What exactly is the glory of being a school shooter?
What exactly is the glory of being a school shooter?
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its like you're angry and you can't take it anymore and you feel like shit because other people made you feel like shit so you blow up
Knowing that you ruined people for life and that you will be talked about whether you live or not
Since columbine, The Vegas shooting all time high score, & the sheer number of random shooting this year alone, There really isn't any lasting glory to be had.
Columbine was the first modern school shooting. So they will be remembered for a long time just for that. Sandy Hook was talked about a lot until the Vegas shooter broke the record for the high score. So if you're doing it for glory, you better think of a way to mass murder people that hasn't been done before, or keep breaking the high score.
pro tip, sandy hook and the vegas shooting were not real.
Yeah, a few years ago maybe it was worth it, but now it's not, no one cares about random school shooter #2343 who killed 5 of his classmates and injured 10, he'll be forgotten in a week and become another statistic
Or maybe they will become a running joke in imageboards because of how much of a failure they were
I dont get why nobody jacks a plane or makes a dirty nuke and fucks up Mecca. The lols would be tremendous.
They took the lives of any dumbass they wanted to and became feared long after their death. If you can't see why people would like that you are dumb.
>TFW you will never be an 8ft tall ghost girl
Also you have to have an interesting back story. The columbine kids were picked on, Elliot was a virgin with rage. This latest Florida one was just some edgy sped so I don't think he has lasting power.
Doesn't matter if they were planned or not. Fact is if you don't outdo them, or think of a creative way to mass murder people that puts a scare into normies, you're not going to get remembered.
I would bet at least half the shootings since Columbine were staged by the CIA to overwhelm people & make them numb to shootings, as well as discourage future shooters by making sure they will not have the high score, & therefore no lasting glory.
A lot of women will want you afterwords, A LOT
This, too bad most of them never stay alive to drown in pussy
So what would be a good terror organization name for incel
I know I.N.C.E.L doesn't stand for anything
that's the only one though
and even she got tired now
International NEETs Cancel Everything Living
If your face is posted on Jow Forums, you'll probably be recognized.
That's it.
her last video was posted literally 7 hours ago
The glory is in the fact that you, as someone who's perfectly willing to die themselves, also get to take the lives of dozens of people who actually have dreams and aspirations. The life of a robot is worth just a fraction of a normie's life. Killing dozens of normies is an act of power by someone who generally feels powerless. Plus normie media will be all over the case, because normalfags can't fathom murder for no practical reason.
>You get to KILL the people you hate
>You leave people you hate scarred for life, emotionally and physically
>You ruin the lives of a bunch of people you hate
>You give the middle finger to a society you hate
>You generate a lot of impotent hatred aimed at you
>You generate a lot of impotent hatred aimed at you
So much this. The fact that all the normies can do about this is bitch and throw pathetic insults at the shooters has to be the most glorious part. I love going to Reddit after a mass shooting and seeing them call the shooter various names, like that even matters. Bonus points if the shooter was a robot or an incel, then they direct their hate towards these communities, using insults that would be considered super mild on here.
they give their life to do what most of us want to do inside. we respect their power that's why they make the world news every time.
Having a bunch of faggot edgelords worshipping your every action, who will then carry out a series of proxy shootings that while unsuccessful, will continue to rack up kills long after you're dead. Your legacy is giving birth to Randy Stair, you become the catalyst to the strongest cringe this timeline has to offer.
You forgot all the sick memes made about you when you do raise all that hell.
It's a game. The point of the game is to win; get the highest score.
I don't think Vegas counts coz it wasn't a school
To have crushed your enemies and hear the lamentations of their loved ones.
To have brought justice upon their abuse and have defended your honor.
To remind them that letting your enemy grow stronger and come back for you is a darwinian mistake.
Yeah the las vegas fag ruined it.
You cant beat his highscore.
The body count, dude.
Haven't you ever seen the movie "The Frightners" with Michael J. Fox?
Ls Vegas and Breivik were cheating because
1) They weren't at a school
2.) Their targets were really easy. Like fish in a barrel
So they don't officially count.
