Has Jow Forums had an increase in homicidal thoughts since you started lifting?

Has Jow Forums had an increase in homicidal thoughts since you started lifting?

Attached: dexter-fan-art-tony-santiago.jpg (300x439, 168K)

Fuck man he has the exact same hair as me and yes ive been more seriously plotting to assassinate world leaders

nothing this extreme but when i was running today i passed a lady and thought about how easy i could overpower her. these thoughts are rare but i have them more often than i did

I've definitely noticed increased aggression ever since I started lifting, was a timid cuck before

t. Desert person

basedboys disgust me more than they used to

Yes. I want to do some human experiments - find some new shit out - science bitches

no but i have had an increase in homisexual thoughts

Came here to post this

same thb. but by world leaders I mean globalists and pornographers obviously



about the usual amounts