This woman is a 2/10 in Japan

This woman is a 2/10 in Japan

Attached: fr.jpg (721x960, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>This is a 2/10 post photoshop in Japan

This woman is a 1/10 in Japan
Why dont robots just move to Japan?

Attached: literally a one in japan.jpg (540x815, 83K)

This russian qt is a 10/10 to me

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She looks spooky

Because I hate all asiatics,

Thats okay
More 2/10 Japanese girls for the other robots

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Your mum is spooky

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yeah and dragons are real

Show me a 10/10 woman in Japan.

heres a 8/10 Asian stacy

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>Show me a 10/10 woman in Japan.

Attached: princess-mako-2000.jpg (1333x2000, 601K)

but user, this IS an 2/10 stop brainwashing your mind

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shes losing her title in 2020

>want to vist Japan to have tons of QT girls hit on the mysterious foreigner
>realize I'm black

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you can get a gf in Japan too user

There are literally, unironically millions of single Japanese girls in Japan

only one of them has to fall in love with you

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I never thought fembots could be real but then I saw this abomination.

i have met japanese girls in person and they are a lot more average then often portrayed
some of them are dark skinned, they aren't all pale qts, they may have wide faces, odd teeth etc. not necessarily ugly girls, but they are not special
as far as personality, sluttiness etc tho i cant rly say
pretty sure they do hentai of jap chicks getting knocked up by "american foreigner bf", i.e black dudes or nah but some of them will want black dick, even if a lot go nah u might get lucky

There are four main islands and one and a half of them (Hokkaido and the north end of Honshu) are Ainu by descent. Hairier and whiter.

And millions more that would lynch him without warning.

>realize I'm black

Asians don't have white guilt so they are very racist and xenophobic. I was watching a Chinese anime and they treat the black character like shit. also the anime has racist jokes and they draw the black character poorly.

>And millions more that would lynch him without warning.
Not really desu

if he's respectful, vast majority of Japanese people outside of Okinawa would get over it after meeting him regardless of preconceived notions

Japanese people aren't really that racist

>unironically thinking that japan is like the turner diaries

wtf why is my thread about black people all of the sudden

I just wanted a thread about Japanese qts

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whats a 10/10 in japan anyways

>whats a 10/10 in japan anyways
it's this

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Every thread on a popular Jow Forums board will eventually drift towards hating black people

It's the Jow Forums effect

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Probably just girls with big tits since they're rare over there

damn now i just want to know how Japanese men can fuck them with no makeup on

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u like age of youth nigga? she wasnt even hottest on the show

Have you never heard of Azrael?

Big, funny looking black guy goes to Japan for a few years to teach English. Gets poked up the ass by dumb high school students, sleeps around with few teachers. Now he has a qt wife, daughter and pretty much expatriated to Japan. He also blogged some funny story about how Japanese condoms are unironically just too small for his penis, and he had to get his mother to mail him condoms from the states. Talk about motherly love!

There's some part of Japan called Roppongi where apparently many women find black men and hip-hop culture to be attractive. And in general, if you conduct yourself like a reasonable, put together man, they will respect you as well. Some may be afraid of you because yes, you're the one black dude within a 100 mile radius surrounded by tiny asians, but most will actually be pretty cool about things. If you bother to learn some Japanese, they will respect you even more.

lights off

Also one last thing, look up Dante Carver.

Big muscular black man moves to Japan, becomes fluent in the language, and is now the single highest paid TV commercial actor in the entire nation of Japan. He also got featured in Metal Gear Solid V as an enemy character because Hideo Kojima is a fan of him.

Basically all I'm trying to say is, anybody can slay pussy in Japan. Except Japanese men for some reason who are all beta and literally don't attempt to get laid. It's as if mother nature itself is trying to genetically diversify Japan, given the women seem to all love and romanticize meeting foreign men.

asian males are beta cucks

I'm black but also 5 8' and 110 pounds so I don't think that's attractive over there

just gain some weight man. I'm 5'8" and about 175lbs right now (was 185lbs, but lost weight because I had to stop being active due to a bad injury). Japanese people are short, so you'll be of average to slightly above average height there. When I was there I felt tall for the first time in my life.

Don't Asians like skinny men though?

all women prefer men taller than them with muscle mass. 0 exceptions, even the women who say they don't.

The Japanese are 5'2

My only ever gf has been asian so maybe

Not true, I've seen it countless times where some weird chick rejects a guy for being too muscley

Somehow I really doubt this happens often.

Every super jacked guy I know seems to slay pussy effortlessly. They care more about getting jacked more than fucking girls since it's so easy for them to pick up chicks, literally and figuratively. Hoes come and go, gains and glory are eternal.

A jacked guy attracts the easiest type of women to fuck, that's why