
*clink* *clink* edition

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i was gonna do something exactly like OP picture to be fair but i was gonna bitch about my thread on /b/ aswell, fair play user


Got any proof?

*clink* *clink*

That's 87p in the larp jar lad.

we had 161 in the last thread, lets do better this time

Can I get a refund soon? I'm already short on money.

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we are a proper gang of spakkers im not even joking


>IDK lad only have an ordinary business degree
*clink* *clink*

That's 97p in the larp jar.

fuck off am i putting 34 quid in your nonce jar you cunt

Good job lad.
We need to work together to stomp out larpers and create an air of respectability here.

Not sure what all this LARP business is about but I'm chilling in bed right now with a cup of tea, a happy hippo and a packet of salt n vinegar chipsticks and I'm feeling comfy.

Gonna watch a few youtube vids then sleeps.

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he didnt even reply to you he replied to me, stop larping as me

prepare yourself laddo

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>I'm chilling in bed right now with a cup of tea, a happy hippo and a packet of salt n vinegar chipsticks and I'm feeling comfy.

Got any proof of this? No?
*clink* *clink*

That's 76p in the larp jar.

Got change of a quid lad?


>but I'm chilling in bed right now with a cup of tea, a happy hippo and a packet of salt n vinegar chipsticks and I'm feeling comfy.

Why lie mate?


That's 50p in the larp jar

no you stop larping as me, thats a tenner in the nonce jar for you, and if you impersonate me again thats 20 quid for identity fraud


>cup of tea
>happy hippo(whatever the fuck that is)
>feeling comfy

5 LARPs at a quid each thats 5 quid that is

What the hell are you eating? Looks like poverty in a tin.

he was slurping rice pudding straight out of the can

Mmm did someone say they wanted to hear my Dad's larping history?

Attached: Dads-google-history.png (960x540, 444K)

who's this ponce then


Howling at this lad's voice. You want working on, boy!

thats a nonce voice if ever i heard one, get him lads

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Laying in bed, my fan is blowing up my legs but due to the heat it's carrying the smell of my sweaty balls up as well.

Need a timestamped image of those sweaty balls or it'll be 50p in the larp jar.

retards in this thread probably too dumb to understand fast inverse square root

>This is what men will look like in 2020 and here's why thats a good thing

Another Brit/feel/ I've conquered.

Larper. Why even lie about having a fan or sweaty balls? Pointless desu.

>And he thinks he does


Pubes dont you have work in the morning?

larp jar forced meme needs to die.

tripfags and larpjar posters off our board

Attached: larpjar.jpg (1024x683, 302K)

Anyone else jealous of people with lower aspirations and expectations in life? I know people I work with who are from a bit rough areas, they earn decent money so for them they have really made it and done well in life, and they seem much more content. I have always had a lot of pressure to do well from my family so I always feel like I'm stressed from the expectation, yet deep down I would be happy with the life of these other people.

threw a prisoner down a hole that was chanting. He came back with worms in his head. these things just popped out. They seem tame, so I might train them.

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Makes me feel smug as a poor person that successful people are just more stressed out mentally because of the pressure

What are bluebell cuts?

>I know people I work with


50p into the larp jar.
Why make up stupid stuff like this?

they mushrooms fren

Attached: larp jar frog 2.jpg (754x1158, 90K)

>50p into the larp jar.
>Why make up stupid stuff like this?

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You are dangerously retarded and no one will ever love you

I don't blame you. I'm a lazy bastard so just want an easy laid back life. It's one thing a robot should be glad about, not having any responsibilities is a massive thing. I'd swap everything to live a life where my mum looked after me and let me be a robot and not have to work etc

I think it's shipanon

It's pubes lad

Kirsten Wig naked if anyone wants to see that

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what is that thing ahhhh

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dougie like

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got a proper leaky willy again lads, hate getting old

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Yep, that's 50p in the Larp Jar.
If you can't prove it, you shouldn't post it.

Go to bed you unlovable retard

I'll be calling out larps in this thread for another 24 hours at least, I just dropped a bomb of speed to make sure I banish you larping cunts from this place for good.

what do with FLAC tracks?

Attached: BrainSmall.jpg (645x968, 47K)

listen to them friend

Squash them :^)

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It can play them if you enable it

except you cant

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Just use plex you absolute brainlet it will work perfectly

My wifi for the ps4 is absolutely trash so I'm sharing one ethernet cable between my desktop and ps4, so plex isn't really a solution

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Oh well just convert them whilst you sleep or something there's really no other solution

Is it possible to turn your pc into a WiFi hotspot and go from there

Nice little movie. Not a very accurate portrayal of BPD but a decent enough look at mental illness


might do fren fank u
i shall try that also

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Ok good luck sorry for calling you a brainlet

Down to 120lbs now lads (I'm 5'11)

Sounds rather underweight desu

>conquered thread
Prusse says this shit. Fucking pathetic.

Thats not good is it lad? I mean I'm 130-40 at 5'8 and thats near a bad BMI for me, but then again I have't been working out for a bit so lost some muscle. I'd imagine 120 at 5'11 is probably underweight lad?

yeah it's underweight. used to be below 115 though

Lads just watched Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. Fairly good film.

So you gaining atm or have you just lost some more after gaining? Eat a shitload lad, lots of carbs and do a bit of excercise desu. I'd say cycle (at night cuz its fun as shit) and lift.

frens strong TOGETHER
eat a maccy d's daily fren. need some weight on

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Saw a vid of donny who ate Maccy every day for a week, 3 meals. He lost weight, like 2lbs

Losing slowly at the moment. I just forget to eat sometimes. I already cycle regularly, don't like doing it at night but during the day is fun.

>maccy d's
Fast food makes me feel ill.

eat a lot of chicken and pasta

Depends where you live I suppose, if I cycle in the day not only is hot af but also busy roads so I gotta be slow and watch out. But at night, free fucking roads lad. Go where I want at any speed I want.

The trilogy fell flat for me. Enjoyed the first film, second one I was excited for but I remember being bored watching it, third one was a weird sort of prison escape film with apes. Kind of disappointing overall.

pasta and sauce is good. might make some tomorrow, cheers lad

I like the heat. the UK is uncomfortably cold for me most of the year

U not from rand these parts

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This summer has definitely made me prefer Winter. But overall, Spring and Autumn beat all.

see you lads in like 20 hours

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used to prefer spring and autumn but now it's all about summer for me.

I'm going to fuck up the Larp Jar spammer IRL lads.
Watch this space.
I will wreck him.


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weewooweewoo this is the polis pls post

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American here. How easy are your women? I think their accents are hot.

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dpends dunnit m8

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Why the fuck has my internet got really slow and I suddenly have some bullshit child lock on. Have to temporarily phone post and it's a piss take. Mummy's going to hear about this when she wakes up

Mine has got really slow too :(

You with Sky lad? I'm meant to be moving to fiber soon so maybe they've just changed my internet temporarily. 21 years old and have to ask my mum to unblock the 4chins and porn

Gotta call the wank police dont' you lads? GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

BT. Have fibre. 56mb/s is max speed.
Literally not even loading a YouTube video ok. And I'm the only person using it.

Aye lad, waiting to hear back Her Majesty's Pornography Department at this very minute with their decision to provide me my wanking license
Same, watching videos in 144p at the minute because 360p is too much to handle

>21 years old and have to ask my mum to unblock the 4chins and porn

Stop living with mummy then.

living with mummy enables to save money!