Ever hit you how the normie's life is like a slip n slide to success where yours is a desparate uphill battle?

ever hit you how the normie's life is like a slip n slide to success where yours is a desparate uphill battle?

the path for a decent life is set for the normal at birth, they've never been put in a situation where they have to choose between multiple evils to get a better life, they've never been neck deep in a shit puddle surrounded by 10 miles of barbed wire and poison tipped caltrops (a metaphor for being stagnant due to poor circumstance), they've never had to entertain the thought of an heroing to avoid poverty.

yet they have the nerve to spew their worthless platitudes that not even they would take if they were in your situation. They are so dumb and out of their depths when it comes to hopeless losers that they literally just start talking out there ass never thinking ONCE they theres not much that can be done.

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The fact is about robots is it is a hollow title, meaning you achieved nothing in life academically, socially, or physically and will probably be a virgin until you die. But at least you have memes right? Well you have something else, but in a very strong dose: humility. True robots are so humble and self loathing that they do not think anything they do is any good in comparison to others and thus not worth anyones time, not even theirs. Which is the problem. You lack confidence. Socially, academically, and physically. Do not let someone make fun of you until you quit. Do not give up because you do not believe in yourself. Work a little harder, study a little longer, talk a little more, but above all things believe in yourself, I do. This is how you become a chad. Confidence

> Humility is your strength
> Have confidence

More of the same confusing shit. Get out.

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I've had some wins, but honestly all of them can be attributed to sheer luck or having the right connections (which I got due to luck, lmao). Every time I've tried to actually earn a win, it just turns into fail.

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However, there is such a thing as too much confidence. You are not entitled to special privileges solely on the basis that you think you are more special than others. You also should listen to the other persons opinion in a conversation, no matter how much you disagree/ how poorly structured the argument is. You will take more away from a conversation by talking and listening than by just talking. You may even change your mind a little. Your opinion is only one of many many opinions that can be had on a certain matter, no one can be right. It is okay to not be afraid to be yourself or to think you matter, but do not overdo it so much more than others to the point that you think that your ideas are the only ones that deserve listening to. Do not make fun of others for lack of ability or not thinking what you think and try to silence/ outcast those who do things better than you only to make yourself feel better

I am saying it is good to have humility but you have too much

It is good to have humility because you see your flaws, learn from them

>the be yurslf bullshit i told about in my post

Ok then how do you like this response instead:
HAHA you're a fucking faggot for not being able to squeak out at least one win. Fuck you because you're an incompetent shit who can't even get the simplest things, like a vagina to fuck.

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* the guise has been lifted, folks. Behold the mightyest beast in society, the chad! hear his roar when he's disagreed with.

ohhh i was just saying your advise was bland stupid bullshit. You can't know whats good for my specific situation thats what i said and i was right, it goes without saying. Go on go fuck stacys sloppy roast this your not supposed to be here to begun with.

Hey I did not write this
I have never had sex or even a girlfriend so why dont you fuck right off and stop making fake posts while you are at it
I wrote these

I'm not saying that I'm Chad. I'm just saying that being a bitch about your failures. Just neck yourself if life is too hard. Meanwhile real robots will actually keep trying to keep out of poverty and not get fully cucked by the system that made them this way.

Maybe if you swallowed your pride and listened you would get the message which is also THE defining characteristic of a normie IMO
Too chad to get laid. What a loser

>if you swallowed your pride and listened you would get the message which is also THE defining characteristic of a normie
normies don't listen at all. that's why they keep giving their normie despite what every robot here tells them

What this faggot is saying, is basically that, your humility is an advantage, but your humility causes inaction due to lack of confidence, thereby you should gain confidence somehow to get to the point where you can perform actions. He is also saying that determination, brute force, and pure will through blackpill like conditions is the only chance for a robot to potentially suceeed, even if the chance is only .000000000000000001% chance of success, it's better then a 0% chance of success, and since you're already at rock bottom, there isn't much risk other then time waste, which you're kinda doing already.

your not chad, even you know why your advice is bullshit. shut up.

not to mention your advice has no consistency to it, first you say robots are the most humble people on the planet next your saying i'm an obnoxious entitled snowflake who does not listen to others opinions.
the message? be confident bro? You can't force being confident only chad can be confident just like that. If you are too achieve anything slimier to that you have to crack open your psyche which is a hell of a challenge to begun with and find out what YOU have to do, your solution won't apply perfectly to other people.

The other side is being too confident makes narcissism

These posts:
Are by a different person than these posts:

I know it is hard, I fail at it at times but if we try and just believe in ourselves overtime we will become better off

The actual problem in your argument is the gaining of confidence, which isn't exactly clear cut. I'll lay it out here, confidence comes from success, so really there is a pretty large loop of you need success for confidence, and confidence for success.

Actually I wrote

fail at what? I'm talking about my entire life not a specific goal.

My goals, I guess. Being social, strong, smart.

and i actually wrote

Cont. but life has goals and not everyones are the same but they help us do well in our lives, whatever that entails. Whatever it entails is up to you

Not always, it can come from anger as well. Anger that you keep losing and are tired of it and you tell yourself I will do this to make up for those losses. Bonus if others believe in you as well

>Being social
Put yourself into positions where you can make mistakes socially and learn, everybody else was able to learn alot from the few mistakes they made, while you learned very little making the same amount of mistakes, socialization is basically a torturous gauntlet of constantly dying, responding, and going through the whole level again, getting over the obstacle you failed to, getting killed by another obstacle further down, and rinsing and repeating until you learn the whole level, or you can watch the ponyfucker show and analyze what makes a good friend or some shit and emulate that
Workout, go to community college and learn about exercising, the classes are typically $45
Study shit, go on sci if you want to self learn from the book suggestions they have, or go on lit and take their suggestions

If you're talking robots, you need to assume worst case scenario, no support group, nothing. Anger doesn't do shit, it's motivating and spurs you to action, but it doesn't give you confidence and it's short lived. Constant anger makes you slip up as well.

Fucking incels, I swear. If you don't like being bullied and treated like shit in life maybe be confident for a change. Not only women love that but your male peers, too.

arguing with normies about this on Jow Forums of all places is a waste of time, because the normies here are all Jow Forumstypes who believe in bootstraps theory and think it's perfectly fine for some unlucky fuck to work 50x harder to achieve the same thing they were born with.

Well then use it for a moment not constantly.

I guess it depends on the goal or situation. But if your only motivational tool is anger, it's a fucking absolutely grueling trek. it's like asking some faggot who's never climbed a mountain before and isn't physically fit, to climb mount Everest without any equipment, guides, or oxygen bottles.

The whole clause about not being entitled to anything special because you think you are special is to target narcissistic people, not those genuinely in need

But soon after you will have some successes to look back on

Cont. IMO if someone has some needs that cannot be met by themselves, then they may ask an authority for help and an authority must provide it, whatever it is, without discrimination

>Never try anything because I'm lazy as shit
>The need for success arises
>I don't take it seriously and I fail
>The moment i invest time into something
>Immidiate success
I'm just unmotivated op

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