That feel when you're texting a girl and she says "kek"

>that feel when you're texting a girl and she says "kek"
>she's just accidentally ousted herself as a 4channer
>mention it on the date and we bond over it
>Jow Forums got me laid

She said my shoulders were swole and I carried her around whilst banging. Doing rows was a massive boon to my fuck session

Thank you Jow Forums!

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Post proof

I've hooked up with girls who've accidentally mentioned Jow Forums while drunk, it's not that rare really

really? I'd be very hesitant to say that even 20% of the forum is female, except for in some very specific boards, like cosplay, soc or adv.

What the hell would count as proof that I just banged someone and why would you even doubt the fact that someone might get laid?

Maybe post a picture of the text you fucking idiot

kek is not a Jow Forums thing you moron. just childish emoticon shit you could get from anywhere

you can easily fake texts over the web and I'm concerned I might leave some personal info accidentally. So since it wouldn't really prove anything and I might post personal info, I'll respectfully decline.

She literally just said "kek" to a snarky comment regarding an inside joke and then I just ask her out. There's nothing more to show at all.

I've only ever seen it on Jow Forums or in connection to Pepe.

What does a girl feel like

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a salty bag of coins

Get some bruh!