Dire dire straits

Jow Forums I really need to say some things and strongly need to instill some wisdom because I don't have any sort of capacity to deal with any of my issues right now and I'm really struggling

I never visited this board, even back when I went on /b/ and heard it was just /b/ without the reposts, but I really need to say some things that I can't really say to other people. It's funny that an anonymous community that gets a bad rap sometimes could probably be the best people to comfort me in a time of need

I've been really in a bad mindset recently, even to the point of rationalizing suicide and even devising plans if I were to do it (get a rope and hang myself in a nearby forest, tie rocks to my feet and drown in the nearby quarry, find a high enough bridge and jump off it, etc) and it kind of scares me, but is also strangely a source of happiness, to know that I can just end it all. One because it's my depression and my "freedom" to live out the life that was predetermined as you are born, one full of hardships, inequalities, insecurities, the unfarity. My family is poor, yet we live in a big house that we needed multiple mortgages on. I've lived with over 20 different people excluding my family in my own home which caused a sort of culture shock, and poor coping mechanisms to me growing up. My brothers were always antagonistic and fought, I never get along with them, in fact I despise one of them, and the other one I don't really care about.

I'm just not an affectionate person, I don't feel like I could trust myself to do that. I don't want to get hurt. I can't find anyone I really can put my love into. I wake up every day to a house that never remains clean, to a bed where the ill never get well. Everything is disappointing, everything falls apart, and now that I feel like I've faced adversity so much in my mind I'm now permanently blackened, unclean, not worthy, just like how I use to think, people like me grew up to kill themselves.

Cont. of my pathetic blogpost

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Continue have you had therapy ??

I feel like like is the most unfair when genetically you can be shorter than the average female in my country, paired with bad genetics like a weird shaped skull, balding heavily since 20, having sinus cancer at 17 despite doing no drugs, having a home that doesn't feel like a home and always gives me anxiety over the people living there, or over money, or over my insecurities. Most of my friends aren't my friends anymore, they either all have gone to college, have S/Os, or just devote their time to single people or groups which I don't feel a part of. I get along with people well enough, but I just don't like a lot of people. I'm definitely not a normal guy, I'm definitely a more alternative person, it gets so hard to not be taken seriously for other people's ignorance or things that aren't even my fault. I just don't know what to do. I'm lost. I spent most of my days depressed and bored. It sucks, it sucks cause I live in the bumfuck of nowhere, with boonies all around, either white trash or niggers, I wish I lived in a big city so that there would be at least things to do other than living in fucking rural Ohio. Man, I'm just really lonely. My family is pretty dysfunctional, I can't really get along with them. Many of my friends have gone away in the end, and the ones that I'm still cool with are just tertiary friends, you know like I knew em in school and thought they were cool but they aren't my homies

I haven't. It's not that I don't respect it though. One of my favorite artists wrote an album in dedication to his marriage counselor and it definitely struck a chord in me.


I could say more... Let me gather my thoughts so I don't just ramble.

why cant you move , Cincinnati is pretty cool and not to high cost of living..

So to continue on to the meat and potatoes of my pretentious faggot baby-like thought patterns, I definitely suffer from depression. I have GAD but I don't have horrible anxiety, and never had an anxiety attack. I often get into moods where I don't want to talk to people or do anything but hide in my room, and other times I''m fine with going out and conversing. I don't remember a lot of high school because I was often depressed but good at hiding it, so it was never addressed. People liked me, it made it easy for me to be a drifter and be somewhat cool with everyone but not close to many, and the ones I did get close to I fucked up by being too clingy, or I wasn't cool enough for them to... you know, consider more than anyone else that I need help and to not just expect to forget things and be "friends" again when our friendship is a tugboat. One person pulling a lot of shit while the other person just sits in for the ride. I don't try to inconvenience anyone, tell them my issues, when I was more social before I stopped hanging out with everyone I felt just normal I guess (but with my plethora of issues always hiding behind my mask of fruition and happiness). I never bogged people down with my problems although I guess it can be obvious that I do have them, either through situations that make me anxious, moodswings, overreactions, massive overlabelling as shitty defense mechanisms.

I just wish every day why I couldn't have been born next door. Why do I have to deal with this shit, poor body image, poor mental mechanisms, and lately drug addictions to weed, alcohol, and benzodiazepenes to even somewhat good in a day

Ive been there. Fuck it, i AM there. Except for drug use i relate to your post way too much.
Ive been on a spiral of failure, low self esteem, heavy drug use, basically giving up. suicidal thoughts turned to plans, notes, dry firing guns at my brain stem, i used hroin for a bit till my friends found out and im detoxing. My mindset is just like yours, i can barely function, i think about kms all day long. While i dont immediately plan on it i will almost certainly kill myself within the next 6 months.
Therapy made my life much much, i cant stress it enough, much worse. Not for everybody but in my case they really fucked me over.

Anyway op,
I really want to say some words of encouragement but im not a liar.
Know this, some people, such as manlet losers like us, are not cut out to he happy people. You can choose to pretend like its worth fighting, or at keast give it another shot, or you can spare yourself and end it at the expense of everyone you know. Its a terrible decision to have to make and i dont know what i will do myslef. No one. Absolutely no one will get you out of your bind. You need to make a choice and double down out it.

I went to Cinci once to visit a friend and it was okay but I would rather move to a nice area in Columbus. I'm broke as fuck and don't have a job currently, no one would move out with me, and I'm going to a local community college right now. I had a nice job at an airport making 14 an hour part time with full time benefits, but after a year working there I had a shitty month and almost had a mental break down so I quit for no reason at all. It was probably the worst mistake I ever did cause looking back that job was pretty good and was helping me keep me sane, I can't work retail or at a food place and feel the same way, I would hate every fiber of my work.

Moving though, if it is possible that I could get good student loans to move me to Columbus next semester when I transfer to an actual Uni, that's the dream right now. Nevermind all the other shit that makes me feel like horrible on the inside, like being an ugly balding manlet with depression, probably ADHD, home issues, trust issues, etc, maybe I can find another group of people who can help me not bear my burden alone.

University is not for everyone don't go just because and end up with a pile of debt. Try a temp labor job they get paid daily so you can get some cash and nobody cares if you don't come back for a week.If you like some place then you can keep going back as liong as they need you and you can meet new people at your own pace.

I'm sorry dude that you can relate as well, as I really don't think it's very proper, not very wholesome that people like me can exist in this world where apparently anything is possible.

That's kind of the way I look at it too, I get through this semester of school, find somewhere to transfer to and dorm, see if life gets better. and if it doesn't it's all FUD and I don't think I can continue. I just needed to talk about this because every day it feels like more of my heart gets ripped out, more hair falls out, I'm causing more chemical imbalance in my body, however thanks for listening. Even as much as I would love to just die and disappear right now I don't have the balls to go through with it, it's just funny that thinking about it makes me feel somewhat happy.

Therapy helped me. I had most of the same symptoms as you OP. Lack of interest in anything, never leaving my room, suicidal thoughts, two failed attempts. I'm on meds now and they help me stay pretty level headed. I still get down sometimes but it doesn't feel completely helpless anymore. I feel like I can figure out some kinda way to get out of whatever rut I'm in. Now, I can't stand being in my room all day whereas before it was the only place I felt halfway decent.

If I end up in a pile of debt it wouldn't matter user as I've already failed at that point. What would be pushing me through uni is finding a better life and a little bit of debt can be worth it for a much better life in the future. However if I go to uni and fail at every avenue, then life would be proven to be literally worthless.

Also what do you mean for a temp labor job? That was kind of an issue for the airport job was constant punctionality which kinda drove me crazy sometimes. There are jobs I can just take a couple days off and no one would care just as long as I do put in work (despite my obvious self-hatred I know I can be motivated to do things).

I am going through ohio next week the 3th ~ 5th is twins days in twins berg oh.
Just try and enjoy something small you aren't going to change all at once.

Attached: Twin.jpg (680x454, 129K)

I hire temporary labored all the time you just show up and they send you off to work and pay at the end of the day. I use Labor works but there are plenty of them out there.

any near you you just call them then show up on days you want to work.

Attached: temp.png (1136x729, 437K)

I've been trying to change small things all the time, they just don't work out in the end. Tried working out. Didn't really feel better about myself. Tried to get back into playing guitar again since I almost lost all interest, and reading, but I can't.

I guess I'll start looking at a couple of those, then. However it seems like everything needs experience these days

What medication did they put you on user?

That's over 2 hours away from me, but I'll give some other staffing places near me a look over and see if maybe I can kickstart some motivation for myself again

They literally take any one , you might get more money if you have some experience in the job but the one near me picks up guys at the homeless shelter ,one of them even has a van to bring them to work and back.

i just did a google search for all Ohio there probably are some if you zoom in.

Good luck i gotta go to bed i hope you get out o your rut.

To just greentext some more shit about why shit sux
>brother had 3 duis (1 got expunged or something) so I had to drive him and pick him up every day he went to work (2 hours out of my day in total wasted for almost a year). we also still never got along and many of the rides were passive-aggressively tense
>could not work for a year after finding out I had sinus cancer. would have nosebleeds that would last for hours and vomit up blood every morning for ~3 months
>it was at this time the most I needed support from friends, but my friend let our mutual friend basically live with him for a year and never invited me to do things with them when all I wanted to do was spread and receive love to those who I felt deserved it (at the time)
>met a girl in high school who I was kinda crazy for, but she was really idealistic. I was below her standards, I guess. She could've been a lot to me, she was shorter than me, very pretty, interesting personality and tastes, but it ended up she felt really strongly on things that I didn't. fuck idealism, standards are fine, you thought it was cool to be my friend, why did you have to forsake happy times just because I didn't know a bunch about rap music, didn't do acid or molly, or that I wasn't attempting to be a musician at the time?
>many of my close friends and cousins don't live near me anymore since we moved (Texas, West Virginia, Pensylvania, other parts of Ohio)

Effexor for the depression. Buspar for anxiety. I tried benzos but started eating too many. Gabapentin as a mood stabilizer. All midrange doses I worked up to. My therapist doesn't prescribe my meds herself but a doctor from the same office does. They've been great about meds. The last place I went I was misdiagnosed as bipolar and was put on fucking Lithium and that's when I tried to kill myself.