A single middle-aged man adopts a 11 y.o girl from Ukraine. Yeah, nothing suspicious about that at all... Should I report my neighbour?
A single middle-aged man adopts a 11 y.o girl from Ukraine. Yeah, nothing suspicious about that at all...
No you pedophobe. They are two consenting people
Why don't you mind your own fucking business, OP?
Report him for what? Are you assuming that the city and child protection services dont already know about him? Are you retarded?
if hes abusing her, yes
You typically need more just cause than simply "this is kind of weird, don't you think?"
Why are you ruining that poor girls new life?
lol that would bw a fucked up way to destroy a childs life, never thought of this
CPS under clinton/bush/obama was even worse than an abusive foster home, those kids legit went missing because they were trafficked into pizza parties.
Maybe I'm just desensitized but that sounds a little creepy to me as well.
Report him for what? Have you seen any evidence of actual criminal activity or are you just assuming because he's male and she's female?
nothing wrong clearly desu
i think is none of your fucking business pal
not if your white user
idk adopting an 11 year old seems a hell of a lot better than adopting a fucking baby whose diapers I have to change. I always said if I did adopt I would adopt a teen. You should ask him about it though
As a Ukrainian in the west, I would appreciate if you did make the call. Nothing will come of it most likely.
youre just prejudice towards foster parents and children this isnt the 70s you fucking retard youre probably a self hating pedo that projects ur shit onto other ppl who are adults that are around children this 11 yr old has a new life and ur going to fuck it up because of ur fag pedo fantasies
seeing as white middle aged males make up the majority of pedophiles, you probably should
>A single middle-aged man adopts a 11 y.o girl from Ukraine. Yeah, nothing suspicious about that at all... Should I report my neighbour?
No, you should blackmail him into letting you hit that too
if there is grass on the field then play ball.
>seeing as white middle aged males make up the majority of pedophiles, you probably should
That's not actually true. White middle-aged males tend to be involved in cases where the victim is white, and those cases get the most media coverage because a) it's hot and b) nobody cares about darkies.
But the biggest single threat factor for child abuse is sharing a residence with an unmarried adult male who is not your biological father - and even now that happens in black homes a lot more than it happens in white homes.
How about you fucking end your life like you've been longing to you stupid sack of shit. At least he's following his dreams. The fuck are you doin?
absolutely report him. why should he get to keep an 11 yr old girl from Ukraine by himself?
Did he adopt through the official channels or did he just pick up a stray off the street? If he did the former what's the point of reporting him?
I'm not a pedophile. I have no attraction to children whatsoever, but I find it funny that it irks normies so bad. =D
I recall that Russia banned burgers from adopting their kids because a couple of faggots cornholed their adoptees.
I think I'd rather get raped than get kicked out of orphanage at 18 straight into homelessness.
11 year old Ukranian girl
Adopted by middle aged male
Looks sickly and skittish and can barely speak any english when she shows up
She slowly begins to blossom and her english skills improve
She makes friends and is fairly popular
She goes from treating her adopted father like her owner or someone she should fear to loving him affectionately and in a way that seems slightly off
He spoils her rotten and she's a good kind hearted intelligent yet down to earth young girl who everyone likes regardless.
People would occasionally hear the father fucking the brains out of some young and very loud woman at his home while his daughter was out of town visiting his relatives or so he says.
It's basically a known known amongst the girls in her group that he's fucking her blind on the reg
Later it's revealed that she was put on drugs and was used by male and female sex tourists.
He had taken a liking too her bought her and smuggled her out of the country.
He had stopped having sex with her once he had officially adopted her but she intiated and they had been in a sexual relationship ever since.