Does lifting help deter aggressors?

does lifting help deter aggressors?

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Show this to the user who thinks he can beat a chimp in a fight

Wtf? Why? Why did any of this have to happen?

there's your answer

so just about everyone on Jow Forums

It is the exact opposite from my experience.

>Guys keep "accidently" bumping into my bench
>walk between me and the mirrors
>stand in the way

been ready to fight these fuckers but they always act confused when i confront them

yes because they'll think about it before attacking, you become prey if you a weak bitch, you also probably won't be a target in the first place

Actually got an example from today:

>walk in to locker room
>another guy in the locker room
>it is pretty fucking hot
>window by the shower is open
>not showing my privates for free
>close the window
>walk into the shower and turn it on
>fucking guy walks over and opens it
>asks him what his fucking problem is
>"what do you mean bro?"

i swear to god if i weren't naked i would had fucked up right there on the spot

Lifting improves size and confidence. Both of which deter a predator from seeing you as easy or weak prey. People who want to fight however, will find a fight


user... I...

The first strikes from that guy werent anything mad aggressive anyway. Anyone trained would of fucked that guy up. Just because he had to go all big man keep hitting him whiles down dont mean shit

Not really. People still bully me and bump into me all the time, and I'm 6'3 230 lbs and been lifting for 8 months. Nobody seems to care though. I often wonder why I just dont fuck someone up to prove a point

Holy shit you sound like a faggot lmao

Are you a manlet?

Eat more and build your traps, if you cant shrug 225 for 20 its not enough

Whose the alpha dog? The little Chiahuahua who snaps and snarls at everything? Tge niggerish pittbull that lashes out against every small child and gets needled? Or the loyal German sheppard who protects his property and home and also loves humans?

Be a German Sheppard, user.

That gif has me seething. What a fucking animal.

>around blacks never relax
its not a meme

n i g g e r s

>token Jow Forums question as plausable pretense
>webm of black man attacking someone for no reason
>300 replies arguing over race and racism.
These threads are shit.

>re: op
Being fit might help prevent fights, but learning to fight is the only thing that will actually help in a fight. Do both.
>re: larping nazis
Hating all black people because of webms like this is retarded, a lot of them can be bros and hate lefties as much as you.
>re: cucks
Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the US and acknowledging that fact is not racist.

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yep! this is an underaged post

he relaxed around the blacks

You literally see the nigger turn around and realize that there is a wallet that is not his.

I agree with you. Also its bad getting into fights with them, there's no honor in a fist fight. They will pull out knives and stomp on your head when you go down.

Yes, YES, and fuck yeah!

>Hating all black people because of webms like this is retarded, a lot of them can be bros and hate lefties as much as you.

Sure, but look up non-white statistics about supporting the right to bear arms, and you'll quickly see that 'hating leftists' isn't enough.

im the faggot yes

6'0, so yes :(

Lol, there's a guy getting beat up and literally dying right in front of you, and you, as a female cashier, just watch and fiddle with your ponytail making sure it looks right. Women r cunts

Wow OP way to ruin my day, and the 2 dumb bitches standing and spectating can go get gang raped

That might have more to do with blacks living in urban areas, because there's a lot of whites in urban areas that are anti-gun.

>guy literally turns around and looks at you
>still looking at your wallet
really makes me think

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Am I racist becase I hate niggers?

I've done my research. I've looked at crime figures.

I just don't like them.

This world would be so much better without them.

Even if I was black I would hate blacks.

Can a black person here please tell me you understand the hatred of niggers.

Am I racist because I hate white people?

I've done my research. I've looked at the history of slavery and colonialism.

I just don't like them

This world would be so much better without them.

Even if I was white I would be a SJW.

Can a white person here please tell me you understand the idea of white privilege?

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I've worked in retail alongside blacks, and I can confirm they also hate blacks and can understand where racism comes from

Imagine waking up every morning knowing you're a fucking nigger.

>world would be better if we still chased boars with spears
maybe. not knockin the idea.

Lol, not an argument. If someone would say what you said in real life they'd be celebrated as super diverse and progressively woke

That doesn't mean they wouldn't still be racist.

Assuming the black guy is more powerful, whats the correct play here?

Go close for a bear hug and try and bite his ear off?
Follow it up by gouging out his eyes?

You did your research on the history of white people and slavery and colonialism and didn’t find that white Englishmen used the power of the English navy to end the global slave trade and that the life expectancy of colonial states near doubled vs precolonial

>Am I racist because I hate white people
>inb4 you took the bait
Yes you are because you're hating someone based solely on the traits inherent to there particular ethnicity. In truth I'm white yet I've never owned a slave or oppressed a native population so am I still guilty?

1.right cross/hook early on
2.left uppercut/hook later on
3.grab and head-butt anytime
4.throat punch anytime (my fav)

By appearing as a harder target, you will deter the wimpy scavenger-like "coyote" niggas that want an easy payday.

Instead you will now incense the psycho hyperviolent thugs that want more than money, but to dominate and destroy another human being, solely for the act of doing it.

It's sorta like how in Predator he only killed the badass commandos and left the thots alone because there was no glory in it.

The only way to beat the Predator is to be a bigger psycho in response.

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>shrug 225 for 20
Or idk just deadlift 500

>Instead you will now incense the psycho hyperviolent thugs that want more than money, but to dominate and destroy another human being, solely for the act of doing it.

Nope, those niggers will still go for the weakest link.

You already fucked up
1. Own a gun and be aware
2. Learn to fight at a martial arts school

3. never relax around niggers.

Hmm, seems like someone didn't research enough about slavery

Oh shut up you faggot, you wouldn't have done a fucking thing if you were there. Probably just stared at the ground stuttering about doritos and wishing you had your 1000 fold japanese steel katana, then post on /b/ about what just happened and how he is lucky you weren't there to kick his ass.

Around blacks NEVER RELAX.

>oh but das racist
>oh but you can't judge an entire group
>oh but socio-economic yadda yadda

You made your choice.

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Or just do rack pulls