>be me
>proud 47 year old boomer
>at a convenience store picking up some Monster
>see some young upstarts parked in a handicap spot
>oh, hell no
>start yelling at this bitch telling her to move her car, even though she probably would've moved it by herself in like a minute
>then her man comes out and knocks me to the ground, when I was just screaming at his lady
>well, time to pull my gun out
>he starts backing away
>oh no motherfucker, you can't get away that easily
>shoot him
>he staggers off and dies in front of his son
>don't park in the handicap spot motherfucker
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
God bless america :')
Truly the land of the free and home of the brave
what? Please give me a source.
Post webm you faggot.
I'm very pro-second amendment, but this is really hard to justify.
No you're not, you're a shill. Nigger shouldn't have fucking put hands on the old man, and the sheboon shouldn't have been illegally parking.
Yeah, and he shouldn't have shot the guy. Everyone was in the wrong, but the person who was most in the wrong was the guy who shot a man in front of his son.
man gets pushed, will he:
a) get up and explain the situation
b) run away
c) fucking shoot him
You KILL the sonofabitch while he's backing away? You see no meaning in the
Honor Code? You gay or what?
If he drew on the nig and didn't fire he'd be arrested. Florida has some weird kind of law for brandishing a firearm but not firing.
Disorientation and adrenaline are a hell of a thing. The old man may very well have thought the attacker was about to start pummeling him. "Urban youth" have a well-known tendency to start stomping on the head of their adversary.
>be Boomer
>some hoodlum decides to attack my unique oneself
>use force and make him my property
>decided to shoot my property
No issues here.
What's that picture from? Why's that kid dressed like that?
If you put your hands on another person in an attempt to harm them, expect repercussions.
If a person get's attacked, don't expect them to think on what to do.
everything at that point is "in the moment" and reaction based.
fight or flight if you think about it.
>explain the situation to the gorilla that just threw you on the ground for simply talking to your lady chimp
desu if I'd been pushed on my ass by some brollic black dude and had a gun on me id probably whip it out but god knows why he responded by straight up icing that nigga in like a second flat
user was right about you, you are in fact a shill. At least attempt to make a believable argument.
It was posted a couple weeks after the Ariana Grande concert attack. It may have been taken at an Ariana Grande concert or a concert by some other (((wholesome pop singer))) (katy perry, lady gaga, i don't fucking know, they are all the same)
I'm on the guy who shot's side.
>Get mad at someone for parking in a handicap spot
>Go to tell manager
>Boyfriend pushes him down to the ground
>Guy is scared the other guy will continue beating him up
But he shouldn't have shot, just held the gun out.
wow u are so woke and redpilled
>shouldn't have shot
The black guy walked up and instantly resorted to violence against a senior citizen without even exchanging a word. The black fellow could have easily pounced on the old guy, even after backing up a few steps. There was absolutely ZERO reason to give the benefit of the doubt.
so this mem is like those tupperware guy copypastas. noice
Yea thinking about it now I see why.
Fuck you and your unique oneselfhood! You're just another fly and I've got a fat ass, and I park my fat ass over thousands of flies like you with your unique oneselfhood.
A lot of people downplay the guy getting knocked down onto hard asphalt. That shit can seriously fuck you up, grappling and throws on asphalt in street fights are incredibly dangerous and lots of people have died or been seriously injured from it despite how mundane it may seem. Should he have shot him? Debatable, but he was attacked first pretty viciously for no reason other than a verbal argument.
The pig that was the bacon your mother ate, humped your grandmother.
He was wrong to push the guy down, but the guy was wrong for even making a big deal over it anyway. They'll leave in a few minutes. It's a fucking parking spot. I didn't see any cripples who were negatively effected.
You're making me think of anally violating your unique self.
>Nigger gets shot
What's new?
I always say only point your gun at something you're willing to shoot, but it was really a revenge shot, not a need for safety, boomer's feelings got hurt
Of course the bf was a nigger so we'II get BLM fucks protesting
Niggers act like they own everyone and everyone must bow to them.
Fuck off you never dealt with em.
As he stared into his phone screen Kyle came up with the perfect caption for his Reddit post "user is boomer" he typed, before posting the screenshot that came from some stranger on Jow Forums.org. But Kyle didn't care where or who it was from, all he cared about were those 241 upvotes he would be receiving on r/greentext by the end of that afternoon. It wasn't much, but for Kyle...that was enough to avoid throwing his head through the rope he had prepared, hanging from a hook on the roof of his miniscule apartment. "Not today old friend" he says as he lies in his bed drifting into sleep. Just another day in the life of a redditor.
>Yeah, and he shouldn't have shot the guy.
Yes he should most niggers need a bullet.
