Is this movie an accurate representation of wageslave life?
Is this movie an accurate representation of wageslave life?
For Office life? Yeah actually
I'd say more so the monotony of a boring, shitty job you feel trapped in.
>Is this movie an accurate representation of wageslave life?
No, things are are a lot worse now than they used to be when that movie came out (1999).
Yes. Completely rationalized, hyper-specialized, de-humanized, completely bureaucratic. Mindless and mechanistic. As a wage-slave, you are unable to act creatively or act independently of the judgment of other -- you are stripped of your ability to make autonomous decisions. This is what I mean by de-humanizing. Human interaction is nearly abolished for more efficient means of communication, which includes instant messenger and email. You're merely an economic unit. Your managers and supervisors order you to complete computerized personality tests to determine whether you have the capacity to advance in the company hierarchy or whether you'll be a mindless-drone forever. Turnover is high, and the probability of you leaving within the next 6 months has been calculated at approximately 60%. You're completely replaceable, though, so we're not concerned. Don't think you're irreplaceable or special. Your manager and supervisors laughed at your job, but only because they pity your sad existence.
>order you to complete computerized personality tests
Is this real? Like the MBTI meme?
This is 100%, absolutely real.
>Is this real? Like the MBTI meme?
Yeah but the questions are rigged to force you to choose between two bad options:
"Which of the following two phrases best describes you?
1) I've done things many people would consider unethical
2) I don't have any special talents and I'm a mediocre individual
or another example:
1) I'm often lazy and try to get by doing very little work
2) It's ok to sometimes break the rules of society"
The entire test is a humiliating hazing ritual which we need to take part in if we want a shitty office job.
Yeah. Lunch breaks away from your desk? In this economy? Also "mobility" i.e. you work for us from home now too, slave. I hate smart phones.
Yes. Except it's not hilarious.
>Also "mobility" i.e. you work for us from home now too, slave. I hate smart phones.
Yup also you have to act grateful when they "give" you a laptop.
Now you're on call for work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
No, it's a lot worse.
working in an office is kick ass. I sit in a cubicle and make a bunch of money for barely any effort. Meanwhile I watch the guy outside mowing the grass even if it's 95 degrees out. I see the guy who has to stand at a machine for 12 hours straight. Me though? I shoot the breeze with co-workers, write a paper in three hours and fuck around for the rest of the day. It's AC'd and there are a lot worse existences I could fall into.
even McDicks has them now when you apply online. Like a good 5-10 pages of 8 questions each, or some shit. All with a clearly obvious correct answer in the sense of appeasing what they want out of you.
i got fired from my cubicle phone job last wee for "call avoidance"
I hang up on people all the time, lol. I have not been fired or talked to yet.
It's such bullshit, why did we let the precedent get to where it is? Where I work they expect you to put work apps (which lock and encrypt your phone) on your personal phone. Thankfully I think BYOD laptops finally fell through when they saw what a shit show it was.
you shouldnt work where you work
i would tell them no to the phone. if they insist thats the line dude, say no to the job. dont let the asshats rule you
>You're merely an economic unit.
It silently grinds my gears every time I'm sitting in on a planning meeting with managers and they refer to their employees as "resources"
Job applications for lower-end positions at large companies like Walmart will have several pages of multiple-choice questions asking how you'd respond in hypothetical situations like "You caught Bob stealing from the supply room, what do you do?" or "How would you handle this irate customer?"
The answers are written such that they're supposed to reflect your subjective response, but in reality you're supposed to read between the lines and pick the answers that sound most appeasing to management
most office wagies would love to have a private cubicle like that
I'm Hugh Mungus and I say you gotta force yourself between the butt-cracks of inter-dimensional reality. Your brain needs a holiday. Firstly, take a holiday. Secondly, seduce and screw your boss's wife, preferably up the ass.
Anyone got any horror stories?
Bullshit speak is just that, nothing more and nothing less. Everything's a resource, I'm happy to eat garlic from China, even if its 'resources' are human turds.
>Be in "results only work environment"
>Through the use of coding, automate the slowest parts of my work which gets it done exponentially faster - simple tasks of comparing information are done more accurately than a human can
>Go through more projects than any of my peers
>In review they acknowledge that I get my work done accurately on time
>"You watch too many YouTube videos while you're at work, you're not getting a raise"
It's exactly like that.
>not automating your work to the point where you are the only person who understands the toolchain used for your work
>not automating other people's work to obsolete them and get them fired for being unneeded
you have so much wasted power
Yea...I'm gonna have to ask you to stop posting like a goddamned idiot.
I loved my office job before I had my nervous breakdown. Graphic designer for a family owned small town newspaper. I did pretty much like you, knock out all my work early, fuck off on the internet. I shared an office with the creative director and he was cool as shit. Didn't care if I left early if all my ads were done. I still made salary. I too used to look out the window and be grateful I wasn't cutting the grass or in Winter salting the parking lot. I had to quit to deal with my mental issues. They snowballed into cluster fuck.
Not to mention the SJWification of corporate culture in America, at least. Can't have any remotely "wrong" opinions without getting fired, sexual harassment bullshit, etc.
I went ahead and automated somebody else's job in my free time after I had gotten all my other work done. My manager got mad and told me I should have consulted her first.
The only work that's left for my department to do anymore is the absolute monotonous data-entry work.
That isn't even a bad portrayal of wageslave life, real wageslave life is miserable.
everyone probably is looking at you as the job murderer and wants to keep you contained at this point
>It silently grinds my gears every time I'm sitting in on a planning meeting with managers and they refer to their employees as "resources"
It shouldn't. You know why?
Because being a resource is a step up from being nothing at all. Resources have value. If one of my DBAs dies this week, that's a fucking calamity for me. If some asshole I've never met in China dies, I won't even notice, let alone care. The difference between the two is...the DBA is a resource.
What, all seven billion of them? No one does that. You certainly don't.
Viewed one way, OFFICE SPACE is a brutal critique of wageslave life, true.
But viewed another way, it's an even more brutal critique of wageslaves themselves. Ron Livingstone's character is miserable because he's a coward and a pussy. When his absolutely irrational and neurotic fears are set aside accidentally, he's no longer miserable.
bump, i wanna see this thread keep going
>they actually can get a job
I wish I could be a wageslave and have money, in my country you can't even find a job.
This is how my office is. As long as I hit the progress marks that I've worked out with my boss, I can take long breaks and even just sit at the balcony sipping coffee. I work as a numerical analyst and math researcher at a university.
>that feel when English teacher
As in adult learners, foreign types.
I hate having to perform. I hate it so much. I want to do something in an office where no one cares about me and nothing I do matters, and definitely isn't immediately visible. I'm so bad with people. I just want to not exist.