Going bald

>be a man
>start to go bald
>do nothing
everyone makes fun of you
>start to go bald
>try to cover it up with a combover or hair piece
Everyone makes fun of you
>start to go bald
>try to stop hairloss and regrow by taking DHT blockers, minoxidil, and getting a hair transplant
Everyone makes fun of you

This game is fucking rigged I want off this ride

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>man from [ANONYMOUS PROXY] found way to regrow hair doctors dont want you to know
>pic of a guy with an onion on his head

Just go Hunter S. Thompson style, wear hats, beanies, tennis caps and some freaky glasses, this is my move for when I go bald

Shave your head clean stupid. Then use tanner or the sun to make your head the same shade as your face and just keep shaving every day or 2. That's why I did. Started losing in HS. Sucked big time.

Baldness is so common but you got unlucky and just got it earlier. Know that the other dudes who make fun of you for it are gonna go bald soon too, some are probably already starting and are insecure about it, just find ways to help yourself cope with it and find a style that works for you.
Listen to this man, I'm starting to get there myself and this has just given me some ideas.

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Dude chill, bald is hot
Picard was bald
tons of porn stars are bald
looks better than a lot of shitty haricuts desu

I've actually been taking a drug called finasteride for a few months and I've seen a lot of new growth. Only sides are my facial and body hair grow super slow now

bald is hot


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If you arent white maybe

i mean look at this


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walter is white

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If you are not an underweight manlet skeleton maybe... maybe.

which walter would you rather fuck I mean honestly??? He gained at least 5 hotness points by losing the hair.

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desu flamingo

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the bruce


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hair isnt going to fix you looking like a skeleton. you will look like a skeleton either way. one way just looks like a skeleton with a mop on your head maybe. if weight is the problem eat some eggs dude

Pic related op. Grow a beard. I agree the game is rigged though we're not allowed to cover our flaws like girls are.

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Bald is ugly, not everyone wants to look like a thug.

They look good because they are insanely chiselled and plus they're all buff. The average dude isn't going to look that good bald

I don't know man. My haircut is what I hate the most about my appearance and what makes me insecure the most.

>everyone makes fun of you
Tell them you have more hair on your head then they do on their balls.

>try to cover it up
Trying to hide it only shows your insecurities, which is worse then being bald and maybe becoming an easy target.

>try to stop hairloss and regrow with meds and cream
The induced stress from your obvious ocd (looking in the mirror every 5min) will counter everything and you will be more bald then you started with + some extra mental issues when you are done.

Going bald was least of my worries.I am at peace with my self. Stop being a little bitch mmm k? . All the best good luck.

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