There was no reason to shoot him. The black man was unarmed and the old dude wasn't even knocked unconscious. He'll live. There's also no reason for you to have a fucking gun just heading to the store
Slut music is shit and the fact men need to be there with rifles to prevent another shit skin terrorist attack so she can slut it up listing to slut music is a bad thing.
Stop being a nigger.
>The black man was unarmed
No way the boomer coulda known that
>the old dude wasn't even knocked unconscious. He'll live
Yeah, he'll live cause he shot the apeish nigger who instantly pushed him for no fucking reason.
>stand your ground
By that logic, I can stand in front of you with a plastic butter knife, which I have from eating take away, having a heated argument with you and you can at any point where you feel threatened, pull out a gun and shoot me straight in the face?
That "stand your ground" bullshit seriously needs some "proportional force" adjustment. A single man with a AK in a village does not justify the air force comming in and carpet bombing the whole town, killing 50 people in the process.
Old people complain about shit like this all the time, it's nothing new. They get bored and complain. Stop saying
>The guy was wrong for pushing down the boomer for almost no reason at all, but...
No, the negro was the aggressor, and deserved to die. He was obviously a danger to society, seeing as how he instantly resorts to violence when some old guy is arguing with his wife.
old guy was just reaching for his handicap permit
>Yeah, he'll live cause he shot the apeish nigger who instantly pushed him for no fucking reason.
You're wrong. The Boomer was harassing the man's wife. He was also the one armed so there's no telling what he could've done to her (by your logic we don't know!). I hope BLM finds out where that guy is and gives him some social street justice
Wow, this is by far the dumbest post I have ever seen. You're seriously saying that a nigger violently pushing an old guy down onto asphalt is the same as someone holding a plastic knife in a non-threatening way.
>That "stand your ground" bullshit seriously needs some "proportional force" adjustment.
I think that a nigger blindsiding you with a hard push is reason enough to shoot him.
>Yeah, he'll live cause he shot the apeish nigger who instantly pushed him for no fucking reason.
He was standing right next to his wife's car, yelling at her. The dude was in the store, he didnt know what the fuck was going on. The dude could have been trying to steal the car for all he knows.
>No way the boomer coulda known that
>pushed him for no fucking reason.
No way the nigger could have known that.
See how this works when you apply a little effort to it?
Everything that needs to be about Stand Your Ground laws has already been said
>>>The Boomer was harassing the man's wife
He was talking to her. What the fuck are you on about? At the most, he was raising his voice, which in no way warrants the black guy to push an old guy to the ground.
>He was also the one armed so there's no telling what he could've done to her (by your logic we don't know!)
He wasn't inciting violence, you fucking mong. Do you understand what I'm saying?
>The black guy pushes the boomer to the ground
>The boomer shoots him, because he was attacked
Your logic
>Boomer is potentially armed and arguing with wife
>Black guy completely escalates situation by turning an argument into a fight
I'll make this pretty simple for you since you're a stupid mouthbreaking cocksucker.
The man is yelling at this woman in her car. The woman's husband, having not caught what the argument is about, comes out, probably thinking the man is assulting his wife, trying to steal the car or rob her. Pushes the man to the ground.
The nigger was pretty justified in his response as he had no way of knowing what the fuck was happening. He responded with least amount of force, pushed the man to the ground, he didnt head stomp him or choked him out.
The retard on the ground responded with the largest amount of force available to him, shot the guy in the chest.
See how this is not proportional at all?
>I hope BLM finds out where that guy is and gives him some social street justice
Leave it to niggers to resort to violence.
>Nigger turns argument into fight by shoving boomer into the ground
>Niggeranon now incites violence on the boomer who was defending himself (with completely reasonable force)
Nigga you don't point a gun at something if you aren't willing to shoot it, it's written in probably every gun owner manual ever.
I think that he took too long to shoot him when he pulled the gun the situation was already defused and the dead guy was no longer advancing
So let me get this straight. You say that the nigger, not knowing what was happening, instantly resorts to violence.
You say that here:
>he had no way of knowing what the fuck was happening.
You then say that him shoving the guy to the ground, from the side, was the least amount of force? Now, as you admit, this is without knowing what's going on, meaning that the negro instantly resorts to violence.
>he didnt head stomp him or choked him out.
Yeah, and that's cause he didn't have a chance to, because the boomer shot him rather than let the negro continue his assault. In fact, you can see in the video ( youtube.com
He was not only warranted to shoot him, but it was obviously neccessary, as this negro came into the situation unwilling to listen to reason, attacking instantly and violently.
he shoved him hard and the guy fell and grabbed his pistol and shot him.
he fired once. its sad
>Niggeranon now incites violence on the boomer who was defending himself
I'm not inciting violence user. I'm just suggesting that activists try and teach him the err of his ways. If the Boomer ends up pushing anyone...well...the crowd should exercise self defense ;)
Shouldn't have parked in the handicapped spot. Nignog deserved it desu
>Pull out gun
>Dont shoot
>get arrested for brandishing a firearm
Pulling a gun on someone and not shooting shows that you never feared for your safety and will get you fucked up the ass by the law everywhere
You don't know, that's why you don't assault people.
