R9K, what is the longest you have gone without sleep?

For me over a day. It was hell. Anyone here with insomnia? Tell your sleep stories.

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only 31 hours. 26 of video games plus some stuff before and after

Probably 36 hours for me. I stayed up all night to study and do extra credit for school. Weed helps me stay awake so I would smoke and drink energy drinks. By the end of it, I felt really out of things.

Oh yeah? What game damn bro.

Zombies has kept me up over 27 hours though.

i occasionally don't sleep during my entire 3 12 hour days work week.

>Weed helps me stay awake

CBD on the other hand is a godsend for sleep, that and melatonin

Also how did you feel during the experience? Any hallucinations?

4 days, started hallucinating at around 70 hours

28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes

It was mostly Yugioh: Forbidden Memories for PS1
13 hours of grinding, 8 hours of final boss attempts, 3 hours of the rest of the game

I woke up somewhere around six but this is how the night and the next day went
>be me
>cant sleep
>check phone, 1 a
>close my eyes for a good amount of time
>check phone, 143 a
>sit in bed twiddling thumbs with tv now on
>check time, 314 a
>decide to play vidya
>play 'a few' rounds on Halo 5 and frens
>check time, 625 a
>get concerned that I haven't yawned once in the entire ordeal
>fuck it, keep playing
>play entire day, fall asleep at ~10 p.m.
>mfw realize I stayed up for almost two days
>mfw my dad literally thinks I have some kind of conditioning from my mid-east tour

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Bump originillinollio

Around 70 hours, as a stupid bet with friends. We basically played vidya, drank coffee and ate pizza for 3 days. At the end I was literally falling asleep while walking

8 days, with the help of some amphetamines. I was hallucinating constantly by the end of it.

I did it to win a custom skin on a CS:S server

anyone ever deal with a fucked up sleep schedule? Like a really fucked up one?

For a few months I was sleeping at around 5-8 AM and waking up at 4-6 PM. Took a while but I've gotten back on track and sleep around 1 now which is decent for me. I felt so shitty then man.

3 days from sheer stress. My jaw was in constant pain from muscles constriction and my brain was fucked. I finally got to sleep just as the hallucinations started kicking in

Like 3 or 4 days. By the end I was having a huge panic attack and couldn't eat or focus or do basic tasks and just sort blacked out. I wouldn't recommend it

Prolly near 40h or so during lan parties. Also during my military service I had multiple cases where I had no sleep for 24-32 hours.

I regularly go 2 days without sleep. I feel like absolute shit for 4 hours, then it goes away for the next day or so. I even drive while sleep deprived, although I have to turn off the AC so I won't get too comfortable and doze off.

Around 60 hours multiple times. I still do the ocasional 24h just cuz

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the first time i had to spend the night in the drunk tank at the county jail i only got like 2 hours of sleep and after i got released and went home i assumed i would fall asleep pretty early that night having got hardly any sleep the night before, but i was so stressed out and frustrated with myself that i ultimately couldn't sleep for something like 44 or 45 hours, i remember it hadn't quite been 48 full hours without sleep last time i checked the clock. i had planned on staying sober due to the shame and embarrassment i had caused myself with drugs and alcohol just the night before, but around the 30 hour mark without sleep i gave in, smoked a bowl and opened a bottle of wine thinking that would put me to sleep within an hour or two. ended up finishing the bottle of wine around the 40 hour point and remember still being unable to fall asleep for a few hours after that. now i keep benzos around in case something like that ever happens again.

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I hate not being able to fall asleep. Any good recs? This shit SUCKS mang.

What were the hallucinations like?

Sounds awful. Damn

Shit man. That can't be good. But I know a lot of people do it. Personally, just having a late night makes me feel awful. And the times I stayed up for a day or so I felt so fucking rough.

40-42 hours 4 years ago. Did not even try. Did try to sleep for 5 minutes or so but couldn't. If I would actually try I could go probably 3 days if I have some good food to eat.

jesus christ, this is the most based comment i have ever seen on this board

2 days on two separate occasions. Once when I was in high school and had to write a bunch of essays for colleges, and once in college when I had to cram for an exam, though that time I was on amphetamines.

37 hours, was pumped on modafinil and amodafinil doing my examination of my master degree

Can someone describe the process of the effects you feel the longer you're awake?

Like day 1, day 2 etc


Reccomended: definitely halo, halo, DOOM is good too, DOOM, halo. Yeah that looks good to me.

Doom is awesome. Used to love Halo back in the day. Especially Halo 3 and Reach. Unfortunately sold my Xbox years ago

You start hallucinating after 22 hours, that's was the case for me and paranoia after 37 hours. I was lucky because both my parents are dentist so I could drug myself into sleep.

Like 5 days but i was using meth. The last 2 days i couldnt tell what was real or what wasnt. I kept hearing voices and thought everybody was talking to me or about me.

OOF. If you have pc and a good one get eldewrito. It's pretty good but it's basically black market since it was taken down by MS. Try and find it lad.

Sorry for the late reply. If I stayed up probably 4-8 more hours, I would have probably started hallucinating.

>What were the hallucinations like?
Not him but when I don't sleep I start seeing shadow people in the corner of my eyes

2 days straight. That was years ago and I won't ever do that again.

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I've stayed up for 7 days straight playing Tera, it was a few years ago during this alliance competition thing they had where it lasted a week. It's hard to explain the hallucinations, I'd see enemies and start attacking patches of desert. Back in March I stayed up for 6 days. I was traveling and things went south, I was on the street for a few days and had 500mg of adderall at hand. I was horribly depressed and on the 5th day I took around 300mg of adderall while waiting in the airport, needless to say I was having a psychotic breakdown. I was in the far corner of the airport and kept glancing up at these people sitting at a bench, I thought for sure they were people I knew making fun of me. Every few seconds I'd look back up and see them, I knew consciously it was a delusion but it seemed real. I recall one of them walked near me (the bathroom was close by) and laughed at me, I thought it was someone I knew. Besides that I was sweating profusely and I reacted to every sound and movement, it's not pleasant.

Without any substances, about 3 days. It's really enjoyable to me after the second day because there's a hallucinogenic high lmao

Fake and gay you faggot

Around 5 days for me. Just with coffee, porn and video games to keep me distracted. But it's no joke that you start hallucinating and hearing things. It's pretty surreal. Would do it again but wagecuck life now

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I've successfully skipped nights of sleep before, but I can't stay awake any longer and crash.

Just more than three days. I woke up on a Friday and didn't sleep until Monday afternoon.