Hello everyone. it's agatha

>hello everyone. it's agatha

tfw when you'll never hear that again
what have we done to ourselves :/

does someone have any threemilkt nostalgia?

Attached: Threemilk.jpg (1084x995, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:



You're the real MVP.

kudos for you my dude

Is it sad that I would kill to hear her sing one of her covers right now? I guess it is true, you don't know what you have until it's gone. Sometimes when going about my day I stop and wonder, "what is Agatha doing right now?"....Whatever it is I hope she is happy, and I wish her the best.

Attached: Agatha Chinese Cartoon.jpg (727x464, 132K)

She quit uploading videos? Why?

autistic 4channers stalking her and sending her mail

She didn't want to cater to the interests of anons, who made up the majority of her audience by the time she deleted her channel.

I'm glad that stupid hairy dyke kike in gone.

lol wtf what kind of stuff were they sending in her mail?

she lives right by me
I saw her at the museum once and she complimented my hair

Gawd I wish that were me.

where does the time go?
does anyone know if agatha stopped sexually abusing her dog pam?

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The Pretenders to the throne come and go, but as always, King Ciara remains.

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>she lives right by me
stakeout her house and take creepshots

>Liking a filthy subhuman jew

kill yourselves.

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Give me a new waifu to watch on yt.

Attached: images (6).jpg (201x251, 7K)

aggy luvs BIG COCKS

Attached: agatha loves big cock.png (408x705, 482K)

That deep fake is hilarious. It's what spooked her.

It's time to let go user. We're nearing two years since this fiasco began.

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I really doubt she has seen any of them

>I really doubt she has seen any of them

I heard it was the deep fakes that specifically scared her and made her shut everything down.

You're fucking kidding me, was that really 2 years ago already?


Attached: 8C70508E-1C46-4010-860D-FD004C22F0D8.png (748x1186, 469K)

pic originally relevant.

Attached: 37691l_med.jpg (489x599, 37K)

seemed to me like she was just getting tired of it but didn't want to admit it so she blamed the hacker known as Jow Forums.

How does this relate to Agatha?

It's Agatha nudes

>2 years ago
and not one single replacement for tri-weekly entertainment has been found

Attached: ultimate jewish jailbait.jpg (1920x1090, 234K)

agatha and her piss fetish

Attached: aggie loves piss.png (615x644, 474K)

just threemilk milking a cock

Attached: threemilk milking cock.png (400x705, 420K)

i love you very much user

i never really followed any of the stuff surrounding her, only ever watched few bits and pieces of her videos. are there any where she speaks in a normal voice at regular volume?

I want Agatha to grip my cock like that

nevermind, i didn't look hard enough. just found some on the reupload channel posted earlier in the thread

>goldstein shower.jpg

skinny asian loli is my favorite

Attached: Asian Aggie.png (292x483, 291K)

That looks specifically like an autistic Jew

you missed out on some good times user
>monthly yt vids
>6+ hours of live streaming weekly

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Attached: laughing juden.png (600x528, 177K)

suggests specific local hypoxic ischemia events in the motor cortex of the brain

she'll be back just you wait

Attached: eye booger.webm (1024x640, 1.17M)

just a heads up, you're threatening a guy that has never had any prior thoughts as to where she was

it was from too much bbc at an early age

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I regret never watching a stream, I thought I would have time. It hurts bros

she deleted her yt vids but not her channel
she'll be back before the end of the year

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i work from home so i caught most of them
>yfw you suggested she put her xylophone on craigslist and she got butthurt and didn't use it in a stream for six weeks

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Lol I remember seeing faggot orbiters post about this ugly chick

Did she kill herself or something lol

>phone posting
say hi to mom and dad for us

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I don't watch twitch or anything but I'm guessing there's no archives of those videos is there?

used to be a mega on /agatha/
it had every freakin twitch & yt
BUT the ole christmas kike issued a dmca takedown a few moths ago
you should ask around it's out there
early 2017 twitch was pretty good entertainment

Attached: 4chan santas girl.jpg (653x490, 66K)

the only thing that made them worth viewing was the off-chance she might acknowledge you. otherwise i don't see the point in watching them archived.

but user hearing her screetch
is priceless

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it wasn't
she had already made up her mind months before the deepfakes were made

she was also expecting the deepfakes to happen btw so i dont think it affected her that much