He's black, they always instantly resort to violence. Boomer did the right thing; attempting to reason with negroes is fatal.
The time for talking was over once that nog put hands on him without engaging in conversation first. Once someone disregards your rights, you no longer have to respect theirs. Dealwithit.jpeg
You resort to arguing that the man had no way of knowing that the attack would not end with a single push and had to protect himself, but you are not willing to concede to the point that the black guy had no way of knowing if a assult on his wife was ongoing or not.
>at 0:50, the negro is standing over him, ready to attack again.
Conjecture, He pushed the guy down and walks calmly towards him, if he wanted to attack him further, he would have jumped him the second he hit the ground.
In this case, Non lethal force vs lethal force. The protection of others vs protection of self.
It's not an argument you're going to win.
He probably thinks he is Dirty Harry or some shit.
guns give people an artificial feeling of toughness
I guarantee that boomer wouldn't have said anything without a gun
The wife was literally breaking the law and was getting told to stop. If she was in a regular parking spot and this guy randomly came up to her that would be one thing, but she was clearly in the fucking wrong. Furthermore, claiming that the husband didn't know if the wife was being assaulted is bullshit, as the man never tried to gain entry or even make an attempt to get close to the woman.
You're doing nothing but running damage control for two niggers who can't fucking live in a civilized society without chomping out at the drop of a hat. You're not going to win this one.
>violent nigger died
>bowling an elderly man over onto hard asphalt
>not lethal force
Keep reaching niggerlover
>You resort to arguing that the man had no way of knowing that the attack would not end with a single push and had to protect himself
Actually, I'm arguing that he had 100% reason to shoot him after the first push. You are completely downplaying the fact that the negro blindsided him and shoved him to the ground.
>the black guy had no way of knowing if a assult on his wife was ongoing or not
Fucking hell, this is definitely my last reply to you, as you are now making shit up. Rewatch the video, the wife was in the car until the negro walked up. He had a full view of her being in the car. There was zero assault on her.
>Conjecture, He pushed the guy down and walks calmly towards him
"Conjecture" watch some fight videos, and you'll see that this "calm walk" is not calm at all. Calmly walking towards someone you just pushed to the ground? That isn't calm, that's going in for seconds. And think of it from the boomer's perspective.
>Shoved to the ground
>Huge negro who shoved you is now walking towards you while you're still on the ground
Yeah, real calm. Seriously, go to /gif/, look up a fighting thread on the catalog. I know it seems like a simple argument, but you'll see exactly what I mean.
>In this case, Non lethal force vs lethal force. The protection of others vs protection of self.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you understand what the Stand Your Ground law is? It's made for situations like this, where you're pushed to the ground for no reason.
>This is the kind of guy that says TrayTray dindu nuffin
Really makes you think.
>There was no reason to shoot him. The black man was unarmed and the old dude wasn't even knocked unconscious. He'll live.
Want to be perfectly safe from this happening to you? Don't physically attack people in public.
No. No, he does not need to learn that at all.
>damage control for two niggers who can't fucking live in a civilized society without chomping out at the drop of a hat.
And you're doing damage control for double digit IQ white trash who thinks he's Wyatt fucking Earp in dodge city in 1882.
The best way to gain respect as a nigger is to show that you aren't another violent ape that pushed people to the ground for literally no reason.
You're absolutely fucking full of shit if you think that this stupid coon thought the old guy was a threat in any way.
He attacked the guy for one reason and ONE reason only: because he thought that anyone DEIGNING to tell that fucking sheboon that she was breaking the law was "disrespect".
Yup, show me how well you fit in a fucking body bag.
Luckily he had a gun so he was able to chastise the sheboon for breaking the law and as a bonus he was able to kill the gorilla that attacked him. If no one had guns niggers would be even more out of control. See those webms of 30 brit policemen trying to arrest one nog with a knife. Also the murder Lee Rigby who was a British soldier who got his head hacked off by two niggers in the middle of a crowded street in broad daylight, because no one had a gun to intervene.
Do you really think that the boomer thinks he's cool for shooting him? Please, make an argument that this wasn't in self-defense.
Boomers complain about shit like this all the fucking time, and not every single one carries a gun.
If a young, strong ass black dude started beating up a senior citizen, he would almost definetely suffer permanent damage or be killed.
