At what age girls beacome sluts?

At what age girls beacome sluts?

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As soon as puberty kicks in

Twelve to thirteen if raised right
Ten if raised like trash.

12. There is no other answer, it's always at 12.

Puberty. That varies girl to girl so no specific age.

>At what age girls beacome sluts?
the day they start craving cock.

Depends on what you consider a slut. She'll talk about putting out from 12 to 14 and somewhere around 14 to 16 is typically where they'll actually start putting out.

Probably when they get freedom, which could be a car.

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>this anonymous poster has distributed accurate information on the forum website known as Jow Forums.

12-15 from what I've seen. They lose their purity at a young age.

23 and still a virgin so maybe it won't ever happen, who knows honestly

forget that shit, at what age do they think that a shaved vulva is some sort of status symbol needed for a man? okay so you want to look like you are six years old again, we get it. also the tan lines on your breasts tell a lot about you. go visit a nude beach you low self-esteem whore.

>o they think that a shaved vulva is some sort of status symbol needed for a man?
around 14-15 right about the same age they start getting their pussies eaten

Yeah 12 does seem to be THAT AGE, that is when I started noticing degenerate behavior from girls in my school.

Sometime after 13. Because that's when I nabbed up my wife. And I dont understand any of your "all women are slut" memes

I like em hairy. Grew up watching my dads porn flicks from the 70's. Back when women porn stars wore sexy ass garters and stockings and had nice hairy pussys.

I read the file name as "Seiyuu.jpg" why the fuck I don't wanna be a weaboo

I don't mind a trim but when they shave completely, what the fuck. are the afraid of getting menstrual blood in the hair or something? Or just miss the days of looking like they are four years old?

fuck off normalfag


Shhh. Dont turn this into a salty thread

too late kiddo


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around 14yo, depends on the girl

I just have one question.
Have any of you actually had sex?
Because belittling on a public message board is not how you have sex. Here's a tarp
>Be me
>Haven't had sex
>Like ever
>Go to message board to let out steam
>Post message
You're all idiots

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Shhh it's okay. Some people just get lucky.

I became a slut at 13, but I was also molested at 7. So who knows if those two are related.

Sauce? I want this set badly.

>implying she is not cheating on you.

average marriage.

Stone age. Lanigiro.

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If that helps you dismiss that there are good women out there. That's kinda always the go to argument against relationships

>everyone cheats or everyone settles or love doesnt last forever

I'd rather roll the dice and risk it thank dismiss all.women from fear of betrayl

my gfs cousin had a baby when she was 13, so about 11-12 years old they start getting dicked i suppose

No one is a slut.

at birth

i fucking hate you, i hope your wife cuck you

I doubt it. Shes pretty sexually conservative even with me. But if you keep wishing hard enough maybe itll come true?? Idk. I'll let yall know if it happens so you can feel warm inside

>If that helps you dismiss that there are good women out there.

now that is a meme. you need to study human history, and naturally occurring phenomena in nature. in nature females have no loyalty to the males and women betraying their tribe is a survival mechanism. can you guess what the women did after the nazi's invaded France or when the Spanish invaded the Aztecs?

Well good thing we live in a small, well to do society and dont act like animals or tribal packs. Sure I get the whole women use sex to gain resources and all that biz. I just dont subscribe to it

>not knowing what is happening in modern day civilize Sweden.

African immigrants and Muslims are the new captains of Sweden.

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I only have that one picture, the second post. I recognized the girl that's got her legs spread. I'd love the set too if anyone has it.

She's sexuallly conservative with you because she's releasing her urges with another man

>9th grade
>teacher is talking about genes
>whisper to the cute girl next to me "I guess my dad has a massive cock then"
>she tells the teacher
>school tells my parents

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Thats pretty hot desu. I would love to watch my wife fuck a hot guy

not him tho

Eight from what I've seen. Even younger depending on the situation.

God gets them until they're 12, Satan gets then till they're 30.

Depends. Some are born into it; a rare few never reach it. Mostly as else have said

Nope. I dont live in Sweden.

Sure kiddo. All women are sluts and what not. I've heard the broken record.

I had to stop and laugh at this


I completely agree and have seen it for myself time and time again. I'm just glad I've stepped in and prevented my little sister from having sex but I have no idea what I'm going to do once she turns 18 next year and decides it's time to move out or try to move in with some chad just to get away. I'm extremely terrified. I can't stomach the thought of her being in another man's arms when she hugs him coming home from work/school. It bothers me to no ends. I love her so much and I want to be able to be there for her until the day I die. I can't love any woman like I love her and I'll probably die a virgin because us siblings won't ever cross that line but I won't give in, I won't compromise with any other woman.

High school for the actual definition of "thot". Middle school for becoming a chad asslicker

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>at 7
Greentext please.