.

That's nice but not everyone is banging drunken club sluts who are all stretched out either so your 'experience' isn't necessarily average.

If your dick isn't huge your only chance is to find a sheltered virgin who doesn't have high expectations, virgins are statistically more likely to be loyal but most women are whores. I said from the beginning this applies to most women

>obsessing about their goddamned dicks like some sort of autistic primate
>accuses us experienced dudes of 'coping'
LOL you're hilarious, get your shit together already.

>who would want a girl thats fucked 10 guys
Get over yourself. Either that or emigrate to a Muslim country and convert to Islam, then you'll get your 'virgin'. She might be ugly and fat though you'll never know until the wedding night, LOL.

why the fuck would you settle for a slut (non virgin)
was your mother a slut too?

Pay no attention to Mister Blackpill:

go back to israel

>go back to israel
Never been there. How about you go back to pic related?

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Sluts are fun, doesn't mean I'll marry one. I want to be well experienced when I finally meet the right girl. Even huge cock guys have to learn shit tests and drama

Get a load of this fag, please post a picture of your hand because ive never seen what an actual goblin looks like

have fun marrying my cum dumpsters faggot

>I don't want to marry some skeezy filthy slut who has slept around, I'll marry a virgin, it's only right!
>It's perfectly okay for us men to be manwhores though and fuck as many sluts as we want before getting married!
Double standard much?
>t. rape culture

Best thing to do is do cardio and lose weight. if your fat and never do cardio your dick is 2/3rd as thick as it can be

LOL I'm 100% certain I wouldn't stick my dick in anything you've ever touched -- as if you ever had, Mister "Fake it till you make it" permavirgin-soon-to-be-blackpilled

so your mommy kisses you with the same lips she used (and maybe still uses cause a slut will always be a slut) to suck thousands of cocks?

yes, there is a double standard, and that's alright

Here's a little revelation for you, Junior:
>Your mother wasn't a virgin before she was married either
You mad now?

No, actually, it's not, you just haven't learned that yet. Of course you're still a virgin too so that makes sense.

>Your mother wasn't a virgin before she was married either
but she was :^)
also young (less than 21)

yes, it is

Men have entirely different roles in society you cuck. Ever heard of the one about the master key and the shitty lock?

I want Jow Forums to leave right now



100% wrong. Go back to (or stay in) your Arab country, don't need your ass-backwards bullshit around here in my nice Western country.

how in the fuck is that r9k you idiot
ok, sry if your mom was a slut, I know it's not your fault


>don't need your ass-backwards bullshit around here in my nice Western country.
thank GOD I was born in a non western country, I would legit kms if my mother was a strong empowered womyn

Chad doesn’t have a babydick though.

LOL I knew it. You're one of those Arab manchildren aren't you? Tell us, Abdul, how is it to go through life unable to control yourself at the mere sight of a woman's uncovered hair? I'd imaging PornHub would send you into convulsions, LOL.

i know you're just some kid thinking he's funny trolling but i really hope your entire family gets cancer and gets raped by the migrants that you want to fuck your women


> penis size did influence a man's sex appeal
Considering a study by me with you as my only patient, it 's seems that it also increase human stupidity and brainletness

I'm 6.5x6.1
Is it over for me?

If you really are 53 years old, you should go off the internet forever and stop bragging about the size of one's dick.