>get to die without committing suicide (suicide is literally for cucks)
>get to die while affirming your life in all its glory
>you die and the whole world knows about it
>you are a permanent memory to the victims' families
>If you actually planned it through, and published an edgy manifesto (eg Elliot), you will be celebrated and remembered for ages on the internet, and become a mythical demon in the eyes of normalfags
>If enough people followed your lead, this rotten edifice we call a society would burn to the ground
Also, pic related
>its like you're angry and you can't take it anymore and you feel like shit because other people made you feel like shit so you blow up
in other words, every goddamned poster on this board.
suicide by cop. if you're gonna die, might as well go out in some form of style
Actually they were. You must be thinking of something else like flat earth or the bowling green massacre or something.
Then youd have to beat chos high score.
Itd still be pretty hard.
>suicide is literally for cucks
>said the coping beta that wouldn't have the balls to do it
Haha, I know friend, going to the gym, getting fit and fucking women is for cucks too. Gamers rise up!
You can also publish a manifesto. Elliot fucked up big time, and only killed a few asian guys (when he planned to kill a bunch of white staceys), but since he had a manifesto, one that resonated with a lot of robots here (and "incels" as normalfags like to call us), and because it put fear in the hearts of liberal normalfags, he is celebrated to this day.
One needs to write a good manifesto before going on a killing spree. You are here to make a statement. You are here to make art.
you have no idea how many times ive thought about going super saiyan and just going on a fucking killing spree.
literally god.
would be so fucking cool
This, so much this.
Society does not value us. Therefore we will destroy everything that society values
Ironically, hating on incels and making fun of them will only encourage more to kill. They are provoking a bunch of people who have nothing to lose into killing them.
I dont shed a single tear for a dead liberal (and most conservatives are liberals- they get the bullet too)
Having the mainstream media talk about you endlessly and broadcast any dumbass "manifesto" you write with millions of dollars worth of screentime for free.
Ted Kaczynski was explicit about this kind of shit. He wrote into the manifesto that he was only killing people to get publicity for his writing. It worked. It still does. The media seems to be slowly, foggily realizing that they have most of the blame for this shit, but they can't put it down because it's such good ratings, so they just pretend to care while continuing on as before.
Disagree. I love Paddock because he was a boomer, and not some zoomer squirt. He even had an Asian gf too (old white guy stereotype). I like him
He should have left a manifesto tho
Schools are overrated tbhfam
Breivik was really good, he actually killed a bunch of liberals. If you want to end liberalism, you gotta kill them, instead of waving tiki torches and screaming like idiots
Obviously Jeffrey Dahmer is not a mass-shooter, (he was a serial killer), but do you anons think he was in heaven (for him) in prison?
The guy raped and killed 17 gay niggers and the American prison system is filled with gay niggers. Literally a Dahmer buffet.
Tell me one good thing about suicide that isnt provided by going postal. I will wait
Trips of truth.
if you do it,remeber to shout shitti one liners
>you shoved me in a locker,now shove you into a early grave
>you love taking pictures so much so let me take a shot for you memorial page
>Put this on snapchat caption:im literaly dying
>You called me virgin,i call you dead
>How can i be a fag if your holes are being filled,WITH LEAD
Anyone got any more?
I need them for when my time will come
Kaczynski did nothing wrong
we need a 1000 more like him
From Dylan Klebold to one of his victims
>*screaming* HELP ME! HELP ME!
>Dylan: OKAY *shoots in the face*
You can avoid dishonor by taking your life before it comes about and you take away the pleasure your enemy would have killing you.
There are a lot of reasons why suicide is worth it depending on the case and why it is a smart choice. You just dismiss it because you couldn't actually do it and cope by rejecting it.
definitely someone needs to livestream a school shooting. Instant immortalization, and a creation of a new film genre (mass murder is one of the highest form of art)
>What's the you got on your face (fires gun)
>Hi user, Bye user
>Surprise Cunt!
>Here's some school spirit
>Get fucked
>Eat it
>See you in Hell
Suicide just means you will be completely forgotten without inflicting suffering on anyone
One should play music while shooting a school. Preferably happy music, for delicious irony, or a good classic
People just like the topic because some of us agree with the feelings. It's like listening to punk music, except it's not art.