Chimping out and shoving an old man to the ground for talking to your wife is nigger-tier. Unprovoked violence does not recieve the benefit of the doubt.
>no reason to carry a gun to the store
You sound like a basedboy european
>implying old laws aren't relevant or are bad
2nd amendment is right to bear arms and is still in effect. Don't want to get shot? Don't assualt others. Very simple rule.
That's not hard to justify. He shouldn't have ran up and started a fight. He wanted to be a bully and use physical force against someone, and that someone just happened to be better at physical force. If that guy didn't have a gun he would have been at the mercy of a bully that would do as much physical harm to him as possible which could be quite extensive.
You're only crying not fair since he turned the tables on the bully.
Don't reply to like he's actually pro-second amendment. He's obviously a liberal pretending to be pro-gun.
I see people park in the handicap spot all the time when the parking lot is empty except for me and them, and I don't give a shit because there isn't anyone else there, in fact I wouldn't care even if it were full because the "handicap" people that are supposed to park there are always fat or some old fucks that didn't take care of them selves.
Handicap spots shouldn't exist anyways, most of the time they are "handicap" because of their own doing from them being fat or living unhealthy lives. Every fucking time I see someone with a handicap parking pass they are a fat piece of shit, I can't remember the last time I've seen someone with a pass that is actually handicapped like missing a leg (not due to diabetes) or something
who brings a gun into a conenience store?
>senior citizen
is this the year 2500 bc?
>reverse the ethnicity of both individuals
>Its just a parking space
>he had a kid
>typical nigger shooter
I completely 100% agree, but I'm saying that boomers will still complain. They're old and have wagekek'd for the past 20 something years. Still, if a nigger shoves him to the ground, he deserves to get shot.
his gun was better at physical force
this is the problem with guns, it makes people think they are hot shit for being able to kill someone with a gun
a toddler could kill the number 1 fighter on the planet with a gun, it doesn't mean that the toddler is good at fighting
in fact small kids accidentally kill people with guns all the time
>when shills get btfo on Jow Forums of all places
>be a big dumb nigger
>see a tiny, old, holocaust survivor, grandpa shouting at my babby momma for illegally parking
>throw grandpa down on the pavement
>I hope I broke his fucking hip and he dies
>shit, I'll just take his gun!
>get shot
No, I would still be saying that it's stupid that someone would shove someone into the ground for talking to their family. Would even ironically call the black guy based for shooting him.
back to stormfront faggot
Now you're moving goal posts. Fuck off, brainlet.
Wow, it's almost like people fight back when treated violently. We have freedom of speech, but not freedom of touch. You aren't in your right for hitting someone because they raised their voice and said things that you didn't like.
I see what your problem is. We're not in a competition to see who the best fighter is. You start a fight with someone because you think you're better at it you're a bully, and this one picked a bad fight. You may not like it but this is far more fair. If you start a fight and intend to harm someone, they have every right to harm you back. Crying foul that it isn't fair they hurt you back is ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself for being that stupid.
>I guarantee that boomer wouldn't have said anything without a gun
Right, and that's why you don't like guns.
Because in the absence of guns, yard apes can use the threat of hand-to-hand physical violence to act in an unaccountable manner in public.
True for me. I couldn't give less of a fuck whether the shooting was justified under ZOG laws, I'm just glad there's one less nigger.
Not me, but people that have gun fetishes are since it gives them a false sense of physical superiority since they can't seem to understand that the gun is the thing doing the work, not them.
Happens all the time, people conceal carry and act like they are baddest mother fucker on the planet and try to start fights, but when someone accepts the first thing they do is pull out their gun.
>implying anyone under the age of 45 goes to stormfront
Back to your slack chat, kike
>25 minutes ago
Absolutely btfo.
>Non lethal force vs lethal force. The protection of others vs protection of self.
The level of force that is morally permissible is whatever level of force is required to prevent an attacker from being able to continue his attack.
And protection of others conveys absolutely no moral privilege relative to protection of self.
And once again, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO to be perfectly and 100% safe from my level of responsive force from being "disproportionate" is...not attack people physically in public if they haven't physically attacked you.
Stormfront is for boomers. Surely you mean the daily stormer or the right stuff.
>People ITT unironically saying the nigger dindu nuffin
Oh boy.
>Right, and that's why you don't like guns.
Who said I didnt like guns? I just dont like them being handed out to people intellectually incapable to sign any paper with anything other than an X.
I still think the white retard should have his permit revoked since he cant be trusted to not shot shit up the second hit stubs his toe.
Sounds like you have an inferiority complex and resent people who can project force.
>I like having guns
>but only the people I like can have guns
Doesn't work that way.
It's not the he didn't do anything it's that the guy used unreasonable force. In the civilised world (everywhere not America) you can't just shoot someone in a situation like that