How many days have you gone without sex robots?
How many days have you gone without sex robots?
Other urls found in this thread:
Day 7300 : yeeeaaa
I've never had
6735 nibbbbbbbbba bucks
Around 150
Once you know how it feels there's no going back
Oh, and these girls are degenerate trash who will accomplish nothing and influence nothing in their lifetimes
Day 1 without sex: rape girl because 25% of girls have been raped and 100% of men are rapists.
720 or so
unorignal as fuk
6929 days. However I think that this meme is mostly done by men and it's just making fun of how much people in the western world idolize sex but idk, i'm so disconnected from the real world.
Going on 5 years now. Haven't had it since highschool.
I just had sex on Friday with some chick I met at the bar. Ask me about me.
>implying I've ever not gone without sex
where do you think you are right now
What was her name, user? And did she smell nice?
Around day 6752 or so now. I fucking hate normalfags so fucking much.
>How many days have you gone without sex
all of them
6935+ I say it's cause I'm lazy and don't want to look for a girlfriend but we all know the truth.
>100% of men are rapists
>on a site with Male virgins.
You must have a fun being brain dead.
I'd say between 850 and 875
5,475 days unfortunately
i just googled how many days old i am
I sure fucking hope this was ironic, buddy
Around 9100 and something days without sex
Kate. She actually didn't smell all that good, but she had smooth skin and her body was decent.
This thot saying she hasn't had sex in 2 years is the real joke.
I've literally never had sex
Even 1 hour without sex for a woman is an accomplishment.
That's nice user. I hope you had a fun time
That, I agree. She looks like a 9/10 whore in her picture. She probably got fucked last weekend.
Aw, thanks, fran. I would've totally shared with you had you been with me!
poor bait. you're not even trying, are you?
The doge is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a low effort shitposter and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'
11680 originalllll)op
Did you account for leap years?
I would suggest to oust yourself given that you are clearly a summerfag
8550 or so. Man I'm so fucked.
Hey what's up Jow Forums, what is your exact age in days?
I think that's most of us, buddy.
16 goddamn years
This is the most annoying meme I've ever seen because no slut that uses is has gone more than 20 days without sex since before they hit puberty.
Had sex on Saturday
Still don't have a gf, as much as I want one.
No it's a stupid thot meme.
Just hit the 7500 mark a couple weeks ago
>tfw 9456 days without sex.
10,097 days and the counter will continue.
>Closing in on day 7500
8174, buddy-boy.
how many months is 8 years.
well, im 33 so about 12,000 give or take
9472 days.
Who /over 9000/ here?
8,248 days and about 2hours
Eh, about 7,500.
6775 days, so my entire life
i'm 19 years old and still a virgin, do the math
Does the time I was molested as a child count?
bout 7.7k days.
It's really strange to phrase it like this. Almost makes it seem like an accomplishment.
1.15 hours
Life is good
Femanon here
18 days
It's getting harder to stay motivated
i fuckin hate this whore meme with a burning passion
75 days
The worst part is my morning wood aches so bad I need pussy. These normalfags kinda blow it out of proportion, but there is some validity to the meme. Once you have some actual good sex the craving gets worse.
does masturbation count as sex?if not im 29 and still a virgin so, a long time
I had sex with my loli waifu 2 days ago, and will enjoy her butt again soon tonight.
Daily reminder that if you arent over 6570 you are NOT a robot
How did you secure that?
I always opt to dance with girls when I go out but I'm considering switching to bar game since I'm a decent conversationalist
2190 days is the longest
8,101 days
my level, get there
>calculates how many days he's been alive
>10,523 days
Boy how the time flies
A little over 8700. It's whatever.
>7300 days more or less
Day 8813 without sex:
Had toast for breakfast
Been listening to Lighting Bolt
Played Settlers of Catan with my family and won
Around 3700.
I know that doesn't sound that bad, but that was a very brief spate of activity after a gap of around 2100 days.
What's funny is that I don't even consider myself to be all that far down on the social totem pole, and I still have these horrific numbers. What would happen if I was a "true robot", which I admit I'm not?
10060 days
WOW this comment was not original
What's 26 times 365 again?
12 days since my first so yeah not to shabby
I've lived for more than 7153 days without sex. Cared about it for maybe half that. I'll die a virgin but that's ok who cares.
no wizards in the thread so far, so far so good dudes
6935 days.
> Translation: My whole live, tfw khv for like.
A little over 8,400. I can expect that number to increase
Currently? 22 days. But it was with my ex, an obese girl, who cuts herself and asks me to drive her to the hospital when she "attempts" suicide, requires constant attention, despite not being together anymore, and spends all her time in her bed with her cats. Literally all day every day. Sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do.
My record is 9125 days
About 5001358. I can't stop levitating.
>mfw poorfag don't want to spend thousands on sezrobit until I know how it feels like
Is there any place where you can test sexrobots?
Not a robot, i just like you fellers.
Youre nice. You're good people. Day 25. Have gf. And it's seriously not as cool as you guys hope. Imagine the greatest porn video you ever saw. Now imagine it's what you have to watch everytime you wanna get off. Forever. It gets old after the first dozen times. Fuck man. I'm just a half normie. But I prefer jerking to sex anymore. Its.. def a needed thing. Gotta try it and get your fill. But it's not all it's cracked up to be.
There are brothels in Europe where they offer robowhores.
Yes. Maybe. Was it for funsies?
What does that even me, my fellow black man?
Still going strong. Fuck.
I've only had sex twice in my life.
Once when I was 16 with a 20 year old chick. Then a loing fucking time went by until I banged a prostitute in Amsterdam last winter, at 24. Haven't had any since.
Going on two weeks. I'm just about ready to kill myself
Thanks for letting us know, half normie.
My whole fuck life
Your whole fuckin life
Our whole fuckin
>had sex twice
4380 days or 12 years.
I based it on my 12th birthday. I doubt many people had sex before that but after that for damn sure. 24y old now.
8760 days origiri
Welcome to the greater than 10,00 days club, Take your membership and apply it like so.
a week. im a shut in neet and i get sex delivery
why are you responding to something that you know is bait
You don't start from your birthdate you faggots.
Start when you hit puberty.
I think my maxium have been between 3 or 5 months
Nearly 9500 days now.