I always thought Klebold was the less psychotic one but apparently during the shooting he was shooting random shit and seemed to let loose.
Also Eric:
Right before shooting some chick in the face with a shotgun near point blank range.
This fucking bastard couldn't even wait to get out of the classroom to start peddling some hashtag prayforX bullshit.
Most things that would warrant suicide include having inflicted suffering to others. I'm pro going postal, faggot. I just dislike normie cucks that talk shit about suicide just because they are scared by it.
You know, day in and day out the things that really hurt us are the little things. The things that eat away at the soul, our pride. The things that we think about just before bed years in the future, but the perpetrator forgets seconds after they've done whatever it is they did.
I'd like to imagine the school shooters felt a sense of catharsis when they killed. Like they were getting back at their peers for the little things. But then in the end, when they stand over the bodies, do they think it was worth it? After the initial blood rush is over with?
>make a bunch of youtube videos
>write a manifesto talking about how you feel and how you got to the massacre
People will be discussing your manifesto and videos for years, just trying to disect your mind and where you were coming from.
Get a following that agrees with the views you have in your videos and manifesto.
If you do nothing but kill, no one will care.
Elliot is so interresting because he left so much to be analyzed. As a shooter, he failed miserably. But as a symbol, he did splendid.
Thanks /x/. Fuck off
Being a school shooter or admiring such is a kids's stuff. A grown adult targets the true evil in society, such as fucked up criminals. It's a bit tough though, as it is difficult to collect all said criminals into one place to annihilate them. But you could, for example, imagine arranging a fake bull fighting competition or a fake child porn festival and then explode all shitheads who arrived on the scene. :)
She is not the only one you dumb fucks. There are a few others, but they are too ugly to be remembered by anyone. Also, there are PLENTY of those, who just keep it as a secret, that they have some sort of feelings for a killer, as they are not brainless enough to ruin their entire fucking lives by revealing it with their own face.
But yeah, this blonde groupie is starting to show some signs of being tired of Mr. Magnificent, or having some second thoughts of being in love with him. Doing so makes her feel "conflicted" as she feels sad for the victims too, aside from her target of love. In the end, she'll probably realise too, that there is no use to waste her entire life by being in love with a ghost.
School shooters are a joke. They're my favorite people to laugh at. They make a manifesto, post it, sperg out, start a cycle of soccer mom protesting on FB with a profile pic filter, everyone ignores the issue and suggests some retarded bandaid solution that never goes through, forget, rinse, repeat. It's hilarious everytime.
You're talking as if shootings/massacres matter only when being done in a school. Which is the view of a pubescent idiot who thinks that SCHOOL is the most significant institution in the world, just because he himself is, or just was, confined to it. :)
He was a paedophile and probably killed to punish society for not accepting his sexual orientetation.
Reminder that Randy shot about 50 times and only killed two people, with a shotgun
Apparently he shot while the supermarket was about to close and only a few employees were there because he was too much of a pussy to do his mass shooting in a crowded place.
Theres a video of him shooting pointblank at three milk jugs 20 times and missing, he could barely lift the gun let alone handle the recoil because of his twig arms
>But then in the end, when they stand over the bodies, do they think it was worth it? After the initial blood rush is over with?
It's been said, by the criminal psychologists, that what these killers feel, is a SENSE OF RELIEF, caused by the awareness of the fact that it, the pain and the killings and even their own lives will be soon over. So I'd assume there is some sort of a feeling of zen like calmness attached to it all, not joy or rage.
What I will never understand is why nobody reported that faggot to the FBI after so much time he spent idolizing the columbine shooters in his videos
No one thought he could kill as everybody was assuming that he is a liberal (because he was a trap in spirit). It's simple as that.
he made a unboxing video when he got his guns
That emerged only in the end, if I recall right. And were those gun videos or the Columbine ones on his official channel or in the web storage the contents of which he released right before the massacre?
school shooters are cool dudes
Hi there FBI! Trying to keep your thread alive?
Look, here's something you can watch during your coffee break: