Can we make a soc style thread to share contacts (like Discord) and get to know each other? Just this time, seriously...

Can we make a soc style thread to share contacts (like Discord) and get to know each other? Just this time, seriously.. Just once
There's no need to always be so closed and scroogey between us, why can't we just get along and form some sort of community as well? We are strong together, not alone

> A/S/L (Age, sex, location)
> Sex
> Age
> Hobbies
> Interested in
> Not interested in
> Contact

Here's my cat

Attached: IMG_20180716_172811_737.jpg (3366x3366, 1.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Theres literally an entire board for this. Fuck off to /soc/

pretty sure /soc/ is where you want to post sorry
speaking of that, does anyone want to be my bf?

>just this one time
>after dealing with this shit for fucking ever til it was finally fucking enforced

No. That would be a /soc/ thread and would belong on

Still, it's not the same as doing it between as robots, soc is filled with people solely interested in randomly talking and usually with not much of our interests.. Why can't we try just this time?

Because, newfag, in recent memory this board was nothing but faggots like you creating threads to spam their fucking Discords

>A/S/L (Age, sex, location)

Do you have brain damage?

You're starting to get annoying, if you're not interested to the thread why even replying? Soc and r9k are DIFFERENT, are you seriously that mentally challenged? If you're not interested go somewhere else, I'm interested in opening such a thread here since the board has different people with different mentality and I've seen many robots here who would like to know each other but could get the opportunity due to judgemental fucks like you

Stop being such dicks, you'll never change

It's 5 am here, I'm tired :) thank you for caring tho user

>the boards are different, that's why I'm making a thread that belongs on another board here!
Do you realise how retarded you sound?
/soc/ threads belong on /soc/ that's why we have /soc/, sp threads like this don't get posted on other boards.

You must be seriously retarded
So what if I want to make a sharing contact on Jow Forums due to the majority of people being interested in the same topic?
Again stop being a cunt and go somewhere else, no need to annoy people

You can go make a fucking thread on /soc/ called "Jow Forums contact sharing" you utter faggot. This is why we have separate boards dedicated to specific purposes

Soc is generic
R9k is kinda specific

Easier to understand brainlet?
Change thread, I made this if people felt like trying to share contacts and interests, not for dicks having to judge anything you try to do without molesting other threads

Just make the thread directly on /soc/ but require a timestamped piss bottle picture for entry.

Too bad that people from other boards will not bother switching to find that thread you retard
That's why I posted it here, since it could perhaps stimulate interested people into sharing

I understand that you're mentally limited tho

>calling anyone a brainlet when you misunderstand the purpose of boards so hard
Yes /soc/ is generic because it is for threads exactly like this one no matter who makes them. Jow Forums is specific because it is for a certain purpose and culture, that does not include /soc/ threads like this one.

>literally no one answering your demands
i can chat with you if you want, just tell me your discord


I don't give a damn about what you think, don't really know if you got that pal
I made a thread for people here who would be perhaps interested in sharing contacts and who perhaps never even visited soc
Will it die? Let it die
Will it have some attention? Fine

>can we do /soc/ shit out of /soc/?
What do you think, dipshit?

sounds like an angry virgin. OP, please ban this manbaby if he joins our group

No I'm going to keep posting until the mods delete your thread or we hit post limit
Learn how the site works before standing by your own faggotry

soc is mainly for normies, no one from here will bother going to see if there is a discord thread, that's what user meant I guess

Irrelevant. /soc/ threads go to /soc/ not Jow Forums

we are all allone

>want to do normalfag shit
>but don't want to do it with normalfags
fuck off.

> I'm going to keep posting (and randomly being a dick) until mods close your thread

You must be one hell of a frustrated guy user, seriously why don't you mind your own business? "Learn how boards work" as if there's any rule that doesn't let you open threads about knowing each other and sharing contacts on r9k

You must be seriously autistic

Yeah indeed he is.. As if robots can't share contacts and stimulate other users here on such a thread
Why would someone from here go visit soc? There are way too many normies, at least we'd stick together with more close interests and mentality
Hopefully not like this harassing faggot

join my server lads:

No rule stopping you from making a cooking thread on Jow Forums either but you'll still get deleted because it's offtopic

Too bad there's no specific topic here

Also, starting a cooking thread and making a thread to share contacts between users to talk about same interests are two different things

>begin a thread by describing it as "/soc/ style"
>durr whys everyone telling me to go to /soc/?

Got it guys, no hope
I'm so done with this thread

>meetup, and camwhore threads [belong] on /soc/.
I reccomend you get acquainted with the rules, you fucking retard.

Pretty funny that everyone is telling you to post on /soc/ but the same people don't tell OP's of Trap/Faggot/Degenerate threads to go to /lgbt/.


>but the same people don't tell OP's of Trap/Faggot/Degenerate threads to go to /lgbt/.

except they do

>citation and references needed

Where have I written "camewhore or meetup"? Are you serious starting to fishing now?
You're so pathetic, no wonder people avoid sharing contacts here

>make claim
>post no proofs
>get told that claim is bullshit
>hur dur where are the proofs
Stand in front of a speeding train pls.
People avoid sharing contact here because this is not the fucking board for doing that. Kill yourself too.

Starting to fish*

You've gone through actually reading rules and interpreting them your way, bravo sir, you might get even smarter this way

Still, my goal isn't to form meet-ups or camwhoring but to open a space to people interested

Again, stop being a deluded little cunt and go somewhere else

>> A/S/L (Age, sex, location)
>> Sex
Yes please
>> Age
>> Hobbies
Calling OP a fag
>> Interested in
Calling OP a fag
>> Not interested in
Fags (eg. OP)
>> Contact

I'm with you, OP. Don't listen to the screeching autists

t. normalfag

now fuck off

I'm far from a normalfag, to be honest.

add me dude

Your username doesn't work fren

>Wanting to interact with people farther than what we're doing right now

If calling people faggots on Jow Forums doesn't satisfy your socialization quota then you're a normalfag.

I know it doesn't! You got Punk'd!

Attached: KEKing cheetahs.jpg (450x450, 38K)

wow, how could you do this to people?

Only to idiots, son. Only to idiots.